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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Oh dear. The joys of motherhood. She needs to know when to be Daisy and when to be Ninja. Poor K. Were you frantic?
  2. Be careful. You'll be getting complaints from the neighbours soon. :D :D
  3. Looks as though Maddie was movin' n groovin' and stopped midway :laugh:
  4. I thinbk it is really awful when people try to blame the dog because their backyard is a tip.
  5. Really? I'll have to take another look. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. Hey! Another Gussy (mine is Gussy Cat - LOL). Nothing like a "Gotcha Day". Best celebration ever. Happy Many Many Gotcha Days, Gussy and Blueylove.
  7. You certainly have a house-full-of-love . I hope you have some effective dividers so you can get some sleep and time out from the power games. All good wishes to Iggy Mum.
  8. Yes, the love will always be there. You have such a stunning photographic record, Jelly.
  9. As in Italics: I don't think so either, dee lee. I think you'll find she'll have days when she'll be as before and days when she just doesn't want to. Walking Honey and doing your running will have to become separate items. All my dogs are pound rescue toy breeds, three I have had for 9 plus years and so I have had them long enough to notice their declining interest in exercise. Even the littlest one (whom I advertised on DOL once as an exercise machine :laugh: :laugh: ) has started to show signs of slowing down which was a shock. It seems to come suddenly. This time last year, I was doing quite brisk, twice daily walks of 3/4 hour. Our walks these days are little more than ambling along sniffing the grass.
  10. Agree, juice, but in today's litigious climate, seeing that this dog has already killed, my feelings are that all possibilities and probabilities should be covered. That means all details in a contract and signatures with appropriate dates.
  11. At 6 years your Honey is approaching her senior years - sad but true. As others have said, take a trip to the vet for a thorough check up, perhaps a full blood profile. Good luck, dee lee.
  12. I couldn't agree more . So many problems so people can OOOOH and AAAAAH for 10 minutes and then its forgotten leaving people with traumatised and/or lost animals.
  13. Jelly and Roo: an amazing love story.
  14. Valium. Like you, I'd not had dogs who were afraid of storms until Myrtie. Vet suggested Valium ..... magic. She is tiny so she gets 1/4 of a tablet.
  15. Beautiful, K. I think it is marvellous that you have trained her to prune. Every young dog should have that skill. So jealous. :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Yes! Don't touch them ever ever ever. I think we need to get across the message whenever and wherever we can: Don't give anything to our dogs and cats that comes from China. This, I admit, is going to become more and more difficult as the new government seems hell bent in giving in to all and any demands by "our near neighbours" and that means allowing them to flood our supermarket shelves with dangerous goods. I heard on the news over the weekend that Tony Abbott wants to conclude the Free Trade Agreement with China within the first 12 months of the new government . To get that through, you can imagine the compromises and grovelling Australian diplomatics and negotiators will be doing.
  17. So good that first DOL read of the new day is good news. Enjoy your bones, MUP doggies.
  18. What a wonderful little girl, Jules. The judge looks like she is enjoying interacting with Miah as well. So happy for you all.
  19. I can't believe there are fireworks full stop. So many parts of NSW are burning to the ground and stupid b***dy councils put on fireworks.
  20. That is awful - the poor dogs get so sick and the owners are devastated by their loss. I wonder what is happening?
  21. I'm really really sorry to hear that Dave73 and certainly understand how you are guttered. With the vets at SASH, you will be getting the best advice and the best treatment. Wishing you and your girl the very very best.
  22. Hopefully will touch the chords of those who say: it's just a dog. Hopefully it is true and not the beginnings of an urban myth.
  23. Hmmm - I don't share your confidence. The same pound released a Shar Pei who they said had probably given birth a few weeks previously. She gave birth to four puppies (in rescue thank goodness) that same night. Anyway, I hope that poor creature is getting all the veterinary attention and care necessary.
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