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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. What about finding suitable accommodation and then finding the nearest vet and boarding them there for the day/night? Clyde used to live in Terrey Hills so she might be able to make a few suggestions. PM her if she doesn't come into this thread or you don't get any recommendations. Our "babies" ..... such a worry LOL.
  2. Just to add, when I first had puppies, the little girl had a bad heart and was very very tiny. Desexing was considered too big a risk and so when she came on heat, the boy went off to do his duty. Some days after he came home from hospital, I found them tied in the back yard. I phoned my vet immediately and he said to bring the girl in for the "morning after" vacc. No problems at all. And that was a long time ago so lots of advances in the 20 years since then.
  3. I read this thread only up to Kelpiecuddles' post, because I was so damned angry (not with the poster). I would want to do more than slap the vet, I'd want to cancel his licence or tell him to go back to school for a few more years. Tessic, you have been badly served by your vets.
  4. That dog park It looks as though you and Jonah are going to continue to have many adventures to share with us. Nice looking house. Jonah looks comfy and isn't that the main thing? :laugh: :laugh:
  5. Wow! Starting work already. You did have a tight schedule. Good luck, really hope everything works out 100% for you and Jonah. So looking forward to the "Jonah Explores Kalgoorlie" series. :laugh: ETA: Love the "Not far from Kalgoorlie" photos.
  6. LOL Koalabear and your slipper disappearing into the crate. Also LOL kwirky - Murphy thinks you are playing a game with him by readying the bed. The more you smooth it out after him, the more fun he has messing it up. :laugh: :laugh: 11 weeks - such a baby beautiful time. Don't let it pass by as a time of frustration. :)
  7. I read this before I read Scottsmum's post .
  8. That last 10% may take longer than a few days, but hopefully in time Zeus will be the dog he was. He is lucky to have you to love and look after him.
  9. When I was getting desperate because my skin was so itchy, I asked the chemist about cortisone cream (because I had tried with some success the dogs' Neocort :D ). I was told not to put cortisone cream on broken skin, but I apply it to the dogs if they are itching and the skin has been broken
  10. I am so glad your girl is getting better. But these posts of yours about the first vet and this new one are positively scary. I know vets are only human (LOL) but really some are just the pits and should be told so. But of course the industry body protects its own. Good luck from now on with your puppies. BTW there is nothing wrong with having two puppies at the same time: I think it is great but it is extra work, but what is wrong about that ? :laugh:
  11. And what a great photograph to have of Elsie forever
  12. Lots of stupidity around rescue .... same as any profession. That was my first thought, HMD. I've been thinking of getting Ruthless in to do a session in my home of me and the dogs and the bedtime rituals, but I don't believe in cruelty to other humans.
  13. It sounds to me as though your dog could have the doggy equivalent of ADHD. Have you spoken to the vet about it. I don't know what the initials you posted stand for, I'm sorry . I'm not sure it is in the same vein, but I have a dog who is terrified of storms and if I can see by her behaviour that one is coming, or it is evident from the skies, she gets a quarter of valium (she is tiny). There don't appear to be any side affects at all but in very little time at all, she is just normal again. Maybe having some on hand to try for more extreme times would be a possibility.
  14. I don't think anyone here would disagree, but it won't be a good enough argument for Apo's masculinity challenged partner LOL. There really needs to be a "big yawn" or "done to death" emoticon. I hope you have success in challenging and stopping your partner's stupid idea, Apocalypsepwnie
  15. Please know we are all thinking of Zeus,& his family. Devote your time to his recovery & update when you can. Dont feel obliged to leave Zeus when he needs you more. My thoughts exactly. So relieved there has been some improvement and hoping that this will continue.
  16. What a laugh :laugh: :laugh: I'm pretty sure a few of those would have had to be set up, it is great to see people's senses of humour in full flight.
  17. JRT Rescue, you know as well as I that the situation I describe exists. You are a very different kettle of fish to some :) and it is a shame more aren't like you.
  18. I love the way three pairs of wide wide eyes are focussed on the same thing :laugh: Ed for spelling.
  19. I have never had this problem: good or bad, my dogs will sleep for as long as I do. OT: Any full sized photos of that gorgeous dog in your photo, Sash?
  20. Danny in the Bathroom series LOL: Waiting anxiously - is she staying or just messing with my head: Whew, okay it seems she is going to have a shower: Yep, water is running, I can sleep for a while:
  21. Oh Dave, how awful for you all. Poor Zeus I hope this debility is not permanent. Best wishes.
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