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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. There was a hoot of a pic doing the rounds some years ago of a block sitting on the toilet, pants down around his ankles and cat draped over the pants. The photo stopped at the knees, if memory serves me well, and did not need to be X rated. Sometimes when I feel like being alone, I will close the door to the bathroom, but there will be at least one anxious face greeting me once the door is opened. As for showering, I have given up and now have a little dog mat, matching the bathroom decor of course, for Danny to lie on. He used to scrunch up the bath mat and as soon as I turned the shower off, he would get up. In his old age, he believes he should not be disturbed and so I now leave the dog mat there full time
  2. I do not think it would be simple ... and as it's not damaging to his health , why spend a fortune ?? If it is stopping him getting a home, why not. If the money came from contributions and the surgeon gave his/her time. If a little tweak here or there gives any living thing a chance at a better life, I am all for it. Emphasise little - I am not advocating radical surgery or do something just because you can. I am merely thinking of giving the dog more chances for a good home. Neither am I implying that his nose is the only reason he has been bounced from home to home. I imagine the shelter needs to be more rigorous in its screening - unless he was bounced from home to home prior to coming into the shelter then the poor screening of potential homes needs to be laid at someone else's door.
  3. If I ran that shelter, I'd be fund raising for corrective surgery. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, I imagine it would be a pretty simple procedure really.
  4. You are quick coogie Happei Birthday indeed, Tempei.
  5. That is a helluva drive, Canetoad. Have some sleep first and then tackle housing problems.
  6. I have to be honest: I can never understand weddings or functions of any description where the women are beautifully dressed whether casual or not, have had beautiful dresses made or bought and the men look as though they've come in from the gardening or tinkering with the car. Sorry, just don't get it. If someone I was marrying turned up like that, the wedding would be cancelled.
  7. Denali and HazyWal, we could always club together with appropriate vehicles LOL.
  8. For cuteness How right she is. Don't we live in an amazing country? So big, so alluring. Your photos make me want to fill the tank and set off. I don't think my 6 elderlies (one being a cat) would know how to have the fun that Jonah does.
  9. That's how I would see it too. Hopefully the newspaper article will elicit offers from walkers.
  10. The lady did say she wondered whether it was fair on the dog to get another, so she is feeling it on two fronts: her own and the dog's. It is my understanding that Amber will stay with her whether she gets another Guide Dog or not. I think Ams' thought is a good one. The person accompanying Liz could be "trained" by her to understand what the dog was doing, etc etc. Couldn't be too hard to just wander along and be a pair of eyes.
  11. We have to be prepared for extreme weather events these days, CC LOL.
  12. Well if you are on a soapbox, VM, I will be joining you. People have to have signs on their dogs asking people not to pat eg "I am working". Hard to comprehend really.
  13. What can you say? Sad, sad, sad. People are stupid, horrible, thoughtless. If the owners of the roaming dogs can be found, which is difficult in this situation, of course, unless another person comes to Liz's aid and speaks up as a witness, they should be made to walk through an off leash park blindfolded. Then again, people can be wonderful, caring, generous ...... I hope one of these can be found to accompany Liz and Amber on their walks.
  14. Loving it, Canetoad and Johah OMG, those old caravans Imagine a family holiday in ones of those. I can see now that you selected Jonah for his ability to blend with the landscape LOL. What a wonderful dog he is .... mind you, he has an owner who is tops as well. Stay safe. Don't listen to HazyWal about taking advantage of the drinking stops LOL.
  15. It is sad to see good organisations close, but there does come a time . . . . . .
  16. I'm too far away and my dogs too small and elderly, but I think that is a great idea, BoxerB and I hope you pull it off. So many of us are too wary of off leash areas.
  17. I've done this at my local Petbarn. I was asked if I'd like to donate and when I said no everyone within earshot looked at me so I explained that I don't support the RSPCA as I don't agree with how they do many things. Not to mention that they have plenty of money and there are other groups that do a better job and need the money more. Well done
  18. Oh, so sweet . How are you getting on with him and your other dog, HC?
  19. I think there needs to be an option other than the lecture one. Why not have an option: Decline and politely explain why. Not everything needs to be confrontation.
  20. I go to PetBarn at Castle Hill (Sydney) and they have the donation boxes, I think, on the counters. I was asked once and I politely declined. I don't think we should vent at shop assistants, unless they are rude and imply we are mean and horrible. It is all about opening people's eyes and suggesting they look behind facades.
  21. I think chicken necks are high in fat. My dogs won't eat them . Please do as cavNrott suggests . I know we feel we have to trust our vets to know what is best for our animals, but they are human and fallible like the rest of us. My current dogs are 14+, 13, 12, 12(?) and 10+. None of them has food intolerance. Fussy maybe and would live on cat food if I let them. I don't pamper them either. They get what I put down for them and, if they don't eat at one meal, they will at the next. Obviously, I wouldn't give them something they actively dislike or doesn't agree with them (nothing that I know of at this stage), but I feed a mixture of raw beef and chicken, vegetables and Optimum kibble. I also give them strips of roo jerky from time to time. Their treats are little nibbles of dried liver and generally that is only when we are out walking as behavioural method. So, I think your vet needs to have a rethink about his performance. I did have little dog with pancreatitis many years ago and as cavNrott says, that is easy to manage.
  22. I'm in Sydney, but I am sure Melbournians will be able to give you a heap of choices :)
  23. So looking forward to the Chronicles of Jonah Across Australia Stay safe and have a wonderful time.
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