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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Yes, Aussielover. The python was just doing what pythons do. At least there have been some advances in the way animals are treated and understood.
  2. Taxi drivers might refuse the fare because there's a wee dog involved. Often they would be concerned of damage and down time. Anyone ever tried to get a taxi in Sydney with a dog tucked under your arm? You've buckley's. Doesn't matter if the dog is a 2kg tiny and the taxi drivers look as though they haven't bathed or shaved for a week and the taxi cab is a health hazard on wheels. Ooooohhh nooooooo!!! A filthy dog? No way.
  3. Playing Devil's Advocate is all very well, but common sense should come first. I respect your views "but" they are the rare exception rather then the rule, it is just "UNFORGIVABLE" :eek: to chain a small dog up outside. Being new to the area is not an excuse nor a reason if anything it is more reason to have the dog inside where it will be safe if she has never lived on property in a new area, if you care/love your dog you will research the area you are going to be living in, it is a copout to plead ignorance :cry: Was your dog under 5 kilos as this dog probably was. Couldn't agree with you more Keetamouse. Exactly Referred to as "the dog" with not even mention of male or female. The stupid ignorant person is probably out getting another one today and regaling everyone of her "shocking" and "upsetting" experience ....... an relishing the attention. "Hey!! Did you see me in the paper?" HUGE assumption I know so don't anyone bother to jump on me from a great height. I just feel for that little dog so much.
  4. Haven't we seen an example of that here on DOL a few years back?
  5. Considering DABS was bequeathed nearly a million dollars a few years back, they could have all the dogs in Sydney desexed let alone those of homeless people.
  6. Someone who should be prosecuted for stupidity causing death and ruled never to own a dog again. I think you are being a tad generous, aliwake. Quote: "Mrs Ulyatt said the dog's owner was upset but calm when she rang the wildlife service's hotline on Thursday morning." A Chihuahua Maltese cross TETHERED BY A CHAIN in the yard. The woman has some serious screws loose as far as I am concerned.
  7. Nevering have had Staffords, of course I am an expert :D :D , but have to agree with Sandra777 Yep to this too. I think we can make the mistake of thinking puppies are like human babies and can't be allowed to wander around on their own. Puppies are dogs and love to be outside sniffing and marking and doing all the things that adult dogs do. Great system.
  8. Just goes to show how special Jazz is and was certainly meant to the lead the way to new research and discoveries :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Having read the thread in the Breeders' Forum and because I can't post there, I will here. Deepest sympathies, SLF. With all the health issues your little pups exhibited, my opinion is that you have done the kindest thing for those little souls. Time and knowing you did the right thing will hopefully go a long way to easing the pain.
  10. That is just the bestest story, westiemum, and you have every right to be totally and absolutely biased :laugh: :laugh: I must admit I always spruik the needs of pounds dogs and rescue group on the regular occasions I am stopped when walking my five together. Have to agree that pink tongues are better :laugh:
  11. Lemon Slice absolutely my favourite desert - closely followed by Creme Brulee, Chocolote Mousse, Ice Cream, Carrot Cake with inch thick icing ..... Oh FFS let's face it, I love them all .
  12. I hope your oncologist takes on board the fact that Jazz's nails all fell out and to pass this information on to other people. Very happy for you and Jazz that everything is going so well.
  13. I'm moving to Perth LOL. Pet Lovers Cafe sounds great. How is their coffee?
  14. I recently bought roo jerky and roo bones from HowzYa Dog (dreadful name :laugh: :laugh: ) via ebay and despite orders coming in the one parcel, I was charged separate postage . I prefer to be able to see the product I am buying, but decided to take a punt and am very happy with the product. They have a large range of product.
  15. LOL - love that Boronia. Westiemum, you must get lots of attention when you are out with your MacMobile. What are some of the reactions? Good marketing too in that it will show people how to get their older dogs out enjoying the outdoors with its different sights and smells.
  16. Totally agree, but it is also the parents' responsibility to keep their children safe.
  17. That is really sad. The parents of the boy should have been keeping an eye on him, the owners of the dogs should have let everyone know the dog was in the backyard with his bone. These people may be friends of long standing, the visitors may know the dog, etc etc etc. Lots of unknowns. But when people take their children visiting they should be keeping an eagle eye on them. Nope. Your child, your responsibility. This is why I won't let children come up to my dogs when I am walking them unless they ask and then I tell them who they can pat and who they must leave alone - not because the dogs might bite but because a couple are easily frightened. It is good to see a judge getting a handle on responsibility.
  18. I sympathise with you, Madwoofter. Despite having had many dogs in the past 20 years, I've never had one who "was just winding down". Most were elderly to start with and fairly compromised healthwise. However, my Danny, who has been with me for 12 years, is now 14 plus and really starting to show his age. I find I am watching him like a hawk and choking up from time to time when I see obvious signs that he is now an old and geriatric dog. I hope that you have lots more time with Tess and both you and she can enjoy that time to the full.
  19. I shouldn't, no I definitely shouldn't, no no no ....... oh god, I can't help it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. At the moment in my neighbourhood, there is only one large dog I fear and that is a very large very overweight chocolate female labrador. She is often walked just by a young lad (which I am pretty sure is illegal) who can barely hold her as she strains to get across the street to me and mine . I still suggest that Michelleva tries to enlist the aid of a ranger. People can be very odd (understatement of the year) at the vaguest suggestion they or their dog might be less than perfect :)
  21. Can I send Myrtie down to play with Neko? She is totally desperate to play and none of the other dogs will play with her.
  22. Changing one's walking times and places aren't as easy as it might sound: people work, go to school, live in cul de sacs, etc etc. The extendable lead problem (and I use the word "problem" on purpose) has been done before and I feel those like cavNrott (and me LOL) are up against the tide. They are a menace in the wrong hands and most of the hands they are in are the wrong hands. It is a bit like the chicken and the egg question: is a dog badly behaved or is the dog badly behaved be he or she is on an extendable lead and thus able to go off in all directions? More and more people seem to be using them and so more and more dogs will be out of control. A woman in my area used to walk her Dalmatian on one and the dog could literally run across the road from one footpath to the other. The dog was totally out of control and the owner was obviously brain dead when it came to knowing what to do with a dog. As for the dogs in the topic, that owner is a numbskull and I wouldn't be surprised if he comes home one day to a very grisly and tragic sight .... unless the dogs are separated while he is out. An awful situation for you, Michelleva and all I can suggest is that you have a talk to your council ranger. As rescuers know, some rangers can be wonderful, love dogs and want to be as helpful as possible to avoid bad situations ... hopefully you can find one like that.
  23. The concept of personal responsibility does seem to have gone out the window to some extent and, sadly, many legal judgements have supported that. Some years ago, a woman successfully sued because she bumped into some building works while she was talking on her mobile. Can't remember who she sued: builders or council. Unfortunately, it seems to be a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Obviously, there were many areas where organisations, councils, people were hugely neglectful of people's safety, but changes in legislation certainly led to an explosion of vexatious complaints and particularly in the USA where payments shooting into the stratosphere are awarded in cases of negligence or otherwise. Personally, I don't like to see people using head phones while they are walking their dogs or their babies for that matter. I feel they should be paying attention to what they are doing Of course, they may be listening to an important lecture, or cramming for an exam ........ doubt it though.
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