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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I had a chuckle at that, because I once was taking one of my dogs out in a pram. Rascal, I do feel for you. It is very hard to see a once young and active dog show the ravages of age. Some do it better than others, same as with humans. As Persephone says: document the special moments, just lying happily in the sun (or the shade). Some years ago, I adopted a poodle who was nearly 17 and he lived for another 3 years. He was such a character. Towards the end, I took some photographs of when he was not his best, just to show me that his time was coming to an end and to stop me feeling guilty when he finally had to be helped over the Bridge.
  2. I was wondering about that Jules and was tempted to put that in my note to the driver. I'm sorry now that I didn't call the police because I can't call the rangers until Monday (have tried before on a weekend ) and then I don't know if rangers have the authority to look up number plates. However, I can but try and if the rangers don't/can't do anything, perhaps my note will have the desired effect.
  3. I hope not. Different situation from the Guide Dog. The man in my "story" left his dog to go shopping. He wouldn't have forgotten the dog was there.
  4. How funny .... Tess wants her mummy, Jasmine Beautiful photos.
  5. it isn't a shopping centre as such; apart from a few clustered around one of the smaller supermerkets, it is a streetscape shopping area, so I have to confess that I didn't even think of that.
  6. Well luckily it wasn't as hot as it has been, but a shut up car in direct sunlight heats up very quickly.
  7. I stopped on my way home in a little shopping centre to get a few goodies and when I came back to the car park, there was a car parked next to mine with a dog in it. Oh god, I thought, what do I do. I checked, but couldn't see any water and the front pax side window was down about an inch. At the time, the vehicle was in full sunlight, but there were plenty of places in the shade. I waited a while and then wrote a note to put under the windscreen wipers. My note just emphasised the dangers of leaving the dog in the car, etc etc. Although he was panting, the dog didn't seem in distress and didn't go nuts when I looked in the car and felt through the open slit to try to ascertain how hot it was. So, just a lovely friendly dog. I didn't know the Council the shopping centre was in (have now googled) so I wasn't sure what to do. I drove around the block, came back to the car parking area and the car was still there. I headed off again (I was going to park elsewhere and call the police) and saw a man coming out of the shopping arcade. He went straight to the car and I drove off. Pathetic I know, but I have the number plate and I will contact the rangers so maybe someone can go and have a chat to him about the dangers of leaving dogs in cars. The dog was in the car for at least 15 minutes, but how long he'd been there before I saw him, obviously I don't know. It could have been up to 1/2 hour because the car wasn't there when I parked .
  8. Have a wonderful time. I think overcast and showering is much better than some of the heat we've had.
  9. No, you aren't too far away at all. Make it around lunch time and try out one of the great eateries in the Summer Hill/Marrickville area and then buy the goodies for your dogs :laugh: :laugh:
  10. Send Ben an email or give him a call, see what he can do, he's a lovely young bloke and he's involved in rescue too Yes, I've been scrolling through their website, sent an email, but as I couldn't find a price list, I've just telephoned. Their next delivery to my area is Tuesday, so I will put in an order to give them a try. I will give going down to Aussie Pet Foods a miss then and see how I go with Swagger - LOL. The dogs will have to make do with dried chicken necks as a trreat instead of Roo Jerky. Jeez I'm mean.
  11. thanks for the link, SM. I will definitely investigate them, because they deliver, and state all Australian made and no fillers and they are virtually on my doorstep LOL.
  12. Please let me know how you go, Dogs. I am happy to get you a couple of kilos to sample to day if you want me to and I can deliver them to you. I'm just going to have something to eat (haven't had breakfast) and back from a long walk so about to faint) and the setting off.
  13. Depends where you are, of course, but Aussie Pet Foods may work for you.
  14. Thanks, PM. Yes I have tried home delivery, but have never been really satisfied. i am after fresh food. In fact the place I have been using for years does all their own processing and so I know that they don't use fillers, etc. For anyone interested, they are Aussie Pet Foods and are at 10 Shirlow Road, Marrickville. 02 8084 0353. I am going to go down today and get in supplies. I generally buy enough to last a few weeks, but even so it is a bit of trek, but I do it because of the quality and their dried foods done in their own ovens and not imported from dodgy sources. They do home deliveries but I am way out of their area. healthypetsmeatsandtreats.com.au
  15. That is wonderful new, Vi. Charlie sure has had his ups and downs and proven that nothing keeps him down for long. Totally agree
  16. I'm not sure if this has been done before, so apologies if it has. I am looking for a good quality pet food supplier in my area. There was one in Hornsby, but he had to close some years ago because of ill health. I started going back to the supplier I used when I lived at Dulwich Hill. They were all Aussie made (lots of dried bones and jerky which the dogs love)and operated at Haberfield. They have ceased trading from Haberfield and now supply directly from their factory at Sydenham. The trip to Sydenham is approximately a 3 hour round trip and would love to find somewhere as good, but closer. I am looking for an alternative to buying another refrigerator with a huge freezer - LOL.
  17. Thinking of you and your Beautiful Bonn.
  18. I think a lot of us would have immediately thought of Cazstaff. I am sure she has been reading this and I am equally sure that she realises she needs to think of herself, her two-legged family and her four-legged family. Annie is in no danger and in the hands of highly experienced rescuers.
  19. Lovely. Perhaps a hand out for every dog who is adopted/rescued directly from the pound. Going back a fair while now, but when I walked dogs at a pound, we would try to have some time to just sit around in the shade with the dogs, just to give them some relaxing amd calm time with people.
  20. How quick we are to jump to conclusions. We don't know anything about these people's circumstances, and yet they are being judged and found wanting. :(
  21. Whether we are used to it or not, my belief is that it is an absolute no no. I did it once, many years ago, and I was such a nervous wreck, that I've never done it again. I believe it is mostly ignorance and not giving it enough thought rather than selfish, basically I agree with what Minimax posted.
  22. But where's the fun of self righteous prognastications in that?
  23. They have had to come from somewhere in the past 200 years ?? Interesting to see what they should look like. People down the road from me have one who has the severest case of alopecia you could ever see. Its back and sides are pretty well hairless and he has been that way since a puppy. The people bought him from a breeder in Wangaratta 3 or 4 years ago (I can't remember exactly).
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