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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Same here Nothing since a first delivery of towels. One of my neighbours mentioned having some from her children (they're not much more than babies though) so I'll call on her. I think she is at work today.
  2. PUPS at LAX Free ranging mind went straight to laxatives and hope no one plays silly buggers . What an amazing initiative. Those dogs would have to be the epitome of laid back.
  3. Unfortunately, this post does sum it up. Fortunately, most rescue groups/people just want what is good for their dogs and the potential home. :) Agree.
  4. If "SUCKER" means: I love cats and will go above and beyond to save them and give them the best lives possible Then I'll do it for you - LOL.
  5. Thats because she's in my bathroom. Oh my goodness!! That is the funniest/best thing. I saw "Ad has been removed" and my heart sank. And then soared and I burst out laughing. Michelleva, you are a doll
  6. Well maybe if you had just pointed that out calmly and not so aggressively, Tarope wouldn't have come back so emotionally. I agree that making a decision as to a dog's character, personality, aggression or otherwise from a photograph is making a huge and most likely erroneous assumption, but you don't have to beat the person around the ears. For such a stupid comment I thought I was pretty restrained with my response actually and I am not responsible for whether other people can control their emotions or not. Charming response.
  7. I was thinking about you and your mum and dad, gillybob, when I started this thread, wondering whether you had had any experiences of dogs and cats in the nursing homes.
  8. I volunteer with the Delta Society, so does tlc. some nursing homes are more than happy for people to bring dogs, others say no unless its an accredited organisation because elderly people can skin tear very easily and it is hard to explain that mrs Smith developed an infection on her arm because of a skin tear that was caused from a dog. Organisations such as Delta carry insurance for this reason so I know if my dog causes an injury to somebody then we're protected Saying that a lot of facilities are relaxing their rules and even have resident pets Retirement villages are even starting to advertise that they are pet friendly. As to elderly skin: yes I can relate .
  9. Well maybe if you had just pointed that out calmly and not so aggressively, Tarope wouldn't have come back so emotionally. I agree that making a decision as to a dog's character, personality, aggression or otherwise from a photograph is making a huge and most likely erroneous assumption, but you don't have to beat the person around the ears.
  10. GG, I hope you and Lexi are able to continue eventually. I've read stories about non verbal patients, speaking after visits from dogs and also after music therapy - the hypothesis being that dogs and music evoke good/happy memories.
  11. :laugh: Hmm, I am sure the staff weren't too happy about the shedding, MUP, but residents probably didn't mind.
  12. That's a lovely story, Mita. I am sure [well, hope] it happens more than we hear about.
  13. I made a mistake starting this in Off Topic, should be in General. I've asked for it to be moved.
  14. I didn't want to hijack another thread so have started this one. Grumpette posted the most beautiful photograph of one her dogs, Baylee, visiting with an elderly lady in a nursing home. I can imagine the great delight that people get from having these dogs visit them and was hoping to see some more photos and stories. I think tlc's dogs are hospital visitors; there must be more DOLers who do this.
  15. Don't worry SM - we love DD - no defence required. The world has turned upside down THREE people being supportive ... one via a lovely PM. I'd better keep an eye on back because it sure won't last LOL.
  16. I have been exposed for more years than I care to recall to the way organisations work ..... I imagine they have a policy of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." Didn't help AWL in Ipswich, did it. So you know all that went on in the background, do you. Gosh, I wish I could be so clever and knowledgable I have been exposed for more years than I care to recall to the way organisations work ..... I imagine they have a policy of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." They certainly used to - I reported the AWL shelter I worked at for cruelty to the RSPCA and was told to get lost - I was shocked as I had witnessed everything personally and couldn't believe they wouldn't investigate. Disgusting, but hardly surprising. Anyone would have a hard time convincing me that the people at the top of these two organisations weren't well known to each other and helping each other to "hide" the less savoury of their activities.
  17. I have been exposed for more years than I care to recall to the way organisations work ..... I imagine they have a policy of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."
  18. I couldn't agree with you more, persephone. And because of the way animals are reared, treated, slaughtered, I became a vegetarian. Persephone said the sheep had fallen and was unable to get up. And yes, extraordinary as it may sound, I actually do know that somestimes livestock just die.
  19. Poor old sheep. Left to die of thirst and starvation
  20. That is the case with so many organisations, Pollywaffle. Those at the grass roots are working their butts off, scrimping and saving and giving their hearts and minds, while those at the top are living the high life, squandering resources and, it would seem in the case of the RSPCA, spending millions on legal fees, directors' remuneration, high profile and often malicious prosecutions, etc etc.
  21. OMG . Thank you Grumpette. Def going to be on your doorstep one day. If Baylee is a wobbler, how old is he. He looks a youngster. I'll bet the nursing home residents just light up when that gorgeous face comes through the door .... look at that smile. I can just see his whole body wagging.
  22. Jed, perhaps a PM to DOLer eschlachter. She is a lawyer and knows all about the RSPCA's legal adventures
  23. Yes, but it would seem to need reinforcing :) . Actually, you have said more and probably more to the point, that JozMan needs to forget about what he wants and think about his business from the prospective clients' points of view.
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