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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Compassionately and well said, Snook. The boldened bit is generally the reason people commit suicide research shows. Very sad when anyone takes their own lives but yes, he had many other options available to him. Clearly a damaged and sad individual. Why damaged. These comments are harsh and lacking in compassion. Agree, Bite Me.
  2. Excellent news, Puglvr. Whisper in his little ear that he a DOL following and we want to see photos of him as a healthy, mature adult . . . . eventually.
  3. That is a great response, Ams. I'm thrilled for you and for the dogs.
  4. http://www.emsaust.com.au/userfiles/File/2012%20Sydney%20Pet%20&%20Animal%20Expo%20Floor%20Plans.pdf Hope this works
  5. Exactly. You'd check them out just a bit more thoroughly in terms of their ability and willingness to help dogs through what, if any, issues they had and then be able to let them go to new owners.
  6. I used to try to get a rescuer to advertise for foster carers and, from her reaction, you'd think I was suggesting she pimp her daughter - :laugh:
  7. True Staffyluv. It is great when you have such an easy going playful dog. It teaches dogs who might have had not such a great time with previous owners that life can be good. Mine have always been accepting of all the fosters who have come and gone, but they won't play with them - LOL. Danny, Jeune and Tamar are the original three and they stick together. Poor Myrtie is desperate to play with Tamar, but Tamar won't have anything to do with her. Tamar's playmate is Danny and her soulmate is Jeune and she isn't about to change.
  8. Sounds so good, Staffyluv. I think this one should be an FF . . . . . . Just for Ziggy of course ;) ;)
  9. How many prospective fosters do you have, Ams. We advertise for homes for our dogs, why not advertise for fosters?
  10. All the best for the little boy to make a full recovery.
  11. Good luck, Ams. I've seen the surrendered Pei down here. Poor girl. I hope you manage to get her out. And let me add my bit: I used to help Shar Pei Rescue here in Sydney/Central Coast and frankly they are wonderful dogs. I met so many and they were adorable. My car is probably still harbouring the hairs of about 1/2 dozen. Squishy squashing a Pei's face? Once is definitely not enough.
  12. It's only a different story if people on that thread are on this one and giving different advice :D
  13. Unbelievable. You are very good, Poison, to be trying to work out something to help this little dog. My thoughts are that you talk to your parents and convince them that the dog needs to be desexed asap. Have your parents taken the dog to a vet? If so and the dog has been living with your parents for some considerable time, the vet may be able to overlook difference in ownership if the dog is microchipped to your brother. If the dog isn't microchipped: "Possession is 9/10ths of the Law". :) Keep the faith, Poison, and don't wait for another litter of dogs to be pound fodder.
  14. I was looking elsewhere because he doesn't look desexed to me.
  15. Thanks Nic. K9A - I was thinking of you and Jack this morning. How is it all going?
  16. Makes you wonder where they were when things like this happen. Over the years, I had a few scares and it is just the worst feeling. I've also had a few chases down the street . One dog I was fostering went through the cat flap which is in a waist high window. One of the reason that home checks are so important when rehoming a dog, I believe :laugh: . You get to see things that others don't. Anyway, great news about Kosmo.
  17. I've sent a link to my sister and my niece in Brisbane, Sue, hoping they might be able to provide assistance from time to time. Good luck with your venture.
  18. I've just come across this, Rozzie. Mandrake was a very handsome man. Every time one of our beautiful creatures passes away, the space where they used to be is so powerfully empty. They make such a difference to our lives, when they are here and when they are gone. Sincere condolences, Rozzie.
  19. I can't get over the wonderfully intense eyes that Takoda has - such a stunning dog. And everyone, start saving your Rescue Remedy for K9Angel for when she has to leave Jack at school - LOL.
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