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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Wow!! How would you stop ordering? I'm thinking of getting Greyhounds just to buy the collars :laugh: :laugh:
  2. My first two dogs had never been alone. First they had their litter mates and then they had each other. The little girl, Calypso, died young (3 and a half) and the boy was a total and absolute wreck and could not be left alone. I left him with a friend's dogs through the day and if I had to go out on the weekend, I'd race through whatever it was I had to do and when I came home, Nammu would jump into the car leaping all over the seats sniffing and crying. Visitors would get the same treatment. There was an elderly bull terrier in the next block who was madly in love with Calypso and the first time I walked past his yard with just my boy, "Dog" went totally crazy. He was crying and howling and whimpering and throwing himself at the fence. We can't know how they process the absence, but many sure as hell know something has changed forever. I guess Nammu's reaction was so extreme because he'd always had a mate. But I haven't had such an experience since and I now have 10 little urns on my bookcase.
  3. I recognised the title straight off and wondered: what they heck. Since the person doing the resurrecting is "the boss" maybe he wants to bring this woman's nefarious activities to the forefront again. I think he should explain, though
  4. It is a worry. What about building a chook pen until she is a little older and more able to recognise danger ??
  5. And I will continue to be annoyed with those who judge when they shouldn't and those who take the high moral ground because they don't have dogs with weight/food/medical issues. And with those who make sweeping statements that people who say, "My vet has never said anything about my dog's weight" are liars and/or selectively deaf. Goodness me, people are so judgemental and cruel. Yes, there are stupid people out there who over feed their dogs and give them too many treats, but there are those who don't and still have dogs who could lose a few kilos .... as SAS has discovered. Despite having lots of my own dogs and many fosters and rescues through the door, I've only ever had one dog who was really driven by food and that is Bunter whom I've talked about previously in this thread. All my other dogs have eaten to stay alive and it is nothing for them to miss a couple of feeds. But Bunter would eat 10 meals a day if I put them in front of him. In fact, one morning when he didn't eat all his breakfast, I got such a shock, I started a thread on it. For sure, we can grind out teeth and get cross when we see overweight dogs, but before jumping to conclusions that the people are "ignorant" and liars, perhaps consider that it might be medication and/or inappropriate expression of love, and the people DON'T have a vet who would suggest their dog needs to lose weight.
  6. WOW! What a statement to make LOL. So you have canvassed every vet in Australia then? :laugh: :laugh:
  7. I am not qualified to make any comments or suggestions as to depth of field, composition, lightness, brightness but I can say: WOW. WOW. WOW!! I think no 2 in your first post was extraordinary .
  8. Mr TSD has to keep his lap free for Miss Bronte.
  9. WOW! That deck statue is marvellous. Some people are just so creative.
  10. True, but we can't help wondering and hoping the little dog is alright.
  11. And I hope she learns to keep her mouth shut from now on - how rude. And congratulations to you for handling it the way you did.
  12. K, for your sanity , you need now to combine your two threads on the Daisy Ninja ....... And so this old bird can keep up I don't want to miss one word or one photograph LOL.
  13. I can relate, Daisy Ninja. I wear one of those shirts too.
  14. WOW!! Your back yard sure is looking like a doggy paradise - good to see them both romping together.
  15. Except when she applied the taste test :laugh: K, she is a knock out and if the boys aren't in love yet, I predict they soon will be. You have your work cut out now keeping us impatient fans up to date with Daisy Ninja and her DAILY progress. :D :D
  16. I wondered about that too, hippo. If it's not, it might be a case of people wanting help, but in reality don't really want to have to do anything and hoping to be told everything is fine. In the hope that there isn't a little dog suffering and perhaps dying out there without vet treatment, I hope you are right.
  17. LOL. She has you and Mrs Dave73 wrapped around her paws ...... just the way it should be. :laugh:
  18. My vet told me that Bunter had to definitely lose weight and we have been really trying. And I am not kidding myself: his routine and food regime are as I have stated it above. It is not always cut and dried in terms of weight control. I have a sister and brother (twins) whose weights have hardly changed since their early twenties - they are tall and slim. I am short and dumpy and have a weight problem and always have had. Same parents, different result.
  19. Bless me Father for I have sinned. I have a fat dog. :laugh: :laugh: When I first adopted Bunter (name for obvious reasons :D ) from the pound, he was slightly overweight. Over a period of time I managed to get him down to a reasonable weight, but then he started gradually putting it on again as I fed him pretty much the same as I did my other dogs. None of my other dogs has ever had a weight problem. For a long time now he has been on a diet of 85 grams of kangaroo per day, bulked up with vegetables and/or the prescribed weight of VAN. I haven't weighed him since the start, but I can pretty much garantee he wouldn't have lost much more than a couple hundred grams if that. He is also walked twice a day. He gets treats (tiny bit of toast crust or liver treats) a couple of times per week; he is shut away for his meals so he can't get to the other dogs' bowls. Before I let him out after his meal, all the other bowls are checked to see that they are empty. He is naturally stocky with short solid legs (I think he may have Corgi somewhere in the mix) and although I am blindingly aware of the health problems of being overweight, the alternative would be a very unhappy dog. So, I guess the only way Bunter would lose weight would be to be on starvation rations and, frankly, why do that to him? That is not to say, I am going to throw caution to the winds. I will keep on feeding him the little bit of raw meat (I weigh it out) and vegies/VAN.
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