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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I didn't keep shoving opinion and advice when she'd already taken on board what had been suggested. And when enough had been said by Rottweiler owners and experts.
  2. Which is exactly what the poster is doing. Go out and get yourself some big, really big, dogs, dogmad and see things from the other side.
  3. I'm an old[er] lady with SWFs. I have yet to brandish a stick to ward off rampaging other dogs. I do, however, from time to time, pick up an interesting looking stick to use as a walking aid :laugh: :laugh:
  4. What a life!! Does he want an aging [very] mistress? I love pitties too.
  5. That is definitely worthy of a complain to council. He could well have attacked had you been someone who panicked and ran. She'll be saying more than sorry if she cops a fine from the council. That would have been terrifying.
  6. I was thinking much the same. The eyes seem very large for a little water creature. Gosh! I'm all overcome. Australia is such an amazing place. Most of the time we don't know how blessed we are. Thanks Frodo's Mum. Wonderful pix. And thanks little Platypuses for staying on the surface for so long.
  7. Stunning ! And you can show the proof to Council that they need to change some light bulbs :laugh: :laugh:
  8. Ooooh, can I come with my five, please. LOL I was going to ask yesterday whether you were any further down the track with a decision, but decided that since it was only a couple of days since starting the thread, I'd wait a little longer. Congrats. I'll bet Angelica's human mum is thrilled she'll be going to a Basset experienced home.
  9. I am so much in awe of your skill, Huga. Such really fabulous photographs.
  10. I don't think so .... I checked :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  11. But, hey!! Don't you know that rules are for other people LOL LOL. I live in a very quiet no through roads area which is very popular for walkers, runners, strollers, dogs being walked etc etc. Every so often along comes the person, grinning and smug with his/her dog/s off the lead. And there are also those people who open their front doors/gates while chatting to others and allow their dogs to run out onto the footpath and street. How a couple haven't been collected by cars is beyond me. Whenever I see a dog not on a lead, I call out to the owner that their dog should be on a leash. (So self rightgeous - :laugh: :laugh: !!)
  12. Such a helpful and caring post .... NOT! What on earth is gained by posting in this fashion? If you'd bothered to read the whole thread you would have seen that the poster has acknowledged, taken on board and will be acting on the suggestions of others. She has recognised a problem and asked for assistance and guidance. NOT condemnation and finger wagging by those who want only to push their own barrows. Too many holier-than-thous on this forum who push those who come on for guidance and assistance away by their arrogance.
  13. Don't forget to read "the small print". That is: no good with chicken or livestock. Is your friend in the country?
  14. Yep, me too. LOL. Hmm, I am a bit surprised too. At least it has happened now and Chester can look forward to a much much much better life. Raffi, start misbehaving
  15. Bought 5 numbers. I wanna win somepink. ETA: Apart from being a wonderful cause with wonderful prizes :D :D
  16. I had to find a new raw food supplier after my one of about a decade closed down . I was so sad for them as they were obviously very distressed and I just happened to go down on the day they were closing their doors for good. I've started buying the Prime Rolls from PetStock at Mt Colah and to date they seem to be a success. (Someone in another topic had mentioned them, so thanks for that :) .) As they didn't have VAN Complete, I went to PetBarn at Castle Hill only to find it was about three times the size it was last time I visited some years ago. Wish I'd invested LOL. Bought the VAN and some Waterless Dog Shampoo - LOL. Bunter has scored a new harness as he can slip out of the previous one if he decides to put the brakes on during our walks. And I recently bought a pestle and mortar to mash kibble for Gussy Cat to ensure she gets some dry in her diet.
  17. I had the same situation some years ago, Westiemum. I looked after two little dogs I'd rehomed - same reason: an event organised prior to the adoption. It was quite funny really because the two ladies were soooooooooo really worried that the little dogs wouldn't want to come to them when they arrived to take them home. I just laughed at them and told them not to worry. I was right :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  18. Hopefully Chester will make further progress today in Yellowgirl's expert and loving hands. If Raffi is too much trouble, you can send him up to me :D :D :D
  19. Hey! That is pretty exciting. We will want LOTS AND LOTS of updates :laugh:
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