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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. You're certainly right there but for some reason, my mind read your words as FART out loud Well we know now what sort of mind you have :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Long may you continue with your goals. Congratulations!
  3. Extraordinary stuff tlc. Puddy isn't bad either
  4. The system may well have many failings, but I don't think having a choice to say "Medium Sized Mutt" would actually fix any of them :) :) Why? If you have to ask, I give up.
  5. The system may well have many failings, but I don't think having a choice to say "Medium Sized Mutt" would actually fix any of them :) :)
  6. Which one of your gorgeous creatures is off to Townsville ?
  7. No idea, Jed. Not sure how I came across it, but started getting it a few years ago. There are squillions of magazines issued dedicated to a particular subject without whoever it is putting out the magazine having a restaurant, a hairdressing salon, a butcher shop, a farm or whatever I have a taker for the magazines and will be posting them off today.
  8. Right back at you dogfan :laugh: :laugh: I must have my camera always at the ready - I found Tamar looking like that the other day. Need to capture it.
  9. Yep. If two of my dogs ended up in a pound, god knows what people would think of the sort of lives they'd lived. Although I've had Tamar since she was six months old, since mid-2004, she still drops to the ground when I walk towards her as though she is going to be beaten. Yet she sleeps draped around my head at night - LOL.
  10. I have a dozen of these magazines if anyone involved in rescue would like them. I am in Sydney, so any Sydney-sider could collect or I could deliver within reasonable distance. If you are interstate and interested send me a PM with your post code and I will take them to the Post Office to see how much it would cost to post.
  11. Yes, it can be interesting and sad to speculate. Funnily enough, I was playing with Danny's ears last night and said to myself: I wonder where you came from, little man. I've had Danny (from a pound as all mine are) since February 2002, coming up to 11 years.
  12. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/243600-dog-training-books/
  13. What is Elsie ? What a beautiful beautiful girl.
  14. Lordy, between Luka and Huckleyberry, we are really getting spoilt. Love the one with the planter.
  15. Oh, Persephone!! I can just see it all: Persphone goes off to the loo still half asleep, feels (not hears) the pitter patter of tiny feet. Then, croak, "Nice bum, Persephone." Persephone leaps up, clutches the little fellow, calling out joyously, "My Prince!!" Gives him a big smacking kiss and they live happily ever after.
  16. My vet in an earlier life used to say that when tradies were around was the most dangerous time for dogs. When I was having renovations a couple of years ago, I tried not to have to leave the house when they were here. If they had to leave the side gates open for ease of moving materials, the dogs were shut in a bedroom; if they had to have the front doors open for ease of movement, the dogs were shut out on the deck. Only if 100% unavoidable did I leave the house and spoke to every tradesmen checking that they didn't have to use the side gates or the front door. Even then, the whole time I was out, I was sick with worry. Only happened a couple of times - that was enough.
  17. LOL - the last one. "Get away, greedy!"
  18. I prefer without. There isn't a distration from concentration on the dogs concentrating :D
  19. Great photos, adorable subjects, and great names for your dogs. I knew a little Maltese many years ago called Plume.
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