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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Ah, such a hard, sad time, Dogmad. Pepper sure looks a special little character. I'm sure she knew you loved her and she would have loved you, too.
  2. Deepest condolences, Pheebs. What an amazing tribute you have written. It is the story of a journey through life, really, and very very touching. I had goose bumps several times, particularly your paragraph about leaving Tess's body to the University. How incredibly hard that must be, such a truly selfless decision. Dogs are known for their unconditional love and I think you have displayed that.
  3. KUGES ;) I had to drop Tamar off at the vet today for a dental and a lady was there with her 19 year old cat who looked just like an adult cat. Some animals like people are just meant to live long lives. Kuges is pretty damn special
  4. That would freak me out. I refused to rehome a dog to a person living in a unit block that had a central well going from the top floor to the ground with just waist high balconies overlooking the atrium on each floor :D
  5. Yes, yes and yes. And keep us posted as to any action. Thanks.
  6. You have to be forceful, mita. This is the way: Update pics will always be welcome ;) ;) ;)
  7. I did try to get that across to her - maybe in the other thread - but apparently to no effect
  8. I am off today to look for these because I know the pet meat "steaks" I am buying in Woollies are packed with preservatives, but I am wondering what I can expect to pay per kilo for kangaroo? I will be checking out butchers, of course - but haven't been in one for years (vegetarian). For the mince or the bones? I buy $3 bags of the roo tails with meat chunks on them from Peto's in Brookvale. The bags are about 2 kilos each. The mince is about $5.00 for 1 kilo? Thanks for that, Hanna. Right out of my way, but probably worth a special trip. I bought some mince at Woolworths just to try them out on it - $7.85 for a kilo, Heart Fdn approved. I couldn't see any tails; maybe next time.
  9. I am off today to look for these because I know the pet meat "steaks" I am buying in Woollies are packed with preservatives, but I am wondering what I can expect to pay per kilo for kangaroo? I will be checking out butchers, of course - but haven't been in one for years (vegetarian).
  10. Yes :D But most of us do, even when they are left in their home with loving house-sitters ;)
  11. Increase it I'd say. Only at first and be trained out of it. Many dogs will be bark when others do; not sure that breed would be a large factor. I have been having a couple of practice wolf choirs in the last week or so, because Jeune had become a bit vocal - LOL.
  12. :D Just my very small experience. In the past year, I have rescued from pounds a pure bred German Spitz (about 2 years old) and a cross German Spitz (about 7 years old). I can honestly say that these two dogs were two of the nicest dogs I have ever had and I hear regularly from the people who adopted them. They are both totally in love with these dogs and apart from the cross having a few health issues which didn't surface when he was here, they are happy, playful, good natured dogs. Both are really lovely dogs in looks and nature.
  13. My heart goes out to you T&S, and for Tara too who has lost her mate of a life time. As Rysup said, I have so many dogs that over the years, there have always been other dogs there (except for my very first couple). You are having a hard time of it; best wishes for your mum's treatment.
  14. And so you have every right to be. I'm having a little teary as well. Dear little Jack - he is just the best boy.
  15. Wow! Gorgeous Indy . And Louis is just sooooooo handsome
  16. How exciting, Lic. Those photographs were so striking (pun totally intended ).
  17. Are you sure? Can you not contact them and say: I want my dog to be seen by a specialist XYZ? It is also an emergency centre. Many years ago, I witnessed a dog attack (the attacked dog was an Assistance Dog to a vision impaired woman and the owner of the attacking dog stood in her front yard and offered no assistance ) and I got the dog and the owner and her son into my car and took them straight to Strathfield.
  18. Can you tell me where, please? I've been going to the same pet food supplier for years, but he had to retire due to ill health. Since then, I've tried two places who home deliver and another place about an hour's drive away from me. The dogs have enjoyed any of the food. Since then, I've been getting their raw from Woolworths - a pet food product called "Supreme Steaks". For about the first time ever, the dogs are hoing into their food, but their poops are huge, not messy, but it seems to indicate that there is a bit of excessive something or other in the food. I give them dried kangaroo tails which they loves, so obviously there is something about kangaroo meat that appeals to them.
  19. How wonderful. I often think of the dog that White Shepherd sent to someone who needed help - or just the companionship. I hope the love is still flourishing.
  20. D'ya think if I practiced my Woofing, they'd take me in for a bit of RNR? It sounds fabulous, KL. Thank you for telling us all about it. I have been so many times to Strathfield over the years that I have their number on my mobile, so I'll check to get their new phone number.
  21. But didn't you tell me that when I met you at the Brisbane Ekka ;) :D Cheap at twice the price, Wazza If I was asked that, I would respond: Just love. :D
  22. Thanks Vi! Definitely a laugh out loud moment for me Because dumbing down is across the whole spectrum of society. And of course the byb or petshops tell the buyers that the dog IS a breed. Remember the thread where someone was told that Staffies are the only dogs with the five "moles" on their faces
  23. Yes that's him. He saved my dog, literally! Archie was diagnosed at under six months of age with very rare especially due to his age and highly aggressive iris melanoma. We expected him to at the very least loose his eye from it (and it was possible had it spread that we could have lost him) but Cameron not only saved the eye but my boy actually has vision in that eye. Considering the melanoma took more than half the iris in one eye so the lasers had to be very aggressive it wad nothing short of a miracle in skill that Cameron did. Cannot sing the praises of him any more if I tried! and the staff there are brilliant. What an amazing outcome for Archie.
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