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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Whoever she was just wanted a fight so let's hope she is gone for good LOL.
  2. Brilliant pickies He looks like a trotter in some of those photos; should be on a catwalk.
  3. I don't pat them but have been known to say 'hello gorgeous'. It's been very embarrassing when the owner thought you meant them though. :laugh: Ha ha ha that's what you tell us. Hmmm, nice pick up line. I might try it. :laugh: :laugh: I have been know to say the same and then add that the two legged one isn't too bad either. :D :D But it's usually the dog that is the better looking! :laugh: :laugh: Oh, without a doubt.
  4. Oh thank you. Gorgeous. I didn't equate whippersnipper and mower. Eeek, I'd run from a circular saw. Sorry you aren't feeling well.
  5. I don't pat them but have been known to say 'hello gorgeous'. It's been very embarrassing when the owner thought you meant them though. :laugh: Ha ha ha that's what you tell us. Hmmm, nice pick up line. I might try it. :laugh: :laugh: I have been know to say the same and then add that the two legged one isn't too bad either. :D :D
  6. LOL, but the discussion is about Vets and their waiting rooms.
  7. Oh, really, I don't follow it? Maybe, I should take a look, give an update to make a few more people jealous :laugh: I'm here to tell you, StaffyLuv, he is one gorgeous gorgeous dog and I sure hope I see more of him (but I'll have a hand towel at the ready)...... I see you are in Canberra so if ever you come to Sydney, let me know and I'll take you to meet him = LOL. ETA: I found the FB entry. Lovely to see him leaping around his new back yard. His new owner told me he was just great with her existing dog.
  8. My Greyhounds would be devastated...they don't sit Yes, but the flowers in their hair would be a pretty good indication that they were up for a smooch or three. :laugh: Big dog lovers, eat your hearts out. I've just had a very special doggy treat on my footpath. I was in the driveway pruning some bushes and this woman walked past with a BBBBBIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG glossy black dog. OMG!! So beautiful. I had my suspicions, but asked her what he was. Cane Corso! Stunning. Needless to say, I had to get the whole story because I've never seen her and the dog before and because of the layout of the streets every dog getting walked in this neighbourhood goes past my place eventually. Turns out he is 15 months old,called Sarge (was Kaiser), this family is his seventh home!!!! He comes from Big Dog Rescue and the lady volunteered there. The last time I'd bought my raw dog food, the owner gave me the biggest bag of liver treats that I would never get through so, I rushed inside, grabbed a big handful to give her and put Sarge "through his paces" LOL. Gosh what a beautiful dog. Although I have to be honest, I could not cope with a drooling dog ! But I know where she lives, so I can get a big black glossy beautiful dog fix in the future. I told her to whistle when she goes past again LOL.
  9. :laugh: So you're the little devil on my shoulder right?? :laugh: Yes ma'am
  10. Go with your heart and sort out the detail later - LOL.
  11. The mind boggles, PS, but also laughs out aloud!!! Surely your wrist is still strapped, so people would know you are injured ?? How awful for the little mini poodle to have to lie in the waiting room. I know whenever I've had to make an appointment for a euthanasia, I've been taken immediately into a waiting room.
  12. I agree. I say firmly, but still try to be pleasant, that my dog isn't social so please respect our space. 99% of people then glare at us as though I have a child eating dragon at the end of the leash, but I'm not there to make friends so just flip through mags as if Im oblivious. Depending on which dog I have, the receptionist often says I can wait in a spare consult room too. Glad you see my point :) . Yes, I've had the glares as though I am a nasty witch stopping children from enjoying themselves. LOL. Having such littlies, I have to have eyes on my ankles when I am paying the bill. If reception is busy, I just wave and say, I'll come back later.
  13. I feel a little like this, Pollywaffle. Depends on the person and the dog. There are some people I avoid like the plague, just know to when you see them :D There is a couple I see from time to time walking a little dog who is having to go like the clappers on a lead stretched to the limit as he drags behind. and they plough ahead not even checking on him. I am waiting for the chance to tell them their little dog is struggling and they need to slow down for him.
  14. heavens above, you can't curtail their spontaneity now. Might damage them forever :laugh:. Shame about their faces when they get bitten by a dog who doesn't appreciate being cornered by screeching children.
  15. Most definitely --- ask first as you do. :laugh:
  16. I think we are too reticent about telling people they are over stepping the mark. It can be done nicely,but firmly and if people take offence, well that is their problem.
  17. I seem to recall there is another thread in this very same forum which is pretty light on photographs, even with lawn mowers :provoke:
  18. Me too, at least when they are unlocked and extend. I assume they have their place but it isn't a vet waiting room, a footpath where other people and dogs want to get past, or the local outdoor cafe where they enable your dog to wrap themselves around passers by. I hate them with a passion! They might give the owner the sense of letting the dog run freely, but the poor animals that I have seen attached to them are constantly being jerked around like flailing puppets. I think they should be banned, but I can't see that happening. As for texting while the dogs are up to all sorts of things, I saw a young woman walking around my area the other day with a puppy on an extendable lead and the puppy was all over the road while she was talking on her phone. Unfortunately, I had all my dogs with me and was unable to approach her and give her a piece of my mind .... I mean a piece of my extensive wisdom. LOL.
  19. So being totally ignorant of the breed, are the creams called dominos? In Evolving's sig, Echo is dark, so I am confused.
  20. Love to hear the background stories. 20 years ago when I bought my first house in Sydney, it had what I tought was a vey strange name. AROLF. I was talking about it to my elderly father and he said, "Try it backwards." Naturally, when the time came, I had a dog I called Flora. :laugh: AROLF was also my first DOL name.
  21. There are a few born a year maybe between 4-10. It depends on which lines are involved. And you have TWO!! You must be vey chuffed
  22. I would be totally incapable of choosing. They are all stunning. Can you post a pic of an adult cream, please, evolving? I'm curious as to whether they stay that way or as they mature do darker markings come through?
  23. It would have to be a very busy one, crickets, to justify a position like that LOL. My vet has appointments so it is only very rare that the waiting room is busy. Usually only if there has been an emergency and then, if people haven't arrived for their appointment, the vet nurses will phone to let you know and give you the option of a new time.
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