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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Yes, it wouldn't have been the parents of the child who were at fault . It is his right as a child to go into other's yards and steal.
  2. What a load of total claptrap. The OP's anger management has been brought up and heavily criticised throughout this thread. Frankly, the way he dealt with his anger/frustration was helluva lot better than other examples I have witnessed on DOL. Many self development/psychological courses suggest that you bash a pillow with a softball bat, have a boxing bout with whatever those big hanging poles that boxing studios have and release anger and frustrations this way. I am simply over-awed at all the calm, collected and totally rational people who have offered advice in this thread and in such calm, collected and totally rational ways. No hint of abuse, no hint of censure, no hint of anger. You are all to be congratulated.
  3. The cynics among us and those who've been around for a while probably know why. Well said, Crisovar.
  4. Oh lord, that's enough to bring on a fit of the weepies. Your beautiful dogs are following in Rigel's pawprints, Newfsie. They are fortunate to be owned by someone committed to the breed and their happiness.
  5. It is beautiful. Did the Newfoundland on the Titanic survive
  6. Because some groups and some people have been found to have extremely questionable ethics and practices, it doesn't make it right to shoot first and demand explainations later simply because someone new comes onto the DOL scene. As was done in this case.
  7. Kenreb wasn't exactly asked "simple questions". The organisations' credentials, ability, honesty, practises, etc, were called into question from the start. I have always found it amusing (for want of a better word) that so many people have the idea that if something isn't on DOL, it either doesn't exist or it is new/underhand/dishonest/incapable. DOL isn't the be all and end all of everything to do with dogs. I know nothing of Kenreb, but I do know that there are plenty of people who are on the DOL forums who are highly regarded simply because of longevity. How many of the people who criticise and leap from great heights on newcomers have actually checked some of the "old timers" out to see if THEY are actually doing the right thing. I have personally met people who are highly regarded here yet I would not trust them for 5 seconds and would not give them a cent of my hard earned money.
  8. And his biggest mistake was thinking he would get only reasoned and helpful advice here. He has certainly been given that, but unfortunately it is in the minority, and he would need to be very calm and self contained to work through this thread to find it.
  9. How wonderful to read this update. Thank you so much Boronia. The original kidnap story was just so sad, such a ghastly and tragic experience for Conchetta and Tonto. May Conchetta and Manny be blessed with many more offspring. Sad that the perpetrators of the kidnap have not been found and punished.
  10. Surely this would be a police matter? Why should the woman have to implement proceedings. There has been a horrific attack resulting in life changing injuries. If a human being had done this, the police/State would be prosecuting.
  11. That is just so sad for all concerned. Totally off topic of course, but I have to have a rant at "the system" that has created a revolving door in and out of prison for the intellectually impaired. What an amazing couple Max and Karen are. What a shame they couldn't be supported to give work to someone like the owner of the dog and cat - so sad that they are separated again. There are government programs which do this.
  12. That would have to be one helluva pizza if that's a slice. Whimsy is right weasels - LOL.
  13. How awful and sad. I'm afraid with 5 dogs here, the poor cat would be traumatised. Wish I could wave a magic wand and make things better for them.
  14. Thanks Katdogs and HonBun. All well here, Danny is going grey, Miss Yoda is as gorgeous as ever with Madam Lash emerging when we get into bed. Mufti the Magnificent crossed The Bridge in October and sadly, in line with this thread, I cannot say that the other dogs mourned. I certainly did and will continue to do so. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/192107-mufti-the-magnificent-moocher/
  15. That stupid stupid vengeful man. Should have a court order slapped on him.
  16. Such a beautiful story of love and devotion. May Tommy and Jessie continue their bond in another world. Thank you for this tribute to them, BCPuppy.
  17. Little Bean was indeed a brave soul and it is so very very sad she was taken from you at such a young age. In time, may you find another precious one to fill the house again.
  18. I've just noticed this thread, K9A. What a nightmare for you all. Tess is indeed a lovely looking girl and I hope she makes a full recovery. Will she be going home to your mum or convalescing with you? One of my rescue doggies was in hospital for eight days after being diagnosed with pyometra just after I'd brought her home from the pound. She was in a dreadful mess, poor little thing. She was elderly, but not as old as Tess, and had other medical issues. Keep us posted on Tess's progress.
  19. I don't think you need to apologise. It's like people in the not so distant past (and probably still is with some people) saying, "Just get over it." Or, "Pull yourself together." I can't recall if the article said the time between the dog's death and the man's, but however long it was, that period of time would have been pure anguish for the man. No matter what the cause, surely we can feel compassion for that sort of suffering.
  20. And a very reasoned and sensible and understanding two cents' worth, Cassie. The situation sounds awful and my thoughts are that no amount of behaviour assessments, advise or assistance are ever going to change it. One of the dogs will have to be rehomed before more damage is done just in the effort to keep them apart and the stressful situation you are all living in.
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