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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. It would depend in more than a little degree on the competency of the vet performing the surgery.
  2. Great advice here. I hope you can get your dogs to ideal weights. I did wonder though if you can feel ribs how a dog could be overweight? One of my dogs is a real fatty and frankly, I don't know how I could feed him any less. He gets a couple of scoops of mashed vegetables and about a desertspoon of meat. I warm it up with hot water and to make it like a stew. He is walked every day, mostly twice a day, very rarely gets any treats and every so often a dried kangaroo bone (like lamb noisettes) which he will happily chew on for days.
  3. I was named Cynthia because in one of the books mum was reading when she was pregnant with me the heroine was a Lady Cynthia :laugh: Extraordinary!! My mother trained as a photograph colourist. Something I am wrestling with. I have so many old photographs that mum and dad collected, mostly mum, from even before they met. All the people would be long long dead and very few named. Throwing them out feels such a betrayal. Followed by Blackie and Whitey - LOL.
  4. I simply had to link you to a thread I started quite some time ago. I love looking at old photos. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/204346-photos-from-70-years-ago/page__p__4790502__fromsearch__1#entry4790502
  5. Are all the pups spoken for? People are going to get lovely dogs. ETA: Do you have a large pic of Hover Bob :laugh: ?
  6. I couldn't watch while he was in the water, fast forwarded to when he was safe in the ambulance. Good thing he had a bit of padding.
  7. Agreed. The more "promotion" the better.
  8. Amazing! Great photographer and stunning subject. You didn't tell us there was a Vampire Vulcan as well - Pic No.2. LOL.
  9. Gosh, I was just wondering about you. Fabulous photos. I love the house. Is it yours? ETA: But I can't work out what is in the trees in the first photo.
  10. The little cream one seems to like the corner of the whelping box :laugh:
  11. Oh yes i think that look says you feed them. LOL, I thought she was saying: What the hell I have gotten myself into :laugh: . Beautiful photographs, Evolving, and very very beautiful subjects. I'll be stalking this thread too.
  12. Oh, poor Possum definitely feeling deprived of some fun. Maybe he should be called Miss Daisy.
  13. We need stories like these on the front pages of the newspapers and the headliners on television news. I was thrilled to have the email response lob into my In Box this morning - LOL. Little things can give such a lift.
  14. Oh just look at those wide boards . I'd get in the professional sanders and polishers.
  15. I was looking for this thread and so did a search on DOL, and found that this program was discussed here well over a year ago. So Living Ruff has been going for a while, but untilI saw this program on the ABC the other day, I didn't know about it either. Anyway, because there is a house for lease in the next street where there have always been dogs owned by the various renters, I emailed the information to the Living Ruff program. This morning, I received a response to my email, so it seems to me that they are certainly on the ball with checking out emails and acting on information given. I have long been a critic of the RSPCA, but there has to be some gold amongst the dross . Credit where credit is due. Even if they help one or two people and their pets, that is enough for me.
  16. Oh lord - that pic of him in the tub . What a wonderful time you are having with him, MarkF. You are both lucky boys :laugh: :laugh:
  17. I am sad that Sally didn't have longer with you, but very happy and grateful that she had someone like you at the end of her life. It is a tough call and one I had to make a couple of years ago with a little elderly dog I rescued. This forum was very supportive and helped to ease the pain and guilt I felt at the time. That is correct. With Renbury for instance, you will sometimes see against a dog: Reclaim or Rescue only. There are also rescue groups which specialise in the oldies. And before I called it quits, I used to take on an oldie here and there just to give them a decent life for whatever time they had left.
  18. Three days!!! That is a disgrace. Ask for your deposit back.
  19. Hey, that's right. Maybe they've been run out of town. I am still waiting for a sled load of miniature Malamutes. Sadly, with some people it would sure work.
  20. What about trying hot/warm compress on the swelling?
  21. WOW!! Can you imagine how gorgeous the puppies would be? :laugh: :laugh:
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