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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. All the best for a happy reunion and continued good health for Penny.
  2. Poor woman, poor little dog. Please pass on our sympathies and understanding. Useless to tell her not to feel guilty. Most people will when something like this happens. :hugs:
  3. No way is the dog a full anything. I'd go for Shar Pei cross.
  4. Immediate reaction? Definitely some Shar Pei there. Next thought? If it weren't for the pup's size, I thought of Pug as well. If Pug, I sure as hell hope the Pug was the father and not the mum
  5. Think you might need to move to a bigger house, KD. :laugh: :laugh:
  6. How sad for the poor little guy. I know you have a house full and sooner to be fulla with buddha - LOL. But if you offered to foster him, I am sure Denise or Ronda would rescue.
  7. OOOH! I've just received mine from Edgar's Mission - they are gorgeous and I am really looking forward to sending them out. Hopefully they will influence at least one person to think of the animals :) .
  8. Ooh clever me, P_S. They are the cards I've ordered.
  9. I think those who have voted for Traditional Santa mustn't have any idea how hot Brisbane really is - LOL.
  10. I'd love to be able to come but will be staying in Sydney with my Christmas poochies :laugh: . Despite coming up to 27 years in Sydney, I still consider myself a Queenielander and feel for Santas in that hot hot hot December. I've voted for Boardies - LOL - and consider myself an Honory Pei Rescuer.
  11. Oh my goodness, Ams. They are beautiful. Off to order some. Congrats on a great initiative.
  12. Sounds goods to me. Good thinking. :laugh: :laugh: So happy for you RM. Something tells me you are just a wee bit excited :D :D
  13. You got it in one He has been severely reprimanded. I didn't let him lick my plate. :laugh: :laugh:
  14. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: P_S. The world has stopped unspinning. I took Bunter's breakfast out to the kitchen, mixed it up a bit and he wolfed the lot down. I think he just wanted to be with Mumma - LOL.
  15. I haven't had mine yet . He probably would devour an 18kg bag of kibble if I let him. He is shut away from all the others when they eat and if they don't finish their meals (which is usual), all the bowls come up as Bunter would finish off every little scrap left over.
  16. I didn't know about these ones. Thanks, another one to add to the list. :laugh: Makes me wish I lived in Victoria. These people are so inspiring. Mind you, the first time I stood in a cow paddy I'd probably be outta there.
  17. Great photos, beautiful dogs, wonderful surrounds (can I build in a corner, please :laugh: ) and lush grass.
  18. My choice of calendar is from Edgar's Mission. http://www.edgarsmission.org.au LOL - thanks Rozzie. You just cost me $83.00: Christmas Cards, Bag, and Best Buddy to a sheep called Mighty Mouse. :laugh: :laugh:
  19. What a lovely update, Tapua. Yes, enthusiasm is definitely a wonderful Katdogs' trait :laugh:
  20. Wow! Can definitely see the difference between him and every other itty bitty black slug :laugh: :laugh: . Good time of year to be getting, K, because the time will absolutely fly.
  21. Tashnchief, your heart must be breaking. I too keep looking at the thread hoping that one day before too long Orange will be back with you.
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