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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. That's good news, I'm sure the children will learn very quickly to be gentle. I don't care what my donation is used for, so long as helps Missty and her family ;)
  2. Ooooh makes me feel queasy in the tum to think of a thorn in an eye. I adopted a dog many years ago who had had a tick in her eye ;) and she was a right as rain. Poor Bindi will be feeling pretty sorry for herself for a couple of days, no doubt. Mumma will make it all better again, though. :D
  3. this made me laugh Me too - LOL. I go to a veterinary hospital where the vets really make you feel that the most important thing they have done that day is to see you and whichever pet you happen to have at that particular visit. OMG!! Well said and very insightful Saxonpup. I've met CW_EW and you have absolutely hit the nail on the head.
  4. Try monthly - even worse trying to sort out what you can and can't do :D . However, that is totally off topic .As RANDCMORE says, it sure makes you realise how very tiny some things we see as problems are.
  5. I am sure that won't happen. They are just doing the right thing and advising you of all possibilities. Hugs to you all and Bindi most especially.
  6. Wow!!! How kind, Holly's mum Jeez, Jed! I don't know we realised how badly burnt you were. :p ;) I wish Harminee's magic wand she used in the "waiting room" was for real.
  7. Well that should well and truly cover Missty's vet costs. I hope more comes in just to help the family in a general way.
  8. Gosh!! Well who is looking after YOU while you run around looking after others?? $200 doesn't seem much, but then every little helps. Hope you are soon totally well again.
  9. Yes please . Poor little darling, I hope her recovery is swift. Better off without a leg that is going to cause continued pain and suffering.
  10. If we "suffer" like this with our dogs, god help us with children. Mind you, when someone stopped me in the street and asked me if I'd sell him my dogs, when I was able to speak :D , I gasped, "Would you sell your children?"
  11. Amazing and wonderful news. I often think of him and how difficult it must be having a loved one (four legs or two) with a long term and basically wait and see condition. You have done so well, all of you. Adding EW to the mix must have helped too.
  12. I have sent this story to Malcolm Turnbull.... he has a couple of dollars to spare, so I thought he might be interested to learn about PACERS and this particularly sad story.
  13. Yes, please. Thank Carrie too. Donation being made.
  14. Isn't that just too wonderful. You think you are bringing them home to have a couple of decent few weeks and the just keep on keeping on :D Happy Anniversary Not sure about her very eclectic eating habits, though
  15. This is just unbelievably tragic. That poor poor family. I will donate tomorrow. I am in shock.
  16. A groomer I used a couple of times worked from her home and one day she was looking after her daughter's little Bull Terrier. The little BT was absolutely gorgeous and when I said so, the woman asked me if I was joking - LOL. She was so used to unfavourable comments that she was stunned when I raved on about how gorgeous the little dog was. I think that we have to remember that even people who own dogs generally don't know much about the different breeds and have to cut them a bit of slack - but it can get tedious to hear the same comments over and over again.
  17. Ha ha ha - well I'm glad to be the inspiration for something . . . . . Jeune is a burrower under the blankets as well. I'll go into the bedroom with my first cup of coffee and call out, "Where's Lumpy Pumpy?" Tamar leaps onto the bed with wiggles of delight and the blankets start to move - being a law unto herselt, Jeune may or may not emerge but if she does, she rolls over onto her back, her tail going like the clappers wanting a belly rub. I have long since given up worrying about cot death .
  18. My experience has nothing to do with breeding, just an example of sheer ignorance. I bought two puppies (one from a BYB - knew nothing at the time - and one from a breeder). I was a nervous wreck, particularly at the way they curled up to sleep and I asked my vet if dogs could die of cot death :p . He didn't laugh at me either. Apart from knowing all about vaccinations, health checks and microchipping (although it wasn't legislated then), about all I knew was that they were dogs. The best thing that happened for the sake of my future dogs was that I became a volunteer dog walker at a pound.
  19. Anyone who is a friend of someone like that probably wouldn't report her if they saw her with a pet. However, now that she has been in the newspapers, other members of the community might - it is to be hoped.
  20. Yes, ladybird - LOL. So many nursery rhymes are horrible Ooops, I forgot to say that that photograph is just brilliant, Persephone.
  21. :D It isn't even 24 hours since their first post. Not everyone accesses their personal messages and forums at work on their boss's time.
  22. They certainly have the huge personalities to match their mum's photographic skills
  23. :D I haven't read the whole thread. But I have to ask you: have you ever been set upon by three very large dogs? I am getting quite dismayed by all the dog bite threads in which people show very little sympathy for the people who are attached. Try to imagine what it would be like to be an innocent bystander suddenly being set upon by three very large dogs. I wonder whether you'd be calling it laughable then when people/police came to your aid and then pursued the dogs by whatever means possible. Yes, my heart aches for these dogs, but get real. More than two years after the incident, I still have the scars from being bitten THROUGH A FLEECY by an SWF. I hate to think what I'd look like if I'd had a few puncture wounds from dog/s the size of a Ridgeback.
  24. Jake was a special dog loved by special people.
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