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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I think there needs to be an option other than the lecture one. Why not have an option: Decline and politely explain why. Not everything needs to be confrontation.
  2. I go to PetBarn at Castle Hill (Sydney) and they have the donation boxes, I think, on the counters. I was asked once and I politely declined. I don't think we should vent at shop assistants, unless they are rude and imply we are mean and horrible. It is all about opening people's eyes and suggesting they look behind facades.
  3. I think chicken necks are high in fat. My dogs won't eat them . Please do as cavNrott suggests . I know we feel we have to trust our vets to know what is best for our animals, but they are human and fallible like the rest of us. My current dogs are 14+, 13, 12, 12(?) and 10+. None of them has food intolerance. Fussy maybe and would live on cat food if I let them. I don't pamper them either. They get what I put down for them and, if they don't eat at one meal, they will at the next. Obviously, I wouldn't give them something they actively dislike or doesn't agree with them (nothing that I know of at this stage), but I feed a mixture of raw beef and chicken, vegetables and Optimum kibble. I also give them strips of roo jerky from time to time. Their treats are little nibbles of dried liver and generally that is only when we are out walking as behavioural method. So, I think your vet needs to have a rethink about his performance. I did have little dog with pancreatitis many years ago and as cavNrott says, that is easy to manage.
  4. I'm in Sydney, but I am sure Melbournians will be able to give you a heap of choices :)
  5. So looking forward to the Chronicles of Jonah Across Australia Stay safe and have a wonderful time.
  6. LOL! One happy and much loved boy
  7. Sour grapes, sounds like. Poor show other rescue group
  8. Deepest condolences, fainty girl. What a gorgeous girl was Jessie.
  9. Agree with LG , but adding, a rescue group whose dogs are in foster care, not dumped in holding pens somewhere, and they know the personalities of their dogs. Given the right assistance and attitudes, I have no doubt that you could very happily introduce another dog into the mix. Anecdotally, I have a tiny weeny little dog who is a nightmare to walk, because she is so reactive, but I can bring any dog INTO my house and yard, and I can even take her to dog training where there would be dozens of others dogs without any problems . Who knows who is going on in the heads of reactive dogs? A huge muddle of feelings I would guess. I would start working on your situation now to find your next dog. :) Good luck.
  10. I don't mean to disparage your vet GSDowner, but I find this quite extraordinary and downright shocking. All my dogs are elderly, none of them has food intolerance, I rescued and adopted several elderly dogs from pounds over the years and none of them ever developed a food intolerance. Yes, they (and we humans) have their off days and might from time to time have upset tummies, but to say that as dogs get older they develop all sorts of food intolerance problems is just plain dangerous. Go elsewhere .... and fast. ETA: Perhaps you could tell us the town/city/suburb you live in and we could give recommendations.
  11. This is one of the coolest ideas I've ever heard :D What fun It's something I've never really been able to understand , but I guess from what I've read here on DOL, black dogs and black cats do suffer for their beauty LOL. Whilst I am fully aware the ghastly history of cats, particularly black ones, being associated with witches, it is heard to believe that superstition plays any role in decisions today, but I suppose it must . I have diarised the date so I can remember to check how you are going.
  12. Oh, how totally horrible. Those poor women. If those men hadn't been chancing by . . . . . . . .
  13. I hope the man who is in prison is allowed, no forced, to visit his grandmother to see what his stupidity and criminality have caused.
  14. Oh that is hilarious. Frustration, thy name is Goat.
  15. With that colouring, she probably thought he was her dad.
  16. Oh, yes Loved the white dog with the cropped ears "rescuing" the Poodle.
  17. Oh, Staffyluv - that is worse than my rant. Poor poor dogs. At least "my" little dogs have each other and they have the run of the back yard, although I've no idea how big that is.
  18. A little dog has been barking non-stop for over two hours. She and her sister (Maltese Crosses) are owned by people who don't believe in having dogs in the house ... AT ALL, so I have been told. The dogs are occasionally walked and are basically just your nice average dogs. But they sure don't have much of a life. I don't want to cast aspersions, so I hopped in the car and drove around the block to check their house. Plenty of lights on, two of their cars are parked out the front, so someone must be home. Are they deaf, or don't they care? I guess it's the latter I first became aware of these dogs a few years ago: I actually went outside one day to call Tamar to stop barking only to see her snuggled and quiet on the lounge. It took me a while to work out where the barking was coming from. The household consists of parents, two adult children and the 3-4 year old daughter of the daughter, so no shortage of people who could take these little dogs for a whizz around the block. If someone told me my dogs were barking non-stop, I would be mortified, yet, I once asked the young woman which of her dogs was the barker? Deliberately of course. Could have wasted my breath. She wasn't sure . . . . . . . .
  19. Oh WOW! That was entertainment at its best. Marvellous dogs.
  20. Oh gosh, Rozzie. What an amazing little chap. You and he were blessed.
  21. Modern surgery Good boy, Zeus. No more worrying mum and dad, now
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