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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I'm glad to learn that, Panto. I worked for a large Sydney pound some years ago and all the coats that were made especially for the dogs, knitted and sewn and some really beautiful, were put up for sale in the veterinary hospital attached and rarely made it onto the bodies of the pound dogs . Luckily that place has had new management since then, so I don't know what happens these days.
  2. In my experience (for myself and one of the dogs), you have to experiment with antihistamines to find the one which suits. For myself, I was recommended (after not much of a result from other brands) Aerius which I take because I have a very very itchy skin and can take one in the morning and another in the evening if I need it. For the dog who scratched a lot, I found that antihistamines didn't really help so I give him 1/2 cortisone every third day and that seems to have worked. Are you in a position at home to have a little pool. Lots of talk on DOL about clam shells. You'd need a shady spot of course because it would heat up through the day, or maybe use ice to keep it cool. Your poor baby, if must be awful for him and for you seeing him suffering. I hope you find a solution.
  3. Agree with this. Sad for the dogs really. What people like those you are dealing with, SSM, is that they are unwilling to accept that in most cases the person needs more training than the dog. They probably have the attitude that, if they see the dogs fighting, they let them go saying, "They'll sort it out." It must be very hard for you, but if you want to continue to try to help, maybe you will just have to start lecturing. Difficult I know. The only time I have seen B&T with my own eyes (an elderly neighbour being given as a retirement present a GSD puppy ) was an exercise in futility and the dog ended up be given to a car yard ETA: Nothing wrong with the dog, it was all the owner and the stupid people who gave him the poor dog.
  4. Oh dear - you can only laugh !!! :laugh: :laugh: Sorry Pollywaffle. I've taken it all a bit off topic , but looking forward to hearing how Basil goes at the vets.
  5. I just did a search on DOL Forums for valium, Jules. Lots of references. Might be worth your while to do a search. I was also thinking about your question as to mini fits. Valium is basically a muscle relaxant, so it could very well work.
  6. Hmmm, I was thinking it was the calm before the storm - LOL - or two stag locking horns. :laugh: :laugh:
  7. No No No No !!!! No such thing as an ugly dog :laugh: :laugh: Spud is adorable and just love him sitting there surveying the world with his chooks gathered around him. Very special boy.
  8. I'm sorry, but I don't know about that, Jules. You would have to talk to your vet about it, and go further afield if you want to learn more. I'm not a great one for pill popping, but as a doctor said to me once when I expressed concern about a medication and being on it for the rest of my life: if you had a heart problem you wouldn't worry that you would be on the applicable medication forever. So, if something works, the side effects are nil or minimal, particularly in an older dog, why not try.
  9. It is very hard when you lose a dog in a multi dog household because you have to keep up a front for them. On the other hand, even in the deepest sorrow, they can make you laugh. And you have to look after them. As Tassie said, W Sibs. You are doing it tough at the moment, but willing to share your experience with others means a lot. I love love love that description, Pollywaffle. I will probably use it at some stage and pretend it is all my own work :D I have a side gate at which my tribe will be congregated when I return home, but I have to go only to the letter box or pull a weed or two and Danny will be pressed up against it waiting for his "Goddess" [ :D :D ] to return.
  10. I havent got any of that DD ;-) The vet should have it or they can give you a prescription to take to the chemist. I get it from my vet for Myrtie who, like Basil, thinks she is 150 metres tall but is terrified of storms - first dog I've had how is afraid of storms. Even is there aren't any signs for me, her body language tells me that a storm is coming, I give her 1/4 tablet and she is back to her normal self.
  11. Definitely have his ears checked. Dogs have much more sensitive hearing that we do and there might be a noise the machine has started to make that you aren't aware of. OT :D I have a little female Maltese X who is also 9+ and she has discovered her inner puppy. She was always a bit noisy , but very timid with it. She seems to want to play with the other dogs whereas before Danny was the only one she'd play with. Good luck with Basil. They are lovely dogs.
  12. Beautiful, Muttrus. At least you'll be spared the costs of dentals on those two lovely creatures.
  13. So important to get second and even third opinions with something as major as possible eye surgery.
  14. I did this a few years ago and ended up doing three trips to rescue groups with a car piled high with doonas, sheets, pillowcases, towels, etc etc and I jept getting getting donations for a long time which I drop around to dogmad. Hopefully they are going to the pounds she visits I also went down to the local Salvos shop to ask for the towels and bedding they couldn't sell. I did this twice: the first time they were willing, the second time, the woman was very furtive about it saying they were told not to give me anything, and then I was told by a neighbour that the shop had a big basket out the front selling dog bedding - LOL. At least they were prompted into another money (very little) raising opportuntiy. But the neighbourhood letterbox drop can produce absolutely amazing results.
  15. I honestly can't tell. But my vibes must have travelled a long way, because this morning I was thinking about Kibah and wondering whether you had taken some more photos. PM Rappie and ask her to take a look. Hopefully it is all good.
  16. Oh god, does it ever get that cold? Can't remember
  17. I disagree. What is the point of half a dozen (or more) sites all saying the same thing? I know that if I had a dog up on, say, PetRescue, I wouldn't be happy seeing him or her on some unknown person's blog. Some information may be changed, left out, added to - whatever. You know as well, if not better, than I that some people in the rescue/rehome business will rehome a dog anywhere, but the majority of people want to know where their dog is being featured and what is being written about him/her. I would want to be in complete control of whatever information is going out on any dog I have for rehoming. How many sites can people visit? There is such a thing as too many choices.
  18. I don't have any old trackies (god forbid, I'd look more like the Michelin Man than I already do ) but what about flannellette sheets and the like? ETA: I gave a bolt of yellow flannellette to Dogmad sometime ago; I don't know what happened to that.
  19. How many more websites do we need? Why reinvent the wheel?
  20. The first time I took my dogs to the groomers, they had heard of Buddy's tragedy. In fact, the man knew the salon involved, so the word of mouth is definitely going ahead. I still believe media involvement is called for to make the public more aware.
  21. Caesar is 100% adorable. Well done and may you have many many happy times ahead of you.
  22. Stan is a cross dresser, who would have thunk it? I don't think we can say that categorically, mantis. A lot of clothing today is androgynous and that looks like a singlet top to me. We need to be careful before pigeonholing Stan. On the other hand . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  23. Hey, Stan can write and spell . Maria must be pretty special. I think I have hurt Danny's feelings by insinuating that he is lazy. On this afternoon's walk, the thought of trundling around the block was doing my head in and so I decided to give walking up another street a chance. It has been two years approximately since Danny flatly refused to walk this street and this afternoon, he crossed the road without the slightest hesitation. We managed about 200 metres before the brakes went on. LOL.
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