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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Why isn't she going anywhere else http://www.turidrugaasdownunder.com/Welcome.html
  2. OMG!! I wish I lived in Perth. I have her book "On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals" and have recommended it many times. One of the doggy people I would love to meet.
  3. What a great initiative. I hope you get a good response.
  4. A couple of threads on here talk about Calendula tea - do a search for them. Lots of advice there. Good luck.
  5. Ha ha ha, Pepper21. I was going to post that a beautiful boy lived near me and here you are. When do you move ? Saw you out on the footpath doing work with Sarge a few weeks ago, but as I had several dogs in tow, one of whom would have gone off her rocker, I didn't walk down the cul de sac.
  6. What does TA mean, Yonjuro? Bit of a numpty here
  7. Totally fascinating. for dry britches and thumbs down for the vet LOL. You are doing him/her out of business. My youngest girl, Tamar 10+, is on propalin for life and, although it is only a drop because she is a light weight Maltese cross, she hates it. I doubt she would lick the corn silk, but if it is just a small amount, I could still give it to her in a syringe.
  8. Great presents for a special Birthday girl.
  9. You've been lucky, Wild. I'm relieved it has been sorted so well. I think your experience needs to be taken on board by all of us - your message about not to be complacent is so important.
  10. Mama elephant with a super sized pooper scooper - What a visual image!!! Thank you for the giggle! Elephants with young can be overly protective and may easily choose to ignore training in favour of keeping the youngsters out of perceived danger. In India, they removed baby elephants from working mothers and trained the infants separately, otherwise the mothers were too unreliable to work for a year or more. I much prefer the herding to that horror. I definitely agree. I dont think the dogs were hurting these elephants at all. And a DEFINITE improvement from those elephant pokers that horrid places use Maybe they will catch on with the herding. Do you mean the hooked sharp rods? The man still had one of these in the video.
  11. Unfortunately it isn't just Council's - this sort of attitude exists in private enterprise too. But that is a whole different story. As it is, I am glad that the article was as hard hitting as it was. Maybe, with your example in front of them, other people will start to speak out.
  12. Good article - but lukewarm and evasive Council as usual.
  13. Your experience was horrific, HuskyDrake and as StaffyLuv says, your heart will be broken many times again by thinking of this. And I imagine that you can think of little else at the moment. One of my dogs, a tiny little Papillon X Chihuahua, was killed on Monday 22 September 2008 between the hours of 4pm and 5pm, I still think of him every day. I guess what saves my sanity is that I didn't witness it as I'd dashed our briefly to do some shopping. I cannot imagine the horror you experienced and will relive many times, HuskyDrake.
  14. And their names are Flash, Splash and Blaize LOL.
  15. And not just of dog attacks - more or less anything. It is very frightening. You can see someone being interviewed on television and then read the story in the paper. I sometimes wonder if it is deliberate or whether the journalist just can't read back the notes taken at the time and doesn't really care. But where there is a recording, there is no excuse. And, of course, there is sensationalism . . . . . Recently I was referred to a specialist by my GP; the specialist sent me a copy of his report to my GP ..... my eyebrows lifted several times as I wondered at his ability when several points he noted in the letter were incorrect. I will be very interested to see HazyWal's story as interpreted by the journalist.
  16. My heart is very sore, Ams. Yours must be a million times more. Your work with Shar Pei and the love you gave was truly inspirational -- a word so often misused these days, but I use it here with deliberation. You have been the saviour of many many beautiful creatures and your story deserves to be there at the top of the rescue annals. Take care of yourself.
  17. Yes, it's lovely. Shows the love and trust the mum has for tessic.
  18. I suggest you take another look at your post #25 and apologise to HuskyDrake.
  19. I disagree, DOLer's are always advising people to report dogs that rush/bite. I would be doing all the above and as others have suggested but in no way would I be applying the slightest bit of pressure on this poor man. And just asking not to report is pressure. This is true, but in the majority of such cases, the dog owner is not taking responsibility and the sort of action that Wild is. Tough one.
  20. Nah,I'm too old. I'll pitch Tamar up against Pickles.
  21. I know I've said my piece and others are of the same mind, but I am still gobsmacked at Iceberg's friend. How has the human race prospered, I wonder, in the face of such an attitude and such stupidity LOL.
  22. I've just caught up with this thread and to say I am shocked is an understatement. IF you were genuinely trying to understand, you could have asked for a bit more information on how the attacke happened. Not go boots and all into someone who has just suffered a devastating loss. Totally unacceptable and deeply hurtful.
  23. I'm sorry the little girl didn't make it; I was hoping she could defy the odds. I applaud you, Tessic, for being calm and cool in the face of opposition. And also to accept with grace the generous advise by so many DOLers. May your little brood continue to prosper and your girl and boy continue to give you love and delight.
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