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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I watched about 18 seconds of that poor little dog trying to get away and constantly seeking help from his owner who just sat there like a stupid numbskull. All I could think of (meaning the owner) was, "Bloody bitch should have that dog taken away from her."
  2. Go Wilma. I hope your boss's dad is okay . What an awful experience for him.
  3. My first dogs were two Maltese puppies. They were really gorgeous looking dogs , the female was very tiny and we used to get lots of attention. I was even approached of several occasions by people wanting to buy them We were out walking once when a woman about 25 yards away started, so I thought having a "turn". She was throwing her hands in the air and then bending over touching her knees. I thought, "OMG, she is having a fit!" I hurried towards her and as I came closer, I heard, "They are so beautiful. They are so beautiful." All that said, I think it would become very irksome, Kelpiecuddles, to have that level of attention. As with another poster, the comments I get are mostly due to the number (five) I walk. The most annoying was from a man who stopped his van and said, "I hope they're not all yours."
  4. Wonderful photos and a very very handsome dog He is looking very regal in his 6 months shot.
  5. Lovely little wet botties. They are great pix. Love the pool too - the "beach" look is great.
  6. Impossible to overstate how beautiful those photos are.
  7. Exactly . Those sorts of blanket statements such as made by HugL really make my blood boil.
  8. No No No! Cannibal cannot be trusted! You must send Claudia to me !!!! She can join Tamar draped around my head at night :laugh: :laugh:
  9. I didn't see that survey. Perhaps you could point me to it; it would be good to read. Frankly, I would love to take my dogs to an off leash park simply for their enjoyment and enrichment. To race around, smelling other doggy smells is the joy of most dogs' lives. And, although I haven't done a survey, I would be happy to bet that most people take their dogs to parks for those reasons. The last time I took one of my dogs to an off leash park was when I was waiting for my car to be repaired. It was a small park and in the middle of a working day, so not many people. We spent about and hour there and I don't she lifted her head once. I was worried her nose might fall off - she had the best time.
  10. Attending meetings at taxpayers' (ie us, you and me) expense.
  11. Yeah, you can tell he is a Shar Pei from the ears I don't look any more, because I simply don't have the funds or the energy (physical or emotional) for any more dogs. The last time I looked at Renbury, I ended up with Bunter. $7,000 later . . . . . . :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Oh No!! Just when I seem to be doing all the rights things, making all the right moves, looking totally gorgeous, these people do this to me. WHAT HAVE I DONE, WHY ARE THEY SO MEAN
  13. I didn't mean drastic in that it was a step too far. On the contrary: sometimes drastic measures are needed. :)
  14. What a fabulous dog park. (Wouldn't want to be there after rain though :laugh: )
  15. Sorry about Sparky - better best is just around the corner. Love the little cream guy. Magenta is def his colour
  16. Exactly my thoughts, Rosetta. Thank you for caring and continuing, mumof4girls.
  17. Well, it is a pretty drastic solution and confronting as you said and I am sure you are still in more than a bit of shock. I'm sure Veronika has told you that you will be amazed how well dogs manage on three legs, particularly as it is a rear leg. They can have difficulties with balance and back problems with a front leg amputation, but once healed and back to good health, a rear amputation seems to not even slow some dogs down. Good luck with the surgery and I hope your girl makes a speedy recovery. I'm so glad she has you and your wife on her case
  18. I reckon that's an excellent idea and there would be plenty of Sydney DOLers who'd love to visit to check up that she is doing the right thing :D :D
  19. That sounds wonderful, LG. A story as to how it all goes when you get back home would be a great addition to the DOL stories ...... please :)
  20. Would it be possible for you to take photos and go personally to the RSPCA?
  21. Absolutely I use a vet nurse from my vet hospital. I don't know where in NSW you are hankodie, but could be worth making enquiries. I have also used Happy House Sitters and the couple fitted my requirements to the last letter.
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