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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. OMG! That tiny tiny tiny puppy with her great big, more to come, mumma She looks as though she is saying: is that all
  2. You're like a relative of mine: if something doesn't interest him, it isn't worthwhile But if something interests him, everyone should hang on his every word while he drones on interminably about it.
  3. WOW!! Did any dog ever have a better birthday? She is really beautiful, Rach, and your boys !!! They are real boys now. Time goes too quickly.
  4. Moose must be wondering how his little kid brother turned into his great big dad :laugh: . Wonderful that they are so close.
  5. How wonderful . Have you been to the exhibition? No I have not been, but would love to. Have you Danny? No. I'm all out of energy for getting myself into the city.
  6. Look at all the "human births" in the movies and TV. Hardly a spot of blood in sight and generally the new mum is sitting up in sparkly white sheets, hair immaculate and in full make up. And not to forget the people who think milk comes in bottles and meat comes in plastic wrap. A bit of reality could only be a good thing.
  7. I stopped a couple of years ago, after Bunter actually. Apart from the cost in dollars, the coming and going of all the different dogs, the rescues and fosters and permanents, over many years, took a toll on my dogs, I believe. Some of the rescue sites drew me like a magnet and I knew that if I looked, I would weaken, so because I knew I could afford any more, financially or emotionally, I went cold turkey. Although I'd half heartedly promised him, "No more dogs," after I rescued and kept Bunter, I finally core promised my Danny. He is 14+ now and really needs his mum not to fragment herself anymore.
  8. What about local radio and local papers?
  9. How wonderful . Have you been to the exhibition?
  10. They don't have to have anything to do with the organisation :) . I was just scrolling through the photos and stories and saw this one: We first met Andi 'on line', loved her profile and arranged to meet her in person at the Starfish Animal Rescue in Baulkham Hills, Sydney. We went for a beautiful walk together and it was love at first sight! Andi moved in with us that same day! She is adored by all our family and someone's loss was definitely our family's gain (especially for 84 year old Beryl, who is pictured here with Andi). It is inconceivable to think of buying a dog from a pet shop or breeder when there's little ones like Andi in shelters around the country just waiting to love and be loved. Have already read this story about Andi so has Starfish. I had never heard of the Starfish Animal Rescue so I enquired about it. No agenda or mystery, just interest as I am not far from Baulkham Hills. You have now. ETA: You might like to get back to them to tell them that one of "their" dogs has been featured and it is a beautiful photograph of the dog and an elderly loving human :) No need to she already knows. So what is the problem?
  11. Those streets are congested at the best of times. Hate to think what they are going to be like for the next few days, thanks to Katdogs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  12. The bugger is that I have deleted it and can't remember much of what it was about. :laugh: :laugh:
  13. That must be one of the hardest things to come to terms with . My parents have been gone for a long long time and yet, every so often, something happens and for a split second before reality, there are thoughts about sharing it. My deepest sympathies.
  14. Confession: whenever I hear the name Earl, that's the dog I think of :laugh:
  15. They don't have to have anything to do with the organisation :) . I was just scrolling through the photos and stories and saw this one: We first met Andi 'on line', loved her profile and arranged to meet her in person at the Starfish Animal Rescue in Baulkham Hills, Sydney. We went for a beautiful walk together and it was love at first sight! Andi moved in with us that same day! She is adored by all our family and someone's loss was definitely our family's gain (especially for 84 year old Beryl, who is pictured here with Andi). It is inconceivable to think of buying a dog from a pet shop or breeder when there's little ones like Andi in shelters around the country just waiting to love and be loved. I had never heard of the Starfish Animal Rescue so I enquired about it. No agenda or mystery, just interest as I am not far from Baulkham Hills. ETA: You might like to get back to them to tell them that one of "their" dogs has been featured and it is a beautiful photograph of the dog and an elderly loving human :)
  16. This description of the dog is pretty sad really. It illustrates so perfectly what I said earlier: you have experience, confidence and the knowledge to put it all together to make the dog feel safe and guided. I reckon most dogs can spot from a mile off a professional who won't take any silly business, but at the same time gives them love and assurance. Shame on the dog's owner really
  17. It is all part and parcel of being on the internet. Heck, I received an email the other day from, Ben Bernanke Chairman of the Federal Reserve [uSA]. He must have heard that I can add up pretty well without a calculator and wanted to give me lots and lots of lovely money. :laugh: :laugh: ETA: If I am asked to Unsubscribe from something I haven't subscribed to, I don't, I just delete.
  18. Yes, I used to see it a lot when I was a member of a training group.
  19. I see you like little dogs, then. :laugh: :laugh: He is beautiful. May Jake look down and guide him.
  20. I don't know about following them to the ends of the earth - LOL - but what you have observed is something that has always interested me too. You see dogs who owners simply have no control over or very little and then along comes a good trainer and you see a completely different dog. I have always put it down to knowledge, experience and confidence on the part of the trainer and the dog knowing that he or she is in the hands of a confident handler who is THE BOSS. So many people just don't have a clue and even if they do, they don't have the confidence, experience or knowledge to be able to put it all together for the betterment and benefit of the dog.
  21. Gosh I thought we were going to have to bail you out of a prison cell :laugh: :laugh:
  22. Wonder if I'd be allowed in if I took my dogs ...... all rescued from pounds
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