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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. That's Bunter. I was so happy when the three of them started playing as Bunter has up until now been a bit of the odd man out.
  2. [Only parts of posts quoted.] As capanash and Aussie 3 have said. So much depends on what happens after an event. Whether there is understanding, reconciliation, appreciation of future problems, etc etc. And as ness says, we don't often know if dogs/people have a history, so it is probably better to err on the side of caution.
  3. Yes, they are generally a good little bunch. The most troublesome is only evident by her tail in Photo #3. She is highly reactive and despite being only 3.5kilos wants to take on every dog she sees You'd see more if I were a quarter the photographer you are, K.
  4. Finally, Danny is letting Bunter in on the games. Tamar has been trying to play with him for a while, but Danny has always been the fun police. Only HE is allowed to play. I guess age catches up eventually. Tamar is the Maltest Shih Tzu cross, Danny is the Red Man and Bunter is Fluffy Fatso. I still love you, though, mum: But playing is more fun fun fun: I will not have anything to do with those silly dogs, says Jeune distainfully:
  5. How exciting: I reckon you'll have to call her Daisy Ninja :laugh:
  6. I had a series of photographs showing Tamar trying to get into a little bed with Jeune. Unfortunately, I did something to them and now just have black squares .
  7. I think we should split it then :laugh: :laugh: Oh, that's a bummer. But Temple & Webster are quite kosher and have fabulous goodies. They feature lots of different "shops". I have been known to splurg .
  8. Maddie, from all The Moochers and their mum
  9. Why not? If the dogs and you enjoy it, then go for it. Sounds fun.
  10. I'm glad it has been used to transport such beauties . Little Sparky ??
  11. Love the cat pods. http://www.templeandwebster.com.au/temple-and-webster-presents-1/dog-days-pamper-your-pets-1.html
  12. Gosh, apart from nights like last night when I was still awake at 4am , the dogs, the cat and I hardly move.
  13. I'm glad to see that someone is as paranoid careful :D as I am ....... tiny little pups are so vulnerable even when they are Daisy Ninjas.
  14. For the past week or so, there has been a crow around my place (whether it is the same one or not, who knows :laugh: ). It is huge! It baths a few times a day in my bird bath and I regularly see it flying up to sit on a light pole to eat whatever it has caught. Typing this has made me realise I haven't seen any other birds around for a while .
  15. "According to the death certificate issued by Greencross Vets, Sasha should have died on April 12." Interesting. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the person whose signature is on that certificate. Either just signed what was put in front of him/her, or colluded.
  16. I hope some steps in to represent them pro bono.
  17. Oh that is so sad. I did wonder about smoke damage. Poor little tyke. Hopefully it could sense love and gentleness around him.
  18. I think you have done well, but still don't believe you were at fault in any way :) . Can you tell me where in Sydney you are, please? PM if you like. I'm just curious because for the first time ever in my area, I saw a muzzled dog this morning while walking my dogs. I was just a few houses away from my place and I saw a dog rolling on the ground rubbing his face with the owner standing by - dog was on a lead of course. As I crossed the road to my place, I was able to see better and saw that the dog was muzzled and I think he had probably been rubbing just trying to get the muzzle off. I've no idea what breed the dog was except very solid like a taller, broader Stafford.
  19. This topic has appeared many times over the years and I suppose we can really go on personal experience and first hand(as opposed to second, third or fourth) knowledge of other people's experiences. I was desperate for a dog when I finally bought a house with a yard and fence. However, during the few days of moving in, all through the day I heard the sound of barking dogs and even to my untrained ears, the dogs sounded lonely and bored. I decided that no way was I going to subject a dog to be being left on his/her own for 10-11 hours a day. Change of plan. I adopted two puppies from different litters, so when I brought them home they were 8 weeks and 9 weeks of age. When they were old enough and fully vaccinated, I took them everywhere together, I went to training with them together. Never had any problems and I didn't have stressed or bored dogs. I used to go regularly to an off leash park where my only concern was their size - they were Maltese and the girl was very very tiny. Just my experience and, so, speaking from that experience, I would never have a singleton. And I cannot understand why anyone would hate the phrase "to keep each other company" because that is what they do when the owner isn't there.
  20. I have to agree with this - or at least, as another poster suggested, have a talk to a ranger. Considering you had patted the dog the previous day at, according to the owner, the dog's instigation, and when you saw them the second day, the owner again said his dog wanted a pat. I can't see that you did anything wrong. The owner needs a wake up call, before his dog pays the price of his unconcern and lack of attention to or knowledge of his dog. I am curious though: did you ask the owner why the dog was muzzled the first day, but not the second? If the owner is walking him with a muzzle, maybe he is unsure of the dog, hasn't had the dog for long, or has been ordered to muzzle the dog. Or what, I wonder?
  21. It is very sad. The way I see it, to get justice for her dog, she needs to rein herself in. Despite any wishes to the contrary, magistrates are going to be influenced by the way someone looks and speaks. I doubt if she presents IRL as she does on FB, however, if she does, the person presiding is going to be less sympathetic. A little dog has been brutally killed - he deserves the best our currant laws can provide and that also means his owner has to be the best she can be for him.
  22. Normally I would totally agree with you, redangel. It sickens me the way terribale attacks are ignored and people go on about the media and their seeming inability to identify a breed. However, this time I decided to look at the FB link. A couple of hours after she posted her apalling diatribe she was arranging to go out with her mates and get drunk - though that could indeed be interpreted as trying to shut out the memory, I admit. Did you actually look at her FB page? No doubt her little dog was much loved and to think of what happened to him is truly sickening and I hope the owner of the other dog has a hefty fine coming his way.
  23. Only if he wants them back. Bento is a bit of a hunk, isn't he. Are Shiba Inu half cat :laugh: :laugh:
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