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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. That's all that matters really. Friends cannot always understand the rescue/foster/rehome trajectory. However, seeing she was the one who asked you to foster, maybe she does, but was wanting something more . Don't feel horrible; you are considering what is best for Bonnie. Good luck.
  2. Bathtowel Daisy Ninja !!!! She isn't a bully, she is just giving some lovin'. Look at that hug.
  3. I always tells people (who ask) that my dogs are all rescued from various pounds ..... simply to spread the word that beautiful dogs are in pounds and to advise of rescue groups that I believe are doing great work. As I have said, being a dog rescued from a pound can be reason for certain behaviours and a new owner needs to recognise/understand that, but not (as I have also stated) to use it as an excuse for continued "bad" behaviour. That said, one of my dogs is totally scared of just about everything and despite living with me for over 9 years, is totally freaked out if I try to make her sit. I would say this is probably totally genetic and nothing to do with her pound/rescue experience. Who knows? But I have adapted my expectations to suit her needs and she has adapted, to the best of her ability, to suit her environment.
  4. Pie may have won the diagnostic prize, but Skyefool wins the LOL Award - thank you. Like HW, I was really worried when I read the title.
  5. When I clicked onto your PetRescue advertisement for Bonnie it had had nearly 900 views and that was pretty well just after you'd posted advising it was up. ETA that it is now up to 1,098!!
  6. She is really beautiful. You have every right to feel proud of her and of yourself (Just make sure you stock up on the Kleenex :laugh: :laugh: )
  7. I'm old and pedantic so don't try to shift me off the couch I'm happy to plod around the neighbourhood with you Don't get me up too early though and I don't like getting my feet wet from heavy dew or rain Please don't take me out in the blazing sun Must have access to drink :D :D even water from time to time More than happy to laze around the house, but love getting into the garden too I've never been good at sports, but an occasional jog is okay I'm easy to feed, but can be a bit of a guts I don't shed and have easy care hair and cut No previous litters and well passed it I'm easy to medicate, but don't have any ailments except old age Good with meeting people, but keep it short
  8. I rather feel it is a bit of a stretch to compare working dogs who have been trained and had their natural instincts honed to a fine degree with dogs who have never had any certainty in their lives such as Kirra: Dog mill, Pets Haven, and then two more homes. I totally agree that using "the dog is a rescue" as an excuse is no way to help the dog. Using it as a reason and then properly addressing any problems/issues with that knowledge is the way to help the dog. It's a bit like going to the doctor: if you are seeking help or a cure, you have to give the doctor your full medical history.
  9. Great work, Clyde. Sounds like these little ones have some pretty sound options.
  10. Sage and considered advice from Nekhbet. Kirra is not much more than a pup. Time for her to start to enjoy her new life.
  11. Poor little darlings. The owners of Styles Grooming Salon just down the road from me are breeders of Standard Poodles, but love all sizes. I've seen lots of oldies being groomed over the years and they obviously have a wide ranging clientele. I believe they have helped rescue groups in the past and may be worth contacting. Damn, just remembered they are closed for a couple of weeks. They give out their mobile numbers though: 0431 275 780 0418 698 831
  12. So it is all your fault then. Fancy passing up an opportunity like that Joking aside, I have always thought it remarkable how most rescue dogs take so much in their stride. Lost or dumped or taken to a pound Wandering the street afraid, hungry, thirsty Picked up by either someone in the street or a ranger (sometimes very aggressively) Transported to the pound Shut in a run/cage Surrounded by lots of stressed and afraid strange dogs and strange people coming and going Adopted by complete strangers, or Rescued by a rescue organisation/person Taken to a strange vet Sent off to foster care and sometimes a few foster carers can be involved Sometimes being transported across the country passing through several sets of transporters. Frankly, this would be considered inhumane treatment if dished out to a human being. Whether a dog has suffered actual abuse or not, just a couple of the above could be enough to traumatise them for life. Given the life Kirra has led, I'm surprised she isn't a complete basket case. Realistically, she will probably need a certain amount of "management" all her life (as do many DOL dogs), but from what Inka3095 says about her, she sounds a great dog and well worth giving her heaps of training and effort to help her to lead a happy life.
  13. I don't see people making excuses - a dog who has had several homes in a very short time is obviously going to be one confused dog. She may have had all those homes because she is naturally territorial aggressive, but to suggest that people are making excuses is unnecessarily condemnatory of people who feel for the dog and for Inka95. However I do agree with those who say that the dog should not have been roaming free when there was a tradesman about. I was caught short on this once, too.
  14. Do what you would do if a child suddenly exhibited strange behaviour ....... take her to the vet and have her fully checked out. However, you have a dog who has been seriously failed by the human race, never knowing from one day to the next where she was meant to be or what she was meant to be doing. My heart really aches for her. Maybe this can be overcome or maybe it can't. If you go down the behaviourist route, get someone who actually knows what they are doing and doesn't just sprout jargon and generalistic suppositions. A dog is an individual. This must be very hard for you. Good luck.
  15. Excellent point. Lots of little things we do automatically to keep the house clean and tidy, the dogs fed, watered, played with, etc etc. The few times I've used housesitters, I have left very detailed instructions for every day, eg not just a general instruction that the dogs are fed morning and evenings, but a schedule for every single day I am away.
  16. How funny. It must be that I have a soft feeling for the "underdog" because I was going to say, Flint for me. I love the big square heads Rotties. :laugh: :laugh: What's with the "F" thing. I was dreaming a little while ago about having a Rottie in my old [er] age to plod around the neighbourhood with me and I was playing with the names Flirt and Flaunt. :D :D :D
  17. Grumpette - you make it look so easy. You are such a tease
  18. Probably the only thing better than a Rottie in your situation would be several :laugh: :laugh: Good luck in finding a dog who is perfect for you and you are perfect for him/her.
  19. As if it were ever in doubt :laugh: :laugh: . I was lucky enough to meet Teddy and, despite years of phone calls and internet correspondence, K9Angel IRL. We drove out to Camden and, despite noticing a few things that the prospective owners needed to fix to make their yard safe and escape proof, we could see that it would be a wonderful home for Teddy. The cat (I've forgotten his name ) took one look at Teddy, gave a hiss, and Teddy was cowed. We were all pretty sure though that, with Teddy's lovely nature, the impasse would very quickly be breached. Well done Teddy, Mel (and family) and K9A.
  20. DOL is part of the world in general, hankdog, which means you are damned if you do and damned if you don't :laugh: :laugh:
  21. I haven't seen it, but from what I have, I wouldn't be surprised.
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