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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Get real John McAteer. I don't care how many photos of children are posted if posting them helps catch criminals. Too often "a responsible adult" just isn't around.
  2. Much too often - just look at the thread on the Dogue puppy stolen from the vet. That was obviously planned.
  3. As I said before !!! Thank god Buckie is safe at home. Her family must be just gobsmacked at the way people think they can steal a dog just because they want to. They'll be too scared to leave her alone anymore. Horrible horrible people who stole.
  4. As the topic says: I have two crates available preferably for pick up as they are heavy and I have torn several muscles in my shoulder.
  5. From the first post: "She is a sick puppy and is under veterinary care and she needs to be returned to a vet ASAP."
  6. WOW!! Headlines in the Sydney Morning Herald together with CCTV footage of the boy carrying Buckie. I just pray that they find Buckie safe and well and the book is thrown at those who took her.
  7. Sometimes I feel like crying at the sight of dog hair on everything. Impossible to get rid off In another life, I would not appear in public with unbrushed clothes and would spend ages at the ironing board making clothes were lint free. I still make a token effort, but generally speaking, I guess I have learnt to live with it. Marion01 - doggy heaven there. Persephone - isn't that a great caroon? Love it. I have it saved somewhere.
  8. When I had a doggy door that I didn't have to clip open, the dogs soon learned to stand back and wait after one dog had gone through ..... so they wouldn't get whacked on the nose by the swinging door - LOL. Gussy Cat's door is into my bedroom and she will push through the door, the blinds and the curtains. They is smart !!!
  9. Kisho and Caramel: the best dogs I've ever rescued and both went to owners a rescuer can only dream of for every dog. Melbourne here I come - LOL.
  10. Maybe Kisho's soul came from "the East" :laugh:
  11. Well the breeder should be totally ashamed.
  12. They obviously recognise they are all Tibetan :D :D
  13. Oh dear! I imagine some problems in the future when TM grows up. Poor dogs mnight suffer from the sounds of this. Should not be an issue if raised correctly my entires best mate is another entire small breed male. Nothing to do with whether dogs are entire or not. The owner is already having problems with his existing dogs and he has brought in a third.
  14. What a great idea I swear to god, Kirislin, you take the best photos and tell the best stories. "A day in the life of Kirislin" would trump what some people do in a year.
  15. Hey! HarperLee ..... lookee what I came across :D :D http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/198022-home-visit-prospective-home-for-kisho/page__p__4595000__hl__kisho__fromsearch__1#entry4595000
  16. I've used Vebo Pets in the past, but the last time I bought something on line, they delivered the wrong item. Despite the fact that I needed a crate urgently, they would not deliver the right item until I'd sent the wrong one back. That is, they would not bring out the correct item and take the wrong one back in one delivery - very rude and unaccommodating.
  17. On the opening page of this link, there is a photo of a beagle going through a door. Years ago, I bought one of these from a pet supplies shop and then had a glass company put it in. Because of the sort of glass in my sliding door, they warned me there was a 75% chance that the glass would shatter and then I would need a new door with diffent sort of glass which would accommodate the cutting for the doggy door. Glass shattered . HarperLee, I don't get what they said about magnetic; my door has the magnets and you know the size of my dogs. However, because I have had tiny tiny dogs in the past (and still have one in Myrtie), I have the door propped open most of the time anyway. If I had the decision to make again, I would get one of those Pig In Mud insert doors.
  18. Oh dear! I imagine some problems in the future when TM grows up. Poor dogs mnight suffer from the sounds of this.
  19. Hey welcome HarperLee. I see you managed to post your query . You need to move to Sydney so your "Children" can come to me if you need to go away ...... or I could go to them - LOL.
  20. With 5 dogs and one cat, my flea/tick treatments are pretty expensive too and I buy them online from Priceless Pets. I must compare them with Budgets Pets. Ned must be getting a bit long in the tooth now :). I have been into this shop many times over the years and do find them expensive. For raw food and dried food like liver and kangaroo jerky I use Aussie Pet Foods. They used to have an outlet at Haberfield, but now operate out of their factory at 10 Shirlow Street Marrickville or online at http://healthypetsmeatsandtreats.com.au
  21. Oh to have the sense of fun and imagination of some people. Whenever (if ever) that couple has an argument they'd only need to look at the photo and all would be forgotten in the laughter.
  22. We sound a perfect match. Not that I am an [ex-breeding] bitch :D :D :D , but running is beyond me.
  23. A very very nasty experience, LMSW, and good that you have taken action. I would keep up the contact with the police and rangers, because they may be a bit slow to get back to you and something like this has to be dealt with quickly and seriously. To those with half a brain, it was obvious that there would eventually be trouble, but so many people just don't get it. I have been over to St Ives Park a few times over the years, just going to markets and things and have often thought has great the park looks for dogs, but have been avoiding off leash dog parks for a long time. Too many variables, the worst one being that so many people have no idea about dogs' body language and have little or no consideration for the other people and their dogs. This applies to those who should know better, as well. I knew a woman who had several dogs and a couple of them were well trained for certain situations. However, in the home they were dreadful: jumping all over you, mouthing you, practically knocking you over, etc etc, but she just thought it was totally acceptable and would look on with a big indulgent smile while you tried to defend yourself. Sadly, this is the attitude of so many people - and not just in relation to walking their dogs.
  24. It is lovely and it makes me think about how important are good pareting skills and appropriate discipline. :laugh: I reckon Bonnie is looking at Lucy and thinking: Wow aren't we just so beautiful !! Again - good parenting and confidence. That's lovely, P_S. Gosh,Vi. I remember you bringing Charlie as a puppy to one of DABS sausage sizzles and now you have three . One of my fondest memories from being a volunteer walker at a pound many years ago was when we were joined by a couple who used to bring their very very large Malamute. We had a mixed breed (Staffy type) puppy and the Malamute used to lie on the ground so the puppy could play with him.
  25. LOL! It's Bonn that I am going to run off with then.
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