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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. The cat seems to give the dog a body blow and I guess there were totally unsheathed claws well and truly in the mix.
  2. WOW!! Although mum was on the scene in a few seconds, the dog probably would not have let go. Blood runs cold. Little boy's wounds were bad enough.
  3. There is no right or wrong in what you do. I met someone looking at the pound where I volunteered whose dog had died the day before (that was a bit confronting) and another woman who came to the same pound who had waited seven years LOL. Only twice have I had to consider getting another dog because one had died. After that, I always had so many dogs that the decision wasn't necessary Jules, have you posted about your latest? If so, I have missed it. Congratulations
  4. I very rarely see any of my dogs sitting (all toy breeds or crosses of whether that has anything to do with it??); they are either standing or lying.
  5. Oh good. I was driving through that car park in Turramurra where we met some time ago, so I was thinking of you and wondering where you were at with the media. Hope he/she produces a storm raising article.
  6. LOL, ain't that the truth. The only judgement you'll get from me is: great news. Have a lovely lovely time with your little boy.
  7. Oh no! Lululove - you are a bad bad girl. I had to click. My dogs would love this: http://www.amazon.com/AKC-Casablanca-Round-Solid-Pet/dp/B00AV5KQZ8/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=03DCWGR0RDY8FMRTZ9PK
  8. Hard to believe it was 4 years ago. If it still feels like yesterday for us, god knows how you must feel, Jed. I had my pin prick of a fire a couple of days after yours and the sight of smoke coming from people's wood fires still gives me a fright and makes me tremble. To have experienced the real thing and the loss of so many of your precious loves is incomprehensible. You are in my thoughts a lot, despite that I fail in the communications stake.
  9. They will continue to mouth platitudinous claptrap whilst doing nothing until it starts to hurt their budgets and that can only happen when someone appears with the funds to take them to court and to pursue them unrelentingly. And when they start to get hurt at the ballot box. This again needs someone with the funds together with the physical and emotional energy to mount a campaign of public awareness. Good. Yes, and I hope whoever mounts the legal action can take it to its fullest extent and with maximum publicity. I have not read the article - too many horrible stories . However, the title was enough to bring HazyWal's recent agonising experience and ongoing saga with the council to mind and to hope that she, Stan and Maddie continue to heal. (But maintain the rage )
  10. I am always aghast at the price of dogs beds, but if they last for years and you have big dogs, I suppose they must be worth it. I have only little dogs and ones that aren't destructive, so my experience is limited. However, the over-riding consideration for me is that every bit of them has to be machine washable LOL, beds that is. Try the El Cheapo places like The Reject Shop and others of their ilk. Perfectly satisfactory dog beds for a fraction of the price in pet shops.
  11. You are too funny!! Are you toilet trained? Currently - provided I don't get hayfever sneezes too badly. :D :D
  12. Well thank god for that. Good on you. If there is any more talk of Shar Pei puppies, talk about Entropian, Shar Pei fever, etc etc. From what I've read on DOL and knowing a few people with Shar Pei, it would be wise to have very deep pockets.
  13. I really believe we can overthink these things. You have done your research, your preference is for a Border Collie. Go for it. (PS: I am currently trying to find out who you are and where you live - am going to apply for adoption.)
  14. LOL VizslaMomma - you are so right. Just the prettiest little black girl ever.
  15. God, it's bad enough to walk away leaving your dog in hospital.
  16. Ha ha. Great article, VizslaMomma. :laugh:
  17. I looked at the Urgent section and Hawkesbury doesn't seem to have a thread. I am out of the loop with rescue these days and don't know who to let know. Of course I could contact Hawkesbury, but I would prefer to let a rescuer know as I really can't own another dog. Danny and Bunter have both had huge expenses today and yesterday. It isn't just a financial consideration, of course: emotional as well and not wanting to upset the status quo here. But I'd be happy to foster.
  18. Little Poms are generally safe, but any rescue group reading this and needing a foster carer, I can be that.
  19. Oh they been playing their emergence on ABC TV today. They are totally scrumptious. What gorgeous creatures. I hope the zoo can continue to make progress with keeping the numbers from dwindling.
  20. It sure does and it is so good to receive updates like this. Takes away some of the gloom from when things don't work out so well. Well done to everyone who cared enough. :) :)
  21. Isn't Thirroul completely the opposite direction? Halfway between Sydney and Wooloongong?
  22. The main thing to consider is for them to be safe. They might not be happy, but .. . . . Also you need to be able to enjoy yourself at dinner LOL.
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