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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. A dog could ask no more. Sincere condolences - it is a very sad and hard time.
  2. I am privileged to have met Rocko - if he had have fitted into my car, he'd be a Moocher now, but somehow I think his absence would have been noted. :laugh: :laugh: First rule of dog "ownership": never ever ever resist the urge to smooch :D :D
  3. I hope you let her new homers know that she has a fan club that has to be kept fed - LOL. Totally but the stone at her feet - are they pavers or the remains of a pathway? I'm looking for pavers and like the look of whatever it is.
  4. Just goes to illustrate how, no matter what their size, a dog is first and foremost a dog
  5. There seem to be lots of small businesses starting up - this one sounds good. http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/startup/pet-project-goes-down-a-treat-20130123-2d6nf.html
  6. I'm surprised we didn't hear of a flood out your way, Rachel LOL. You and Bridgette having a happy cry together!!! Wonderful story and long may the Bridgette and Buddy partnership endure. Love the pix of the little whitish dog hanging around. Obviously has a thing going for Buddy.
  7. Very cute. "Very Elderly Ladies" have pretty jazzy pants
  8. I'm not posting pix of my dogs, as everyone would be too jealous, I just want the house in the background, please. :D :D
  9. Your children are going to be so grateful Ping to have such a wonderful record of their growing up. Love the photos.
  10. LOL. Evolving has to have it written in the contracts that we have to be regularly dated :provoke: :laugh.:
  11. Never in a 100 years, Caz. What a gorgeous gorgeous boy ..... as is the rest of your pack. Look at the little girls waiting patiently on the outside.
  12. Me too, No advice, just thoughts for you and your girl. Try to hold onto the fact that you are doing the right thing, even though it seems the most dreadful betrayal of the dog you love so dearly. She has a disease which will get worse and cause her pain and distress. :hug:
  13. Too true on all counts My dogs are becoming due for their trip to the groomers and I can feel my tummy tightening with nervousness. I haven't been in since Buddy's tragedy, but I have to bite the bullet soon.
  14. It is so wonderful to know that Ilka is well and happy. Her poor puppies - I guess we'll never know their fates.
  15. :love: Mr Cream seems to be a very serious young man.
  16. Oh Nic, too much for you all to bear. Annie has been such an important part of your lives and an anchor for you all through your dad's suffering. God speed, sweet dog.
  17. I'm on my way, bit of shopping first, then heading south. See ya later
  18. It is cooler here than yesterday and the dogs had their first morning walk for ages . Unfortunately no rain yet . Gussy Cat seems to have come through it all okay, snoozing and eating and being visited by her Toy Boy. :D
  19. Because the forecast is for a change and storms, I went out and mowed the lawns LOL: front, footpath and about half the back before I decided enough was enough. Few spots of rain, but nothing definite yet. Myrtie is quite calm so I am prepared for any storms to miss me . Drink lots of water with a pinch of sea salt in it.
  20. Inside in the air conditioning all day - and it is struggling :( and dogs have access to house and yard at all times. I have water bowls inside which I check on through the day. If the dogs want a walk, they'll have to take themselves Myrtie is looking longingly through the sliding doors, but no way are we going out unless there is a change.
  21. Waiting, waiting I love love love rough coat JRs. Look great and generally personality plus.
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