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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. What about leggings? I don't have anything like that and could probably get something because the dogs don't care if it is raining, but I do. LOL
  2. Such lovely stories of chooks having a second chance at the good life. So heart warming.
  3. Most dogs like "caves", but have to say the Cardboard Box Cave and Whippet inhabitant is just about the cutest vesion.
  4. Poor little things. I'm so glad you were able to take them. Do their beaks ever grow back? Fantastic That would be the ideal of course, but, hey, a cage the size of an A4 piece of paper is plenty big enough. And the consumer has a right to cheap eggs, doesn't matter how the chooks suffer.
  5. Good grief! How funny, how clever. Where is that?
  6. LOL, that is a gorgeous photograph, Corvus. The little white dog is airborne with happiness.
  7. I'm a bit scared of what I'll read, but I have to ask: what was the UNE doing with them and why were they in such terrible condition?
  8. Yeah. Change "picked him up" to "hey that's a pretty cute dog." Yes, I'm cynical and I reckon the pup was surrendered because after the social media campaign he became too hot to handle.
  9. As you would have seen from my post, TintinJac, I think it is a valid question. I am sure for some dogs, for a while, the right pound might seem like a haven (if not heaven :) ) for some dogs. Warmth, food, company, gentle hands, ailments and neglect addressed, etc etc. Depends on the pound, depends on the environment the dog has come from, lots of variables. Have a look at May's thread too (15 year old cattle girl). From Nic's description, May seemed to be happy and confident in her few days spent there.
  10. Yes, I thought the same thing. Depends a lot on the "accommodation" and the people looking after him. If they are experienced and caring, he might even feel a damned sight better than he would have living with people who sound inexperienced and not really in tune with a dog's needs.
  11. Agree. Sadly some people at shows seems to think that it is ok for their little dogs to behave badly. If it happens at dog shows, the organisers should be held to account and made to educate owners to control their dogs, big or small. Report to council or get a hose. True to an extent. Onlookers are to blame as well. People laugh when they see Myrtie going off her head. I tell them they wouldn't be laughing if she was a Rottweiler. Myrtie is very quickly brought under control, I have to say. As the owner of small dogs and fluffy ones at that, I really do get heartily sick and tired about people talking about yappy small fluffies and bad tempered Chihuahuas. I guess I was spoilt by my first dogs, Maltese, being really laid back and happy dogs. The only thing that ever worried me about letting them off in off leash areas was their size and consequent vulnerability. I currently have a tiny little dog who is highly reactive and sadly has made my walks not as enjoyable as they used to be. However, I work with her constantly, distracting her with treats when we see other dogs and she is not nearly as bad as she used to be. HOWEVER !! LOL. There are a couple of people who walk their large and highly reactive dogs around the neighbourhood and seem determined to "practise" on me. So there I'll be, happily walking up to 5 dogs all under control and along comes one of these people with their dog going nuts, so mine get stirred up naturally and when we have pandemonium with me walking as quickly as possible to get away from them, the big dog will be put in a sit and made to look at mine. I have told these people to, please, keep walking, but they say they have to train their dogs. One man actually puts his dog in a sit and then crouches down and cuddles it while it is slavering and trying to get to mine. I understand how really really annoying it is for big dog owners who have dogs with perfect behaviour to be assaulted by little dogs, but folks, it works both ways.
  12. To read Jed's post here, you'd think she had a bit of the stint in hospital, waltzed out, collected the dogs and got back into life again. No mention of the weeks in a coma, excruciating pain, skin grafts, learning to walk again, pain pain pain pain and then more pain. And not to mention struggles with authorities trying to get her home rebuilt. Not many of us would have come through. She should be cloned We need more like her.
  13. LOL, Pawfect. There is a thread about this up and running in Off Topic.
  14. Love those sleek Hounds, but I wouldn't have the energy. I get my fix from stories and photographs here :) :)
  15. I'm shocked that we have to ask :laugh: :laugh: Wonderful to know the girl is happy and Cheech too. Great story.
  16. You make your own :laugh: You can make a stencil or embroider something or get stick on from websites.
  17. From now on, a dog like that will be 'a May dog' to me. You're so right that passive neglect is the biggest form of pet cruelty around. And the owners tend to get off scott free while, if the dog is lucky, some compassionate people pick up the pieces... or, if not, the dog has a truly horrible decline. I wish there was a campaign to raise community awareness... & standards...about 'May dogs'. Their fate shouldn't go unnoticed & unrecorded. I couldn't agree with both of you more. If only the RSPCA could direct more of their energies and funds towards prosecuting and exposing neglect like this. Nic has probably seen more than most of us because of her involvement with Hawkesbury, but everyone involved in rescue sees it to some degree and it is heart breaking. One of the difficulties is getting general awareness of the problem first and then, secondly, it is not alright to neglect animals. I remember making a poster and putting it up at work. It was about a tiny little red Pomeranian shockingly neglected whom Cordelia had rescued. She'd been left at the pound, because her owner bought a puppy!!! The dog was in a terribly state but went on to lead a great life. The point I'm coming to is that one of the men at work stood in front of my poster and said to his colleague, laughing, "Well that's enough to put us off our lunch." My boss came up and told me to take the posted down, saying, "I think you've made your point." Sadly, I had.
  18. God I hope not, having seen Burkes' post as well. Exactly the sorts of people who should not have animals.
  19. OMG, that poor boy. And he would get the blame for any biting and other reactions to his pain. Thank goodness he found you.
  20. Burkes, I was fostering a little dog a while ago who had a terrible cough, which I was told was Kennel Cough. She'd come from another carer who couldn't cope, so had been left with this cough for a few weeks. I practised ear slides on her and was able to stop the cough in its tracks LOL. Digressing somewhat, at my insistence because the cough was so bad, the rescuer took the little dog to the vet, and they discovered a tumour . I was so angry. However, again at my insistence, she wasn't euthanised immediately which the rescuer and vet wanted to do, but found a home where she was happy, loved and cared for for another year.
  21. I am quite sure that DAS will be assessing this dog and I think from Keetamouse's post one could assume that pulling on the collar resulted in the dog attempting to bite - I know I did. Frankly, if I had a dog that something triggered a reaction like that, I would be straight off to the vet to check the dog over to ensure that the dog didn't have a wound or a tender spot. Now the dog is out of the hands of people with little understanding (only going on what has been posted), I hope he will thrive. ETA: Even if the a dog reacted like that and there wasn't anything obvious causing it, why would you continute to do that to the dog. Find another way of getting him out of the garden. Dogs are human too - why provoke and push all the wrong buttons. :D :D :D
  22. Auto correct on the iPad is pretty too.
  23. OMG I would love to see that. Tell Shannon I was asking after her.
  24. Certainly sounds like it, Tintin . And now that he is with DAS, he will get it.
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