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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. What do you think rescuers are, Stephanie M? Most are individuals who rely on a small, usually very small, group of fosters carers. Only a tiny minority are what you could call an "organisation".
  2. And the tails are curling in opposite directions ! ! ! Gorgeous little Puglets. :laugh: :laugh: at Stan.
  3. :laugh: you're welcome! No! he's not mine. Sarsanet bred a litter of 9 so I went over yesterday to visit. They are all little smooches, the second you sit down they are all over you. It was divine, but I wont be bringing one home Are you sure ? :laugh: Your dogs are Puck, Fern and Tag - any others?
  4. I reckon he would just love it, K. Such impressive photographers - all of you.
  5. Now I lay me down to sleep ........
  6. how can you be so mean :laugh: Glad all is going well with these beautiful creatures. Two down, one to go. Congratulations.
  7. Kirislin, what torture you put us through. What a sweety. Is he yours?
  8. You may have already been in touch with the RSPCA? I can only suggest that you write to them explaining your interest in getting in touch with the other puppy buyers, give them a letter to send to the other buyers as well as the requisite number of postage stamps. Good luck.
  9. Gee that's sad OMG, so did we. Can hardly believe it today. However, in "those days" it just meant black. No race connotations at all. Naturally Stan is perfect: the name and the dog
  10. Some advice for the future, Glemhaith: Discussions on DOL are just the tip of the rescue iceberg. Don't assume as some people do that DOL is the be all and end all of the dog world - LOL. There are plenty of people in the rescue world who are not part of the DOL fraternity, for want of a better word :D In other words, if you want something to happen, go about it and do it yourself and don't assume that because it is being discussed here, something is being done or what some people say is happening will actually happen. Pounds are their own entities and don't dance to the tune played here.
  11. Bit OT. There was a female Shar Pei cross at the vet this afternoon. Poor thing was an emotional wreck. From a pet shop.
  12. WOW!! A very different breed indeed. must be mostly the cross - LOL.
  13. You are naughty, Boronia, and not nearly reverential enough :laugh:
  14. Unfortunately, that is the case, Steve. No home checks, no mandatory desexing (starting to be introduced in some places admittedly). Someone comes in and wants to buy a dog and the deal is done. That said, in the vast majority of cases, those homes would be very bit as good as would have been found via a rescue organisation. How do you know? Arcane who already owns a Skye Terrier has pointed out that their temperament may not suit everybody. I've worked and volunteered in pounds and I've been involved in rescue for a long time, so probably have a fair bit of anecdotal reference. One example of a breed that may not suit everybody hardly constitutes an argument for not allowing so called rare breeds to be rehomed via pounds.
  15. Unfortunately, that is the case, Steve. No home checks, no mandatory desexing (starting to be introduced in some places admittedly). Someone comes in and wants to buy a dog and the deal is done. That said, in the vast majority of cases, those homes would be very bit as good as would have been found via a rescue organisation.
  16. And you've had how many rare breeds? Does it matter? What's with the theory that a general member of the public who adopts a dog from the pound can't be a kind and decent pet owner? Just because the dog in question is a relatively rare breed, doesn't mean that the first person on the list to adopt it is less likely to give it a good home. T. It does to me. To those guardians of rare breeds it is of vital importance where one of their number ends up rather than thinking that as long as a dog has a home that's okay rather than having the right home for that breed. You think someone in rescue would care about that but your :D would indicate you just don't give a shit or just don't have any understanding of what it's like to have one of the rare breeds. Well that is drawing a pretty long bow, Sheridan. It isn't as though the dog in question is a 70kg guardian dog. If it matters so much to you, perhaps put your money where your mouth is and set up a breed specific rescue. Or have you already done that? What, because the dog is small and cute, it doesn't warrant the same concern in rehoming as a LGD? What an extremely ignorant post. I'll try to cope :laugh: :laugh:
  17. Exactly. But maybe scruffy n flea has been sitting outside these houses for 24 hours otherwise how else could she make such an assertion? :D :D
  18. I have received mine too. Just lovely and such excellent quality. You sure are a mover and shaker, Ams!! Do you think on the strength of having his photo on my Christmas cards, Roan's family will sign him over to me? :laugh: :laugh: I am in love.
  19. And you've had how many rare breeds? Does it matter? What's with the theory that a general member of the public who adopts a dog from the pound can't be a kind and decent pet owner? Just because the dog in question is a relatively rare breed, doesn't mean that the first person on the list to adopt it is less likely to give it a good home. T. It does to me. To those guardians of rare breeds it is of vital importance where one of their number ends up rather than thinking that as long as a dog has a home that's okay rather than having the right home for that breed. You think someone in rescue would care about that but your :D would indicate you just don't give a shit or just don't have any understanding of what it's like to have one of the rare breeds. Well that is drawing a pretty long bow, Sheridan. It isn't as though the dog in question is a 70kg guardian dog. If it matters so much to you, perhaps put your money where your mouth is and set up a breed specific rescue. Or have you already done that?
  20. Sounds like it to me Well the dog isn't at DOL. If you wanted to get the dog, you could have gone directly to the pound yourself and not rely on a thread on a forum.
  21. You will always miss your Molly Dog, Sheenat. I have 10 urns on my bookshelf and I still think of just about every one of them just about every day. There does come a time, when, if they have lived to a good age like Molly, you start to remember with a smile instead of tears. And even when there are tears, there will be smiles because you will see Harry hooning around like a likely lad should. :)
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