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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Ha ha ha, I knew that was coming. It's a fine, almost invisible line, between saying an action is stupid and saying the person is stupid. Anyway, I still believe some posters went all out in the wrong way and instead of talking sensibly and nicely to the OP, a newcomer, tried to crack a nut with a sledge hammer and/or to show off their superiority. Here you had a young woman, all excited about moving onto acreage, with her beautiful dog and looking forward to having lots of conversations with other dogs lovers and instead she was shot down in flames by people who should know better. What a shame. She sounded lovely.
  2. I realised that there was a chance of that, Rebanne, and it has been done to death. I am referring to the people I see around here. :) :) I think all this supposition as to what happened and who did what or didn't do what, and who was where, etc etc etc is just so much twaddle. In the final analysis, a woman has been severely injured through (as far as we know) no fault of her own and, as usual, posters come out wanting to blame the person who was attacked.
  3. that lump is nothing. And good news regarding Jazz.
  4. Perhaps my use of the words "scott free" was inconsidered. What I meant, was that despite the severity of the attacks on HazyWal's dogs and consequent injuries to herself, the woman and her dogs are going to be unaffected, except for the fines. Maybe not scott free in financial terms but certainly scott free in terms of being held responsible and being seen to be held responsible by the relevant authorities.
  5. Maybe, perhaps, it might be the case. NO ONE HERE KNOWS or if they do, they aren't saying. All this speculation about extendable leads, where the jogger was in relation to the dogs ..... just so much blame the victim b*llsh*t. Makes me so angry. Oh and as for dogs the size of Greys and Dobes being on extender lead, come and walk in my area, Amax-1. Extendable leads are the vogue for all sorts and all sizes of dogs, but only one breed of human: stupid.
  6. It won't be long before he is bigger than Isla and they may have to swap: Isla in the crate and new puppy out. :laugh: :laugh:
  7. It is no wonder that some people end up taking the law into their own hands. If the laws of our country can't provide us with justice, where do we turn? Naturally, I am not talking about revenge; I am talking about the perpetrator taking responsibility and making amends. HW and her dogs have been severely injured, physically and emotionally and financially, and the perpetrator is allowed to shrug her shoulders and walk away scott free.
  8. Stunning, amazing, gobsmacking, jaw dropping.
  9. I'm sure you will get lots of help with the specific questions, but I have have one, no two, things to say: 1. Congratulations. Groomers down the road from me breed standards and some of their dogs are truly beautiful in looks and in nature. 2. You won't screw up, just don't overthink it :laugh: :laugh: Oh, just thought of a third: 3. Have FUN
  10. I'm so out of the "rescue world" now that I don't know what this means. Is Mel a transporter taking the dogs to various rescues/foster. It is a long time since I've had that wonderful feeling of going to a pound and releasing a dog for myself, another rescuer, or to take him/her to the airport. Just to bring me up to date, thanks :) :) .
  11. HW what about a letter including photographs to your local, State and Federal Members, and the editor of the local paper? Including information about how the Council seems to absolve itself from these issues?
  12. I think a couple of you are being a bit silly and, dare I say it, self righteous :) . For sure, many of us have been around for a long time and know all the dangers and pitfalls that face roaming dogs anywhere, not just in farming land. And we've heard lots of your stories about " the neighbours dog being shot" - --- it seems to me some of you revel in your shooting stories. WOW !!!! Big brave frontier people :laugh: :laugh: However, there are ways and means. Where is Skyeedacidson now, I wonder. Hopefully she is still reading this, but she would have been better served by telling her what dangers are there without calling her stupid. I certainly don't play with unicorns and, frankly OsoSwift, saying silly things like that does you no credit and certainly doesn't make your arguments any more persuasive. There are as many "wild" (substitute ignorant shall we?) people living in the city as are in the bush.
  13. That has to be just convenient f**king bullshit. The woman has committed a crime by not having her dogs properly contained; they have attacked other dogs; they have injured a civilian. How can they possible stand behind: it isn't in our remit.
  14. I totally understand where you are coming from. However, what if the person you want to understand that reality is no longer around to learn because of being flamed when she didn't understand the consequences of what she was doing?The best teacher in the world won't make a scrap of difference if there is no one to listen to her/him .
  15. Oh, that is such good news, Airedaler. You must be very happy - your niece as well. Hopefully no setbacks and some beautiful dogs will be making their ways out into the world before too long.
  16. You certainly aren't . I might be defaming some good people, but very generally speaking, I think council workers are extremely under-committed and not at all bothered whether they do a good job or not. From some of the stories told on this forum, it seems to be getting worse.
  17. LOL - nothing like resurrecting old threads :laugh: We never did get any updates from shyfig. What a shame as it is good to hear the good and/or the bad. If I were looking for a trainer, I'd be running a mile from anyone calling themselves a "whisperer" of any description.
  18. How really thoughtful of you, Rebanne (and other DOLers too apparently ). Unfortunately, that just lets the owner of the attacking dogs off the hook. What a miserable piece of work she is turning out to be. Obviously her solicitor is an "ambulance chaser". HazyWal, tell us where she lives and a posse of us will parade up and down with relevant placades . .
  19. I agree with this. And I also like Diva's response saying that both owners are responsible. It occurs to me that we are all too ready to want to and to actually apportion blame. Bad things happen because someone takes their eyes of the ball - it happens to everyone. Of course, some things are totally blameworthy, but we are all fallible humans. Responsibility.
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