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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I was agreeing with this post until the last paragraph . How do you know whether or not councils are being deluged with requests from the brain cell lacking public to look into the owners of dogs who attack? Bit of a leap, frankly. How do you know that there aren't people working at this very moment gathering the statistics on dog attacks and the owners of dogs who attack?
  2. I know you have been to the vet with Bobbie, but don't be too worried about this. Lots of dogs seem to take little seizures - three of mine do from time to time. When they happen, I just hold them very securely talk calmly to them and when I sense they are ready, I put them on the floor, they give themselves a shake and then off they go, as you say, as if nothing had happened. Danny's little fits are the worst, but even they don't last very long. None of them has ever lost control of their bowels, or drooled/frothed at the mouth. I used to keep track of Danny's in terms of when, time, length, but they have become so infrequent I can't remember the last one. Hopefully little Bobbie will be easily managed - he must have a pretty strong constitution to have reached old age with nothing major considering the neglect.
  3. How awful for you and Toby, Kirty. God love us, there are plenty of beautiful dogs in pounds without someone getting a DA one. What on earth is the RSPCA doing rehoming a DA dog, FFS? I hope Toby's fear isn't exacerbated by this and that Holly isn't traumatised by it. Lots of comfort food for you this afternoon.
  4. Whilst it can be difficult to adjust to at first it gets easier as time goes on. Perrin has had diabetes for the last few years and yes it took time to get used to twice a day injections (mostly because i'm squeemish) but after awhile it just becomes part of the normal daily routine. Yes, that's true. Just becomes part of everyday life. Sure it can be stressful because you care for the pet, but that's just the way the cards fall. I am sure this little girl will find someone committed to her. Good luck, Nekhbet, and thank you for caring.
  5. Aren't they all looking so good Great work, Chezal and Mr Chezal.
  6. What a wonderful wonderful outcome for these little boys. Makes me with happy tears. Poor little Bobbie .... just so sad to think of the loneliness and lack of loving care they both suffered. All over now and nothing but lots of love and all the good things every dog should have from now on. Congratulations in bucket loads due Iggy Mum for getting onto their cases with such determination and to their new foster families. Iggy Mum, may St Francis intercede on your behalf and get that foot of yours ready to kick more butt for more needy creatures :laugh:
  7. I don't know if I want the four legged babies or the two legged one. Totally adorable.
  8. It is hard to understand that the school would allow one parent to dictate its policies. If one person objects to a school policy, then they either go somewhere else, stay home on the day; it sounds as though the school was pretty weak, frankly. Pretty poor compromise. I do see Grumpette's point though, but I feel the school should have stood its ground.
  9. He is just gorgeous, Westiemum. Congratulations
  10. If anyone wants my copy of "What's your dog teaching you" you are welcome to it. Send me a PM. I found it the book equivalent of the 30second grab, quite boring and offering very simplistic solutions to some deeply ingrained problems (in the people not the dogs LOL). That said, I am sure he is an amazing person IRL.
  11. My thoughts, too, Caz It would appear that you have been working very hard to ensure Buddy gets the memorial he and you deserve, so congratulations to you and to Groom Quest.
  12. It's scarey isn't it? I think we have such a huge responsibility to these amazing creatures whose lives depend on us.
  13. Can!t you forget about being an authority figure for a few minutes while she shows you how much she loves you. I!d rather be loved than be seen as an authority figure where it isn't necessary,
  14. Such a lot of caring and good advice here, so nothing more I can add, except to agree with those who've said they've had dogs they haven't bonded with. I'm not exactly the same as Christina as I can't love "anything" LOL, but despite having 5 dogs of my own, I can still go gooey over dogs I might see being walked by their owners , but I have had dogs who didn't grab my heart as much as others. I have a little dog here at the moment who, I am sure, would be happier in another home simply because he would prefer not to share me. Can cause the odd little biffo. I did have him on PetRescue for a long time, but nothing eventuated from that. It must be very very hard to even like for a while a dog who killed another pet. My condolences for the loss of Alvin
  15. Oh lord, that poor girl. Thank god she is now in good hands and is getting help from good and caring people.
  16. If they are educational, which I would imagine they are, what about distributing them around vet clinics/hospitals waiting rooms? Shame to just toss them.
  17. She looks absolutely adorable Inka3095 and I hope she now gets well again very very quickly. When you are over this horrible scare it may be wise to consider finding a new vet that you are more comfortable with who can meet yours & your dogs needs. I would have been frantic in your situation. Hope your dog is better soon. I think you are being too accepting of what has happened, Inka3095. To have one vet make you feel like a hysterical owner and the next to tell it the dog is faking it and it is all breed related is just too much. The second person may be right, but there are ways and means . (Ed. to say, I don't mean your girl might be faking it, I meant he might be right in that it is breed related LOL.) Sadly, this is very true. I think we rely on them to be more caring and dedicated because their patients can't tell them where they are hurting and we have to rely on their expertise and diagnostic abilities more. Having heard lots of horror stories over the years, I feel very privileged to have had mostly excellent vets and the ones I go to now at Hornsby Vet clinic I would trust absolutely.
  18. That is really wonderful news, Chezal. Sad thing is that if we could get the coverage for all the pets in need, they would all become a bit of a favourite. You have done something very very special for this little family.
  19. That sort of attitude is just so condescending . I hope the operating vet FINDS time for you. ETA: Years ago a vet called me "a bit of a neurotic mother". I wish now I'd reported her to the practiice owner. The dog I was supposed to have been neurotic about died at three and a half of congestive heart failure Go elsewhere is you are given the run around and made to feel hysterical. Just not right.
  20. The dog has already been back to the vet once. Well, she obviously needs to go back.
  21. If a dog of mine was like that for 4 hours, he/she would be back to the vet. 4 days
  22. I'd be inclined to get one that fits the fully grown dog. You can make it smaller and cosier in the growing stages by bedding.
  23. Oh gosh, she is looking just beautiful, Chezal. But 17 babies in her first litter . That is shocking. I wonder how many survived and went to decent homes .
  24. I haven't read this thread because I cannot contribute from personal experience, but I thought of it while out driving today: along a leafy street in Castle Hill a very very large mastiff style of dog on a lead, a little black dog on a lead and trotting along behind a tiny tiny white Chi ... off lead. :laugh: :laugh: Not laughing at the off lead, but just the mix. They all seemed very happy and at ease.
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