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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Edited because I didn't look at dates. Poor doggies, I hope they are found safe and well soon.
  2. Isn't there a sticky or something on websites about what to do when your dog/s go missing. I'm sure there is - will take a look around.
  3. I don't even the goal post settings would help here, because there are too many goal posts . Poor dog. I'm glad she has you on her side, Saxonpup, and hopefully you will be able to make your friend see the damage she is doing to her little dog.
  4. As long as it isn't changed to affect Scarlet Ruby's rehoming, at least she would be safe . Can you advertise more widely for transport, Nic. Anti BSL pages, etc etc.
  5. I think the first black one is George. We met him a few weeks ago at Kroll Gardens and invited them along. Pandii, I am pretty sure that is Sasha. Dieseldog, you do the most amazing photos. I think you should be official Peiradise rescue photographer!! Was Sasha aka Peaches??
  6. Please explain "parental canine control". In this household the canines control the parent - LOL. Not really, they are actually very good little dogs and, yes, she is very cute . No TV in the bedroom.
  7. You must all be devastated. I do hope he makes his way home. OT: How uncivilised humanity still is to use baits
  8. Let me warn you folks. If you follow dogmad's instructions to the letter, you will be in the yard at some ungodly hour in the middle of the night leaping around like a whirling Dervish telling your dogs how good they are. :D
  9. +1. That poor dog. She has no routine and she doesn't know who is her "person". I think your friend needs to have a good hard look at what she is doing to the dog. :D
  10. Corgis are such lovely looking dogs. The photo is really great, def special.
  11. That water is so clear. Great spot for soul soothing.
  12. She is waiting for a tummy rub :D . Generally she starts to wag her tail as well which looks very funny.
  13. Went into the bedroom and this is what I saw . Instead of clapping my hands and sternly ordering her off (not supposed to be on the bed until it is turned down ), I had to get the camera :D
  14. What a wonderful gathering. People must wonder whether they need their eyes checked - LOL. A Proliferation of Pei :D
  15. We need a sticky: Dogmad's toilet training tips.
  16. These sorts of "appearances" will happen for a long time and probably off and on forever. It is very very hard and my heart go out to you dealing with this huge loss. A tiny little rescue of mine died just over two years ago and I can say, hand on heart, that not a day goes by still that I do not think of him. He used to do the "boundary check" of the fences and I can still see him - he was all of 2 kilos and had a funny little plodding walk when he was on a mission to smell every fence and every blade of grass. This is Tirra - the little black and white dog; Red Danny, thank god, is still with me. ETA: Looking at the pix (I haven't for a long time) made me remember that my brother is sitting on the floor because Tirra was trying to get on his lap and couldn't manage it. So he sat on the floor so Danny could smooch too.
  17. I missed this, GTChick . Very raw and heartbreaking for you. Deepest condolences.
  18. [ just part of post quoted]I was sitting here reading all the posts and thinking how shocking that so many dogs die of cancer and recalling my own experience. Not as quick and shocking as yours and many other, Moselle, but in retrospect, it should have been . My Nammu (1993-2002) was diagnosed with cancer and was PTS 6 weeks later. We tried to give him comfort and more time by removing his spleen, but we should have let him go. As has been said, by the time it is evident that something is wrong, it is too late. Hugs to all of us and our precious companions.
  19. Pia's just waiting until Kitty is a bit bigger . . . . . . . . . . . Great photos.
  20. This is so true, because dogs are just so stoic and brave in the face of pain. Rest easy Sophie. My sincerest condolences, Moselle. Such a shock and tragic way to lose such a beloved companion.
  21. They looked like Malamutes or crosses of to me as well. I don't think I'll watch it again ..... I'm despairing enough of the human race as it is :D ;)
  22. I haven't joined this thread until now, because it seems such a sad story. But I have to agree with Christina. Over the years, I've had my dogs and countless ones coming and going, you'd think I'd be immune, but every so often, after and during a visit to the vets, I will get the coughs and sneezes and runny nose and eyes. This makes me think that some reactions (maybe most, I have no way of knowing) are specific dog related, or specific breed and really, once you start thinking about it, there are so many variables: shampoo, conditioner, doggy perfumes, etc etc. I hope a solution other than rehoming Ollie can be found.
  23. I was totally gobsmacked at the sheer stupidity of the man involved and how everyone let him get away with it to the extent that the lives of everyone in the family were being ruined (except the man who such a lazy self centred doozy). I guess it would be a repeat, but for those people who have seen past shows, it was the one with the two dogs called Molly and Alfie and the family lived in a cul de sac where it had reached the stage that the neighbours were going to have to take action. There was also a snippet on a woman who had 30 odd huskies and raced with them. When I saw all the huskies together all getting on well (at least in the show :D ) and seemingly pretty laid back, I couldn't help but think that would have been heaven for K9Angel - LOL.
  24. It will be sad if it their pet, but you have to do it. Hugs to them and to you.
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