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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. LOL. I haven't had a wee on the bed for years (OMG I hope I haven't jinxed myself), but I do wake up to the occasional vomit. If it happens through the night, it gets cleaned up and a dog fleecy thrown over the wet spot. Then into the wash in the morning. I don't have a doona and I have polar fleece blankets which are very easy to look after. Generally only one of the dogs buries herself under the blankets. I throw dog fleecies over the bed so the dogs have something to burrow Into if they want to. I think they probably have a discussion as to whose turn it is. :D Oh how I can relate to Point B. ----- looking at my lounge sofa covered in a blanket which is covered in dogs hair. Time to change the blanket.
  2. OMG Janey that is my area! Patrol that park at least once a week for work :) will keep an eye out :) How is it that someone who lives in Wagga Wagga, patrols a park in St Ives? Or in knowing only the St Ives in northern Sydney, am I not stretching the geographical net wide enough ? :laugh: Haha yes I have moved to North Syd now. I am the Companion Animal Management Officer for Ku-Ring-Gai council :) ill have to update my DOL location soon ;) Thanks goodness. I thought I was going to have to report Google LOL. So I think you should start a thread regaling us with some of the adventures you must have with that job.
  3. Sorry to put a downer on your idea, but if you are walking dogs for clients or pet sitting, you need to be concentrating on those dogs and not having one of your own along. Apart from the fact that some of the clients you work for probably won't appreciate your dog coming along with you, and/or they may have dogs/cats/other animals who don't take kindly to strange dogs coming into their homes. You need to think of your clients' wishes first. In the course of getting to know clients and their animals, you may meet some dogs who would love to have a play or walk with yours, but until that relationship is established, it is not a good idea.
  4. OMG Janey that is my area! Patrol that park at least once a week for work :) will keep an eye out :) How is it that someone who lives in Wagga Wagga, patrols a park in St Ives? Or in knowing only the St Ives in northern Sydney, am I not stretching the geographical net wide enough ? :laugh:
  5. So good to have an update, nawnim, and to learn that your dog is now happy and active again. But the above did make me feel for you and Lottie again and to know how hard it can be to lose a loved one. Thank you for updating us.
  6. Take the dog to the nearest vet for scanning and, if the vet clinic doesn't do it, ring a ranger or take the dog to the pound. Apart from trawling all the streets in your neighbourhood, the first place you'd go if your dog was lost was to the pound.
  7. Yes, these sudden deaths do happen, but such a response is pretty damned callous, and even more so since the nurse has already admitted to leaving the room in the middle of the operation. Such a response is a shocking abrogation of responsibility. I hope he starts to consider a new career.
  8. That is tragic, Pockets, and I understand how you all must be devastated. What have they done so far? How have they explained it except to say the nurse left the room? It must have been a pretty extensive cut to require a GA Poor little dog to have lost his life because of someone's disregard of the protocols. There isn't much that can be said to ease the pain and sorrow you are feeling at this awful time except to offer deepest sympathies. I just hope you get some decent treatment/responses from the vet.
  9. That. would be worth getting up at dawn and making the trip. The babies are so lovely. Congratulations on everyone involved.
  10. I think that would be any amount of inconvenience LOL having your girl out doing something like that instead of lying in bed or slouching in front of TV
  11. How extraordinary that a ruling has been given that he can't go near the empty house. What is he going to do? Torch it. I would be calling on the RSPCA (Canberra one is generally considered to be very good) to dispute the ruling on behalf of the dogs. And, yet again, Keetamouse steps up to the plate in the face of the naysayers and downbeats.
  12. I hope you don't mind, Rascal, but I had to respond to this. I am so in awe of that place and Pam, I was tempted to fly down to Melbourne simply because of their function on 13th. I am Best Buddy to a sheep. I hope to visiting Melbourne later this year and they are definitely on my list of places to go. At one stage I was looking (via the internet) at places to buy in the region so I could live nearby and volunteer. Couldn't find any - LOL.
  13. Such a beautiful beautiful photo of the two of you. Very special. Wonderful that you will have that forever.
  14. Would it be possible to build them a large enclosure that you can move every few days so they can still forage?
  15. I think you need to change the title, Keetamouse. :) I thought you must have been seeking dog walkers for a rescue group or pound and because I used to do that a long time ago, I decided to take a look. Keetamouse has edited title
  16. That's great news I saw the ad was removed yesterday and I was hoping it was your work colleague :) WOW - that is fantastic. You can keep us adicts posted on progress. :D :D
  17. Have to say, I found that extraordinary too . You can't go around throwing broken glass into people's yards. I'm sure if someone did that in the street, the police would be pretty quick off the mark. Yes. It must be horrible to be in a situation like that.
  18. But at least it means the rangers aren't going to take "punitive" action and he won't be going around making other little dogs who may not have a family friend as good as you are :laugh: :laugh: The biggy is that if the father is prepared to spend the money even though the dog has been treated in an inhumane manner and one that is offensive to his manhood , it means (hopefully) that he can be reasoned with.
  19. Oh for goodness sake. I am not insinuating anything. I am saying that the knee can be slipped in and out and some vets will tell you correctly that that is normal, but some will say that the dog has luxating patella, needs an operation immediately. I am telling you what I have seen with my own eyes. I have also suggested SASH at North Ryde if, in fact, the OP does need a surgeon. As has another poster. Boil away.
  20. What a terrific outcome. Your boy seems to have chosen a good gal . I hope too that the changes (crikey getting the dog desexed is HUGE!!) continue and they are the start of better times ahead. Can you visit me next, please, and sort me out :D :D
  21. Yep, I'm in awe - LOL. Looks a fabulous set up, YG
  22. Yep :laugh: what's ours is theirs... :laugh: More like what's mine is theirs, and what's theirs is in tiny pieces all over the floor and the couches... :p LOL, disintegratus . . . . . hence your name ?? It is a case in this house, too, that every room is their room.
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