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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. So its the usual practice, just moving to Homebush or opening a new branch? I have been there too many times in the past, as well as the one at Delhi Road. Cameron (I am assuming you mean Cameron Whittaker) is tops !!
  2. Clever Tag Mumsie, your little girl is amazing. I wonder if it happened by accident once or whether she thought it out?
  3. Don't waste time, breath or effort trying to understand or hoping Bonnie's previous people will be visited by wrathful entities . We will never understand. Bonnie has you now and that is all that matters. I am sure animals live in the present and all she will know from now on is your love and care, a happy tummy, a soft warm bed and loving snuggles. Well done.
  4. Wish I had shares ;) It is great that animals have the possibility of going to a place where they have all the up to date equipment, all the diagnostic equipment, 24 hours veterinary care; just the knowledge that there is somewhere you can take your pets at any hour of any day is a huge comfort. ....... even if Danny's little tummy upset cost me a thousand dollars .
  5. Danny is the fun police. If two other dogs are playing he goes rushing in and spoils it
  6. I would have thought that a 3.5 months old pup could start chewing on a bone. Just a thought ;) My dogs are very fussy eaters despite the fact that I do not pander to them in as much that if they don't eat when I put the food down, well they don't get another chance until next meal time. I have found that they do like Lamb noisettes which have enough meat on them for a feed and then the bones are small enough for them to happily chew on for ages. I also buy dried roo tails for small dogs. A long time ago and in a different house, I had someone staying with me with her two dogs whom she fed Pal and Smacko strips ...... and never did poo patrol. Not a pleasant time with a very small back yard ;) :p
  7. Even with his health problems in the beginning, Tango really is a lovely looking dog. Pepper is a total princess of course, and we'll always have a very very soft spot for Wumba
  8. Well, I heard recently that you were guilty of nicking lofties. I was quite shocked Gosh, Feef. And I was going to ask you to find me a nice docile wolfie one of these days. May have to go elsewhere
  9. And I am pretty sure that November is Varicool's little JuneBug :rolleyes: ;)
  10. Thanks - you beat me too it ;) . Off to look.
  11. Well I was called a drama queen (and worse) by a DOLer and accused of spreading gossip about her. Apart from the fact that I never have any gossip to spread, I don't know any people this person knows to spread gossip. Ho hum - too old for such stupidity :rolleyes: ;) No delicious rumours about the dogs to laugh over. I hope I don't dream about Danny and Jeune having 18 puppies, though
  12. ... and I think she may be currently on hols down here in Vic... could be wrong She is on her big road trip :rolleyes: and bridesmaid duties, but away for only a fortnight.
  13. After behaviourist and veterinary tests, perhaps fostering an older happier Golden for a rescue group to see how that goes. Just a thought.
  14. I know nothing about showing, but I know about not frightening puppies Frankly, I think the judge is nuts and not just with the extreme handling; that long hair swishing everywhere, getting into dogs' eyes, flapping against their faces, etc etc, I'm surprised she hasn't been bitten. Testament to the good behaviour of dogs on the table. She seemed to have a case of verbal diarrhoea too. Poor dog.
  15. Good heavens - that is amazing. Duck would be very fit, chasing the dog up and down the yard.
  16. That is awful :D . Condolences to all who love her.
  17. That is hilarious. And they look in such beautiful condition How funny that one of them just sits there - in both videos :D
  18. It is a question my previous vet and I used to ponder: do dogs have a concept of time and remembrance of a previous life? By previous life, I mean, the previous home/s they came from before they ended up in a pound or rescued. I rescued a little mini foxie who was at death's door and had she no have been rescued and treated would have been dead in days. My vet used to wonder if she remembered how sick and how much pain she was in and could think how much better she felt being in a loving home and having her illnesses treated. Obviously dogs and other animals have instinctive memory: they remember being afraid when a hand is raised, they remember being happy when the toys come out for play. But can they consciously think about how happier they are "now" and how awful their lives used to be and make a comparison. Well I don't think we can say one way or the other. Your posts about Tobias are some of the most heartwarming ever, Newfsie, and the photographs are testament to the wonderful lives they all have. If one of them was to drop dead as we speak, he/she would die a completely happy animal. I know your sorrow is that Tobias has not had a longer happier life apart from the time he has spent with you and that you have come to love him immensely. When he is gone, you will look at leaves photographs and know that, whatever went before, in his final months/year/s, he had the best life a dog could.
  19. Why is that disturbing? Why not have some fun things in the media instead of an almost exclusive diet of death and destruction.
  20. Exactly. Blimey we can't even have a bit of fun these days without some PC intervention. More of it, I cry ;)
  21. Some seriously funny fotos here . Honeychild - I'm in love with your little Shih Tzu :)
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