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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Brilliant work, Cazstaff --- and indeed thanks be there are some normal taxi drivers out there.
  2. I bought them from Innovations, but they haven't been available for a couple of years. For anyone handy, they would be pretty simple to make. I also have a high bed so most of the ones available weren't tall enough. These are perfect.
  3. I'm glad the session gave you comfort.
  4. No one should have to go through this ever. Being scared while trying to enjoy a nice walk with your dogs is crap. Do the dogs seem nervous at all? Frankly it is disgusting that you have to feel like this. If the rangers would do their jobs properly the level of anxiety that you feel would probably descrease 50%.
  5. Good for her: dog gets exercise, teenager gets exercised, paid and taught, and owner gets to supervise.
  6. A totally unsatisfactory and downright dangerous response from the ranger. Too true. You are very generous. I'd be saying "uber lazy" and not even bothering to check the law.
  7. That is how I feel, denali. Not thinking so much that kids of 12/13 are idiots, just so much more aware of what can go wrong. Nothing crazy about wanting to know your dogs are safe :laugh: :laugh:
  8. I hope the session gives you peace, Queen Maeby. I have to admit to be a skeptic, but also have to admit to having a phone session with Amanda Warren. Pretty extraordinary. For a start although I wanted to discuss a dog, she had a "message" from my mother who had been dead for quite a long time .
  9. If you had your rescue group's name on him, sas, why wasn't that on the Renbury website, I wonder. Not that I was looking at the website which I very rarely do anymore, just this thread caught my eye. Knowing Renbury, I would have thought they would be up to the mark and would not want misrepresentations of their intentions regarding any animal. So reprehensible of people such as Pound Rounds. it wouldnt be the first time Renbury has left a name off a dog. I was working on one for a while only to find a rescue that could take the dog and when the rescue went to put their name down they said someone already had but it wasnt on the site. Another time a rescue was told they couldnt put the name on the dog until its holding period was over which I found odd. I'm not finding fault with Renbury - on the contrary. Things can move pretty quickly at shelters and can take a while for the website to be updated.
  10. If you had your rescue group's name on him, sas, why wasn't that on the Renbury website, I wonder. Not that I was looking at the website which I very rarely do anymore, just this thread caught my eye. Knowing Renbury, I would have thought they would be up to the mark and would not want misrepresentations of their intentions regarding any animal. So reprehensible of people such as Pound Rounds.
  11. Yep, I used to do this too. Take the dogs home, tie them up and wash the poor things with a hose and sunlight soap :laugh: I also used to walk peoples dogs for them, I wouldn't have been more than 12. I had a regular GSD, Dally, Keeshonds etc. There is NO way I'd allow my daughter to do that. Times have certainly changed! :laugh: I think that's a part of it too. Most suburbs don't have that safety barrier of community that I remember from when I was young. Not saying things were fine and dandy then, but we knew our neighbours and they knew us. Everyone looked out for each other a bit and I think the lack of that makes it harder. Another thing too that is lost sight of, I think, is that (although I am a lot older than most DOLers) when I was growing up more married women were at home and there were many more so-called blue collar jobs whereby men were home a lot earlier (that is if they weren't in the pub ). There were fewer rules and regulations and, most importantly, I think in terms of people's perception of what was dangerous, there was no instanteous media coverage of all the dangers that might lurk in quiet streets. People lived close to where they worked and where children went to school. So very very different from today. I still find it hard to comprehend how parents wouldn't know and, thereby by assumption, allow, their children to go around knocking on people's doors asking if they can walk their dogs.
  12. This is another thing. How badly would they feel if something totally out of their control happened on their watch?
  13. I don't believe was ever a rescue. I reckon he has lived with you for years :laugh: :laugh: He and your family are so lucky to have found each other. I even have little tearies, for goodness sake
  14. And if the neighbours aren't as savvy as you, Boronia, and let their dogs go with these girls, at the first hint of trouble, the girls won't have a clue, will probably drop the leads and god know what might happen. Their parents must be made aware of the dangers they could be letting themselves (and any unfortunate dogs they might end up walking) in for. Oh, before anyone jumps on me for being somewhat heated, I've seen it happen in my neighbourhood where children who are too young are walking dogs on their own and not just big dogs either.
  15. I think you need to know their motives first. :) Boronia if you don't know these girls or know where they live, I'd suggest a letter to the editor of your local paper just to alert parents what was happening. Is it 18? I thought it was 16? But maybe I'm thinking of volunteers at pounds. ETA: A couple of years ago I thought I had something tatooed on my forehead because I was asked this by two neighbours ..... the mothers that is. One on behalf of her son who was going for the Duke of Edinburgh Award (of some sort), she thought dog walking would be okay because he "wasn't good with people" ; and the other on behalf of her daughter who despite living across the road from me for years and seeing me countless times out with my dogs had never approached me to pat them, but on the contrary behaved as if I had 1/2 dozen slavening Hounds of the Baskervilles on the end of my leads. It goes to show that people really have no idea and think that a dog is a piece of meat to be handed around willy nilly with no thought as to his/her personality or needs.
  16. I guess in the face of so much irresponsible arrogance and sheer stupidity on the part of many people, we have to be alert for all sorts of events when we are walking our dogs, sadly. As quite a few people have now said that they see these dogs out a lot of the time, broken fences, improperly secured gates, it did make me wonder if other dogs/people have been attacked or even "just" rushed by these dogs. If the Council doesn't take the appropriate reaction in the face of the injuries to you, Maddie and Stan, they would have just shrugged their shoulders at anything less - or so I am making a huge assumption that would be the case. I'm not surprised you had a melt down earlier.
  17. Please consider going to the media with this, HazyWal . I wonder what triggered this attack? I also wonder whether it has happened before, but, as with you, Council seems to be reluctant to take it to a just conclusion and so no one every got to hear about it. Good luck with your plans.
  18. A Belgian in a raincoat . Gorgeous George. He looks such a lovely laid back boy. Many many happy years with him
  19. Really, there can be only one answer . . . . . . Drum Roll . . . . . . . . Steve's Calendar Tea :laugh: :laugh: I rinsed Bunter (he has the longest hair of my tribe) with it and he glistened.
  20. Thank goodness no broken bones, HazyWal, nevertheless still a bad result for you. All it would take for peace to reign is for the relevant bodies to implement the Companion Animals Act. Few council officers seem to have any will, or commitment, or sense of civic duty, or pride in a job well done.
  21. Oh, that gave me a little tear . I certainly hope you have Isla and Felix for many many years, mfch. Rover was the oddest little boy and I just loved having him. I'll see if I can find my thread about him.
  22. They both look beautiful, mfch. I've only had one poodle and that was a black toy whom I adopted when he was a few weeks off his 17th birthday. I was lucky to have Rover (yes that was his real name :laugh: :laugh: ) for three years before age claimed him. Yesterday when I was out walking I saw two little apricots toys. Gorgeous. I was hard pressed not to snaffle them and run. :D :D
  23. OMG! No way does he look happy and comfortable. Would be a crime for you to keep him. :laugh: :laugh: Beautiful beautiful dog.
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