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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I'm very lucky to live on a gently sloping block, Hankodie :).
  2. Just lovely, Rozzie. Makes me think that Danny at nearly 15 is a Spring Chickie :laugh: .
  3. Sometimes, one sees perfection. You have captured it, Rainers.
  4. This is true and just a matter of recognising it and trying to make the beating up of oneself not too hard
  5. Wonderful news, Dave73. Hopefully all goes to plan ---- seeing the plan is such a great one for everyone. Well done Jazz - what a girl.
  6. People who allow dogs to get into that sort of condition should be prosecuted for cruelty the same as they would be for deliberately starving or beating a dog (if found of course ). He would have been in pain, not just uncomfortable. Thank goodness he is with you now, Keetamouse.
  7. She sounds quite a girl, Dave73. Saturday will be exciting, scary, exciting, scary. Know what you mean :) Hope your boy continues to do well too.
  8. I'm so sorry for you and your boy, Kirty. Renal failure = feeling very very crappy. I think I'd be letting him go too.
  9. Great news, Dave73. So you have a Ridgeback too! You and your wife are lucky ----- as are your dogs Dogs are truly amazing creatures.
  10. At least Odie is black :laugh: . Great pix. Yes, he is turning into an adult in front of our eyes. Love the photo of your little Buddha with her dad. ETA : I think your yard needs some drainage pipes
  11. I wouldn't have a clue ....... BUT, I do want a photo , please :)
  12. A mini poodle of 9 is still a Spring chicken :laugh:
  13. :) It takes a big heart to apologise, HugL. Actually, I could back track a bit too, because your post did start me thinking and remembering that some years ago, I did come across a few rescue "older ladies" (BTW, I'm ancient :D ) who were on the verge and their houses were pretty questionable.
  14. Shoot! That's enough to reduce one to tears ... of happiness. Love the look: she seems to be saying, "See, I have my very own mug."
  15. Oh! Little here, Dave73. Your girl has had a huge procedure. Best of luck for a speedy recovery and adaption, and hopefully she'll be in boots made for running in no time.
  16. Well a Pom is close in that some believe that a Schipperke is a Spitz breed. :)
  17. LOL. He is a bit of a barker at birds and other dogs passing by on the footpath LOL. I have no idea of his cross as he was adopted from a pound in 2002. It only occurred to me a years or so ago to contact a Finnish Spitz breeder to ask their opinion and they def agreed with me that he was mostly FS. He is also very stubborn and believes that with age comes privilege :D . My forum name is due to his "Velcro-itis" :laugh: :laugh: - he is always either by my side or where he can see me.
  18. Ellz, I can understand heads turning at Biscuit. Schipperkes are definitely worth a head turn. My Danny is a Finnish Spitz cross (mostly FS according to a breeder) and he has been a head turner too. At nearly 15, he still looks good: thick, red, glossy coat. The pic below was take a couple of years ago, but I don't have any recent on photobucket.
  19. OMG K, your photographs are simply the best: the quality of the photography and the stories they tell.
  20. Thank you, Aphra. As always, you are clear, knowledgeable and compassionate
  21. DD - I've been a crazy dog lady for so long it actually didn't occur to me that it was something to be offended about being called Given the number of dogs we frequently have running around the house (temp care/foster care etc), the line between foster carer and animal hoarder is pretty fine... :) Oh, for sure, Koala. It was the way and context that HugL said it as though all of us who have multiple dogs are dirty and have lost the plot. Quote: "My only prior experience with "rescue" was ladies who loved dogs and couldn't bear the thought of any being put to sleep. They usually had too many dogs and all were uncontrolled and cossetted. Their homes were absolute tips and inside smelt horribly of dog (my home smells of dog but never that bad). Even heading towards dog-hoarding." I'd like to know how many of these rescue ladies HugL has come across.
  22. Okay, I didn't absorb that bit, sorry. I'd be doing as Aphra says.
  23. I wondered about that, too, Rosetta and read it through a few times without coming to any conclusion. Languages can be very different in terms of emphases, positioning of qualifying words, etc etc and thus the person can come across as inappropriate to a "native" English speaker. However, there is no mistaking the last sentence about how the dog should be free - LOL. If I were to respond to a query such as this, I would be suggesting that while "her baby" is still with her, she should not be getting another dog.
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