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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Caveat: I have not read the whole thread, just the last couple of posts. Sail Away, have you been in touch with the RSPCA? Now I haven't got the foggiest as to whether or not that would do anything except ask you for a donation, but that might be an avenue to pursue. You could also approach your local council, State and Federal MPs to talk about the situation and maybe have something done on the grounds of animal welfare.
  2. Sounds as though she is in pain and not taking it well. I think if I had a dog who was in such distress even if she is in no danger medically, I'd take her only for some painkillers with a strong sedative to get her to rest and that almost priceless thing - peace of mind. She feels awful, you feel awful, she picks up on your vibes and she feels even worse ?? Perhaps, who knows. I hope she is better soon, poor baby. And hugs to you too. Very scary when we want to help them, but they won't be comforted. Sorry you were posting about your call to the E Vet when I was posting this.
  3. Take a look at some of the websites for the rescue groups. Go to the PetRescue website and you'll see a squillion listed there. You can search under State so whatever it is you want to learn will be applicable to your state.
  4. Lots of people in this thread who would be able to point you in the right direction. But pretty easy to make your own really. I've done it, so anyone could http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/248606-dogs-who-visit-hospitals-and-nursing-homes/
  5. Great news regarding the vet check and that you can register her in RADAR's name asap. You'll have a coat soon. And of course, we will need (demand LOL) photos of that. With the weight she is now putting on, going outside won't be as difficult as it would have been in terms of her feeling the cold. I want to lie down (even if it is by a haybale LOL) and give her a big big careful cuddle.
  6. I tried to find it, BJ, but I'm not the best at finding things on the internet In the news report I heard two minors were released and another was facing the children's court. I don't believe 17 is a child either. You can't tell me that even a 12 years old doesn't know what cruelty is and doesn't understand that they deserve some sort of punishment
  7. Bazza Gazza Tezza Kezza Bruce :laugh: :laugh:
  8. Little happy . Stories like this one keep me on DOL. She looks a lovely lovely soft girl Chezal. You must be jumping up and down to see such an improvement. Well done you and your family and well done Gnarla for hanging in there.
  9. Because I have small dogs who can get their claws caught in the rings, I had collars made with their names and my phone number embroidered on them. Lots of sizes, lots of colours. Embroider anything you want. http://www.petcollars.com.au/
  10. Mashed taties and gravy for Ziggy.
  11. Well, it sure sounds it. As I said, I wasn't being curious. The issue has being resolved satisfactorily for SAS. I was merely trying to get the message across that others might benefit from her experience, but apparently that is being undiplomatic.
  12. Do you have a link? What do you mean, children arrested? I saw no children in the photo? I just heard it on the news and as I wasn't specifically listening, I didn't hear the intro, sorry, so don't have any more details. Just that one of them would be appearing in the Children's Court. It was ABC Radio National.
  13. I was thinking that too, but how will they know if this thread is deleted? Rather SAS could have suggested anyone wanting to discuss their situation and try to have it resolved could PM her, and ask for the thread to be closed for further discussion, but still be available for those who need assistance.
  14. well said This response seems to be a criticism of my suggestion for more information. Please see my response to SAS's post. :(
  15. I wasn't being curious and "looking for the blood on the ground". It was simply because, as you said, there are apparently huge issues with Pound Rounds, and not all of the people who deal with them have your strength and initiative. In the past when I was helping rescue groups, I've had to deal with crackpots, too, I've been threatened with legal action, screamed down the phone at, etc etc. It is never pleasant, but some people are able to deal with more easily and/or effectively than others. I was merely trying to be a voice for those people who maybe don't have the support or experience to, as you have suggested, to take a stand.
  16. Thanks here too. Zig is one of "our" dogs :) .
  17. "Children" also arrested - on the news this morning. Sickening.
  18. From what I've read of Pound Rounds this is likely to happen again to someone not as experienced and determined as SAS. Hence I rather feel it would be helpful and instructive if the resolution was outlined here.
  19. Hopefully, Staffyluv will post soon and update. Worried ........
  20. Totally agree. Sock it to her all you can. A minute ago you were all for running up the white flag and sprouting crocodile tears that her youthful passion leads her astray.
  21. I'm certainly not going to look at the photograph. I have enough nightmares about the treatment of animals generally. I'm torn about a custodial sentence because he'd probably come out worse than he went in. But there needs to be some sort of appropriate punishment to make these sorts of people genuinely get the nastiness and of their horrible acts. $22,000 and a brand on his forehead perhaps. I don't really mean that, but how on earth do you get through to others of this ilk?
  22. All I know about Pound Rounds is the occasional post I've read on DOL, but just from a snippet here and there, I don't think they have a concept of reality let alone being able to check it. She must be reported to her work place. Atrocious doesn't come close, but can't think of anything better at the moment without delving into the dictionary. Frankly, she sounds seriously unhinged.
  23. Small but postive advances Chezal . Now that her pups are doing well, she might be able to relax and have some left over energy to devote to her own healing. I hope so. God, I am a wreck just trying to keep some weight on my elderly and overall very well cat. You must be exhausted with the worry and horror of what Gnarla and her pups have gone through. Now, I'll just have a quiet private word with Gnarla. Listen gorgeous girl, you are safe and loved now, you will never know deliberate physical or emotional pain again, or have any of your needs neglected. Start getting all that delicious food into you, clean up your fat happy little bombas and let's have a little tail wag.
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