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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I'm interested in this subject, too. I've started Tamar (approx 10 years old, Maltese Shih Tzu cross) on Propaline. The first time I tried it, after a couple of days (ie 4 doses, tiny) I notice she was acting a bit strangely. On vet's advise I stopped it and they were researching some other medications. I started her again on Propaline a few days ago and she seems fine, but last night she had a really big leak, luckily on her bedding and not mine. As she sleeps on my bed and tends to move around through the night, I really want a solution. I know some dogs are really upset about incontinence, but it certainly doesn't worry Tamar .
  2. Edited: After several tries, have managed to place an order.
  3. Until we see photos, it isn't true :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Your story about Bonnie makes me think of the Starfish analogy. No matter what happens from now on, whether you foster again or not, you have made a difference to a beautiful life. I'm sure we will have more updates when Bonnie moves on :D :D
  5. Just taken another look at the Breeders Community forum, Jed, and it says no to starting a new topic as well as posting in an existing thread. And I will repeat: I completely understand why this is so, I have no hidden agenda and have not wish for the rules to be changed :) :)
  6. :) I am not asking for the forum to be opened, Sandgrubber. If is against the rules, JulesP, I am sure nutters of other persuasions will soon be reporting me to the administrator. :laugh: I started the thread because there were not many people posting in the threads I mentioned and the OPs may not have realised that they had a lot more support than was evident, so sending a PM (which is a nice gesture) would not have the effect of letting the posters know that others were thinking of them and their dogs and wishing them well.
  7. I understand totally the reasons that this forum is restricted, but I read it from time to time and sometimes go to post before remembering that I can't. Therefore, I hope I will be excused from starting a post about threads in that forum, but I just wanted to say how much I am hoping and praying that SLF's girl will be delivered safely of healthy pups after having been bitten by a snake. You must be so anguished, SLF. It was wonderful to read that she was home and seemingly okay. Looking forward to updates when she has the pups. Another thread that really really grabbed me was woody2shoes' thread about her newborn pup who wouldn't suckle and, through all efforts by her, is now going great guns. Lovely threads and I will continue to follow with anticipation, so long as it is remembered: there must be photos :laugh: :laugh:
  8. What is she doing that is naughty . To me, it looks as though she is doing what she is - being a little puppy dog.
  9. That is just great, boronia . Nice and solid on four wheels too. Penny's Perfect Perambulator
  10. I make a huge pot of chicken stock from a whole chicken, let it cool, skim the larger pieces of fat off the top and then strain it through material to get all the fat out and cook the rice in that. With Peppi, I imagine you could leave some of the fat in the stock. I then shred the chicken. Good luck and wishes to getting Peppi 'fat' and healthy again.
  11. I have said it many times on this forum, but one of the most dangerous times for a dog is when tradesmen are in the house. They cannot and should not be relied upon to close doors/gates. Just one second of in attention and the dog can be gone. Either leave with breeder or take to work, but that sounds a bit of a difficult place to keep an eye on him as well, although the opportunities for socialisation and environmental stimulus would be excellent. How about a pen with his crate and toys in it. Nothing flash or expensive, just secure and safe.
  12. Just read this in the SMH: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/mother-facing-charges-for-allegedly-leaving-baby-alone-in-car-20140115-30u4e.html
  13. Many years ago when Danny needed eye drops every couple of hours or so, I took him to work and just barricaded him in at my work station. No one took much notice :D :D .
  14. Just a thought ... would employers allow people to bring susceptible dogs to work?
  15. I didn't know that the Marigold was the same as Calendula. I've tried growing them, but the snails/slugs always got there first. Think I'll try again and snail proof the plants. The dogs have been a bit itchy and I've put it down to the hot weather and lawn that you can almost see grow - mown about 4 times in the past fortnight.
  16. Such a sad and difficult time, Kajtek. Some dogs grieve and some don't. As others have said, it is different for individual dogs - it takes time. As you had a threesome, I would imagine the two left will come to terms reasonably quickly. I hope so for them and for you. To see our dogs grieving and to know that only time will heal, is very very difficult.
  17. Mush for brains some people. And when tragedy strikes, no doubt they want to find someone else to blame. Would love to have been a fly on the car when owner returned. Could you not put up a sandwich board advising people? I know some people need to be bashed over the head with information and still not get it. The parents/whoever left them should be charged with reckless endangement of life.
  18. What agony for you both . I am so sorry and wish there was something we could do to ease the pain.
  19. Swoon :laugh: :laugh: His ex-mum would be just so so happy to see little Charlie loving his new life. It took two years for my last rescue to start playing. Mind you, he came into a household of 5 other dogs with allegiances well formed. I'm so happy for Finn too; nothing warms a heart more than seeing a dog "come to life" when another is brought into the family.
  20. These excerpts from your posts really touched my heart, kiwioz Charlie looks totally and 100% adorable. He will be ruling the roost in no time at all :laugh: :laugh:
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