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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Yep, my first thought. Can't believe anyone is replying actually. There is a separate forum for this discussion.
  2. Little darlings. They would make wonderful companions. Hopefully someone sees them soon and rushes them off to live happily aver after.
  3. Poor little thing ... For,her past. But happily she has found you. Without having the experience the other posters have, from the little I have I have to agree that a month isn't much time. It took Tamar (one of my many adoptees from pounds) six weeks to approach me voluntarily and to put her paws on my knee!! A red letter day, that was. Good luck.
  4. How very very exciting for you all. Nothing like getting your own home Best wishes for a successful application .
  5. Ha ha - Ziggy in the crate. A couple of years ago I had to bring out the crate for one of the dogs to recuperate. The recuperating dog didn't like it, but Mufti did. Hey, what happened to Saffi :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. So good to know that Nutmet and Smudge are on the improve. Hopefully their siblings will turn the corner too.
  7. What a nightmare for you, Chezal. I don't have anything to add, I'm sorry. Just wanted to send cyber best wishes and reiterate what others have said re contact with RSPCA and police. Put it in writing, not email or phone, so you have copies of the correspondence and they can't say they weren't advised. Ed to add: for a while, I'd be inclined to take Narla and her pups off the adoption site.
  8. I think that grommit was just coming to where she would get a bit of advice and support. It is like having to go for an interview: you ask people who have done it, what to expect, how to handle yourself. Obviously the interview is going to take place, but preparation and planning are necessary. It is a shock when things go wrong. Surely there is no fault with turning to where you think there will be support from others who may have experience.
  9. I have nothing to add to the advice (conflicting) given here, I just wanted to wish you and your puppy all the best. When I adopted a puppy from a breeder nearly 20 years ago, I was like you: found and adopted her at 4 weeks and visited her while she was growing old enough to come home to me. First visit to the vet: diagnosed with a bad heart. Naturally, I was devasted, but I can in total honesty says that it never crossed my mind to take her back. She was my dog from the moment I set eyes on her. My best wishes for you and your puppy.
  10. I saw Bob's pics at the shelter with pride of place on the wall and the staff cooing over them That's great. Nothing like getting updates from new owners.
  11. She's beautiful. Still alert and looking for fun, while Ziggy is collapsed beside her :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Yes, it is horrible to think of anything/anyone being kicked, but worse when the creature is so small. However, it may have been another homeless person without full mental faculties. Sad even so.
  13. I hope she can get some peace of mind. Her pets are not all that old and her fears, though totally justifiable, shouldn't lead her to do something unnecessary Ditto.
  14. This is very very sad. I live alone and although I am not as old as your lady, MUP, I worry that I might pop off the perch and the dogs and cat are alone until someone realises I'm not around So, a suggestion: She arranges with a friend, relative, neighbour, to call/text/email (although I imagine she isn't on line) every day just to say that she is still alive. If they don't hear, whoever is her contact person comes around to check. She needs to have hard and fast conditions in her will for the animals to go to such and such a rescue and also in her will ensure a financial contribution for their upkeep.
  15. This is the point I've made a couple of times. Doesn't matter if it was done by stupid copycat morons: it has been done.
  16. That last photo is mandatory viewing for people scared of dogs LOL. Beautiful!
  17. I was thinking the same, Coogie. I have read that depending on the length of time some people have been homeless, it can be very difficult for them to actually adjust to living in a permanent place again. Going off topic, you'd think that our country would be able to find the resources to build and manage hostels and the like And then of course there would be a "No Pets" rule so people like John would not go there.
  18. Why bingo I wonder? MUP's friend DID find a ribbon. She just isn't passing on something third, fourth or fifth hand. Just the knowledge someone left a ribbon there for whatever reason is scary.
  19. Me too. I have to laugh at Pepe going from "PO you interloper" to "You is my bestie, Bob."
  20. What I am wondering is, has that already happened :D :D
  21. Exerpt for those who can't see FB: Pet Search STOP THE PRESS! Carrie has been found! We have been contacted by the family who have been caring for her. She is ok and is being reunited with John tomorrow (Friday 27th June 2013). We will be sure to update you with more details, when all is confirmed, it is one of those things that it is hard to really feel and believe until you see it. It is all of this sharing of this post that worked, it got around to people who know the family and enabled them to get in touch with us, so thank you to all of you. You are big hearted people who took time away from your busy lives to help Carrie and John and it brought great results.
  22. That is wonderful. I have been checking all day to see if there have been any additions to this thread.
  23. I've been scrolling through some of the posts on the link, and someone said she had seen John and Carrie recently and she had a little jumper on
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