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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Good morning Jed. You and yours are always in the thoughts of the Mooch City dwellers.
  2. Oh that is absolutely hilarious, S/C. I can see it all. Poor Tango must have been sooooo shocked at not getting his way. Way to go, girl. (Obviously it is a day for the girls !!)
  3. Mufti is having tomato paste in his food everyday. I haven't noticed any changes yet, but then he has stopped biting his bottom - thank goodness. He enjoys it too. I probably put about two teaspoons in just one of his meals, either breakfast or dinner.
  4. Good to hear that Kuma is okay. As for Japanese names, although he wasn't an Akita, Kisho's (a rescue dog I have just rehomed) name is Japanese also. It is from a book called “Dog Man: An Uncommon Life on a Faraway Mountain” by Martha Sherrill. The book is the story of Morie (Mor-ee-ay) Sawataishi and his obsessive devotion and dedication to bringing the Akita back from virtual extinction after the World War II. A man who know that Morie was looking for excellent specimens of the breed had brought a puppy, Three Good Lucks, to Morie and Morie had taken the dog who turned out to be truly magnificent in both physical beauty and nature. Extract from the book: Morie wanted to find a simpler way to define and express the essential thing about Three Good Lucks that made him stand apart, aside from physical beauty and strength – things that were easy to spot. There had to be one concept that could cover all the ground, one expression that could be used to define an ideal, if only in Morie’s mind. Eventually he came up with something. He decided that Three Good Lucks had kisho. [in the book the two characters that make up the meaning are printed here.] Ki means spirit. Sho means personality or disposition. Together, as Morie interprets the characters, these two ideas mean: vitality, good energy, good instincts, intelligence, and alertness. “It’s a personality trait, a kind of strength and life force,” Morie says. “These inner qualities are less easy to pinpoint, but you can see them if you look carefully in a dog’s eyes – and study a dog’s reactions to the world.” The book is really worth reading, totally fascinating.
  5. I think I go along with the above as well. Except I don't want those dancing elephants to fall on Charlie :D
  6. You've got onto it early and hopefully your diligence will pay off for Kuma. I find it interesting actually, because I've recently rescued a little dog from Renbury pound who, judging by her teeth, could be ancient. Yet she is lively, happy and she came through the vet examination with flying colours and if it weren't for her dreadful teeth, you'd think she was maybe only middle aged.
  7. I wish you lived here too! . You'd be great advertising for the shop I'm sure!! (then I could pay my vet bills! ) I'd be out on the footpath spruiking
  8. I think that this is the point a lot of people miss or don't get.
  9. A beautiful tribute for a really beautiful dog. Find Sari, please Magnus, and teach her to love and accept love the way you have given and received so much.
  10. Oh, what a gorgeous little darling. I wish I lived in Adelaide so I could frequent your shop and make sure everyone I knew (or even those I didn't) did so too.
  11. I have a housesitter coming in when I go away later this year, but she is a vet nurse at the vets I go to and she has met all my dogs. However, as she is getting a new puppy, I've said she can have her puppy here because he will have only been with her a couple of weeks when she comes here. She thinks she will be taking him to work with her in any case. As he is a very small breed, I will be asking her to crate him/her if she goes out without taking him, simply because I'd hate the pup to hurt himself, falling downstairs or something like that. I am sure my dogs will totally ignore him - LOL. Apart from that, I think I go along with the majority. As Mooper says: too many variables.
  12. You have every right to brag :D . Some dogs are more empathetic than others, I believe and yours definitely seem to have picked up on and adjusted their behavaiour to your "fragile" state. I hope, btw, that your operation is 100% successful and you are healed and well very quickly. Maybe they could become hospital visitors?
  13. Don't go back !! Nothing worse than supposed trainers/socialisers who don't do their job. Perhaps find out who the pug owner is and have some interaction with owner and pug. Agree - don't go back. I don't know personally, but from what I read on DOL there are too many cowboys around Socialisation as a puppy is more important than being up to date with vaccinations. No doubt that opinion will horrify some people, but I have discussed this view with some vets and they tend to agree as well. I'd give Luci Ellem a try. Going by the website posted, she is the lady who trains the Camana Dancing Dogs troup.
  14. [parts of your post deleted for convenience of reply ] As I don't want to be banned for using the worst language ever on DOL, I will refrain from making a comment on the hospital system. Perhaps if your friend was okay with it, you could say what town you are in and then you'd probably find DOLers in the vicinity who would be more than happy to share a bit of the nursing .... and stiff drinks of course That made me laugh. I wondered about that. Poor you - must have been so difficult. A thought - if you have the contact details of the people who shot the video, why don't you contact them and tell them about being released before you can care for yourself? We could all get to see that sexy dressing gown again.
  15. Looks like a couple of excellent options for Pipsal. Hope you get help in getting them down, Pipsal. A drive from Rockhampton to Brisbane detouring to the various places seems the go.
  16. He is looking just beautiful, K9A. But Jack is sure growing as well! He doesn't look a baby any more, a real little boy now! Gypsy looks happy too.
  17. A spray container of anything that wouldn't end with your being accused of carrying "a dangerous weapon": hairspray, deodorant, cheap perfume. A dreadful experience for you and Misty. I hope she makes a quick and full recovery and you get your nerve back. It can take a while and sometimes it's too hard and you turn around and go home. But it will happen.
  18. It is, but would they take the little pups? I think it is worth a try and posted a link earlier in the thread. OT: I bought a brick a couple of years ago for their new building fund raising
  19. Thank goodness you have a diagnosis. I know it can be scary, but really having a dog on a restricted diet is not very hard and you have all your contacts in the supply side of things, so you should be able to get a lot of assistance there. The only problem I found was not being able to give the dogs bones and leave bones lying around. Of course, I am not down playing it, and it can be another straw on the load, but it isn't a death sentence. It does mean eternal vigilance of course - something I found out the hard way :p and worse for my dog. I've had two dogs with pancreatitis: one who was on a very restricted diet for the rest of her life and another (Jeune - who is still with me) who has had only one episode, but they kept her in hospital on a drip for about 4 days. Aparently one of the most important things with an episode is to not have any food until the inflamation has settled down. Good luck. Hugs and kisses to you and the little ones and keep us informed as to Banshee's progress.
  20. I agree. They look like puppies who will make wonderful happy and loyal dogs. Can I suggest you clip their nails? Interesting to see the lighter coloured dogs; I imagine they are a mix of several breeds. Gorgeous. Keep us informed as to how the moving goes. All the best.
  21. I don't look at G/tree, the Urgent forum is bad enough. But that ad is truly disgusting. I'd be tempted to apply for the dog and go around with lots of pepper spray and place an order with King of Poos for a delivery.
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