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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Fantastic Very very pleased for you. Don't spend it all today :D
  2. Some websites needs "tweaking" to make them more user friendly. Perhaps have a look at some, via PetRescue.com.au and make contact.
  3. I was thinking exactly the same thing. He seems to be smiling with total pleasure and Sumo seems to be a very serious "little" boy. Ed to add this photo that I have saved because I thought it was very funny very cute:
  4. Oh no!! Poor little Bazza. Lots of positive and healing vibes headed his way.
  5. OMG! That lil dog is having such a great time. Move over Dame Joan.
  6. It will be hard. But take heart in knowing how happy he is going to be and going to make another couple.
  7. Hopefully, Bazza will realise he can get as many cuddles well as sick :D and stop putting on an act. Seriously, I hope he gets over whatever it is and starts to catch up with the others. Narla sounds a wonderful dog.
  8. That's the best news Westiemum. Someone to dote on the little boy every day and all day .
  9. OMG!! Happy here to see Pepe hogging the bed and poor Bob is falling off it. LOL Wonderful photo.
  10. What a knockout of a little puppy Akita lovers, you must read "Dog Man: An Uncommon Life On a Faraway Mountain" by Martha Sherrill. It is the story of Morie Sawataishi without whom you may not have your Akitas today. In fact, as there were so few Akitas left in Japan at the time of their surrender in 1945 (the book says only 16), it is probably fair to say that you wouldn't have one of these beautiful dogs if it weren't for Morie Sawataishi :)
  11. Being gone for four days a week having been home most of the time for the past two years is a helluva big change for your dog. I don't have any advice, I'm sorry, but just wanted to say not to be afraid of Valium. I have a dog who is afraid of storms. Never having had a dog who was afraid before, it was a bit of a shock and was more than happy to try her with a 1/4 Valium (she is tiny). Works a treat :)
  12. I agree with this actually. If he has not been accustomed to raw in the past it can be a bit hard on his tummy. I would have no problem feeding a quality canned food like Natures Gift to an oldie :) :) *nods* There is no problem with feeding Bunter what he likes, because that is everything, including - eventually - the eggshells. LOL. I am not concerned to have him lose weight although he could do with about 1.5 kilos off, I just don't want him to put on anymore LOL. I can hardly pick him up as it is :laugh:. His poops over the past couple of days have been good, so maybe it isn't all the vegetables, maybe just normal off days like we all have when we get older.
  13. Thanks for the almost lovely update, WP. It is awful to watch them pine, because there isn't much you can do except wait for time to do its bit. However, he is now safe and loved and it probably won't be too long before that knowledge seeps through and takes over. Even if dogs don't have many teeth, they can still knaw on bones ..... recognising the reasons you don't feed them often :) as it used to be like that here until Bunter realised that dogs milling around him didn't mean they wanted to steel his bone. Perhaps you could leave some meaty ones in his crate at night? I'm sure it won't be long before he starts to put on weight. He does sound a lovely lovely boy.
  14. What wonderful photos. I am now wondering whether I can bear the thought of a large meaty bone in my bedroom (where my Gussy Cat gets fed) LOL.
  15. Slow but sure doesn't win the race - LOL. I'd have trouble too because my dogs like to trail along behind me. But that is a beautiful photo, sparkycat. It realy epitomises "bright eyed and bushy tailed".
  16. Some years ago I was driving along a pretty busy suburban road when out of a side street shot a Uni-cyclist being pulled at great speed by three whippets.
  17. Yes, this is the only way. And let the rangers know that you are interested in trying to help the dog if the owners don't collect and/or do something about giving him a better life.
  18. I can't believe with all Hawkesbury's experience they would no let a member of the public adopt him. They must know that there are lots of people who love older dogs and that all they want for them to to give them the best life for whatever time they have left. He looks such a gorgeous old soul. Just ridiculous.
  19. She looks a bit overwhelmed to me LOL. That will soon pass. Great news, Snout Girl. Many happy times ahead for Poppy and MIL
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