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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. LOL, Little Gifts. I am waiting for the chance to tell Myrtie all the good wishes that are being sent her way, let alone impress on her, as Sir Snook says, she has a team working their tails off. Nothing to report. I did phone and left message with reception re Infective Endocarditis and Respiratory Pneumonia. Ultra sound has not been done at the time of my call. Hopefully soon.
  2. For your persistance, Louise666. Yes, lucky little dog - as all dogs should be LOL.
  3. The vet I spoke with this morning mentioned the possibility of pneumonia. I will be phoning them soon and mention that as well as Infective Endocarditis.
  4. DDD If you'd like to text message them to me, I will then either email them back or upload them. Up to you. :) Thank you Sent you a PM
  5. If they don't find out soon what is wrong, I rather get the impression she wouldn't last even two weeks It's only a couple of hours, but I am hanging out to call again. I want to ask if visiting her would be a help or a hindrance.
  6. I have a couple of beautiful photographs I took just a couple of days ago, but they are on my iPhone and how to get them from there to my computer remains a mystery.
  7. I did and thank you The vet did say she would be looking at infection. Did your little boy display any symptoms over any length of time. The mytery with Myrtie is that it is all just sudden onset with no build up, which seems to have happened to your little boy. Thing is Myrtie is only 12.
  8. You have a treasure there, LG . I've had some amazing experiences with vets too. Hope things start to get better with Stussy soon.
  9. Just heard from the vet and it is not good. They don't really know what is wrong and they are concerned. Her breathing is still problematic and, although they think she probably has heart disease, they don't think that is what is wrong. So more tests today including an ultrasound. But when the specialised says, "I am worried about her," it is pretty damned scary. So just putting it out there to the amazing knowledge and experience that resides on DOL, does any of the following sounds familiar? Absolutely no history with Myrtie of heart disease or breathing problems. No exercise intolerance - on the contrary: I once advertised her here as an exercise machine. No access to poisons. No going off her food until Thursday morning. For any of my dogs not to eat a meal or even two is absolutely nothing unusual. The breathing difficulties did not show until Friday morning by which time I was already off to my local vet. No trauma experienced, at least while she has lived with me. Just this sudden and acute condition.
  10. Because I haven't heard back from them, I can only assume she hasn't regressed . The vet I spoke with last night said Myrtie was next to a little puppy who'd collected a tick, so I keep thinking of that little one too. SASH can be a pretty confronting place to visit when it is busy.
  11. OMG, is your screen still intact ?? LOL. That has to be one of the sweetest videos ever of puppies. And the agility shots! Brilliant
  12. How boring How totally loving. LOL - I know you know that.
  13. Thank you everyone. You are all so sweet - much appreciated. I have put a call in to SASH, but they were in the middle of handover so waiting for someone to call me back. I slept with my phone under my pillow last night LOL - and now I am carrying it around with me, because if I leave it on the kitchen bench, I won't hear it. Another thing to ask Apple about: how to make the ring louder than can be set on the phone.
  14. Well, no success with any of those links. No drop down menus or wizzards to work through and when it says "Click On Computer" in the Start Menu, there is no Computer option. There are a few teenagers in the neighbourhood; I'm sure one of them will be able to tell me what to do. Otherwise, it will be back to Apple.
  15. Yes, it is scary . I've just rung SASH for an update and she has eaten a little bit of chicken. Still on oxygen and will be kept on oxygen and intravenous meds throughout the night which is to be expected. Must go to bed so I can be on the phone first thing tomorrow morning
  16. Well, I was reading it in total disbelief and composing my response in my head as I went. What a relief to find it is a hoax. But let's face it: governments do some pretty damned awful and weird things, so I can't feel I am entirely stupid to have not picked it as a hoax. LOL.
  17. Oh, that meat pie treasure hunt :laugh: :laugh: . I was saying: you've past it Digby, go back!! LOL.
  18. Yes, coogie . I think a lot of us here have been around for a long time so the dogs are getting old too. LG, SASH has been terrific in the past and I hope for Madam Lash's sake they continue to be. Certainly the vet I saw this afternoon, despite that she looked about 12 years old to me give detailed and easy to understand information to me and was very receptive of my queries and concerns. Thanks again everyone. She did her own thread, LabTested, with X rated warning LOL.
  19. Yes, I started a thread on General on it asking about good quality kibble. It wasn't that she wasn't eating well; rather because her tongue hangs out (most teeth extracted 4 years ago), she had started having difficult getting the food into her mouth. I did tell my local vet that and I think (but can't swear to it) that I told the emergency vet as well. Because she enjoyed kibble, but the Optimum was giving her very large and soft motions, I switched to Nature's Gift Semi Moist and Chunkers. I've also been giving this to the other dogs (mixed in with wet raw) and they are all fine. She was enjoying that mixture until yesterday morning when, I now know, she started being unwell.
  20. Thanks, gillbear. Yes, I understand that she will be on a strict medication regime from now on. With lots of elderly and sick (rescues) over the years, medicating is second nature.
  21. Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm pretty worried as the vet has reported (I rang at 4pm) that Myrtie hasn't responded as well as she would like. There has been some reduction in her breathing rate, but not as much as she would have expected. They will continue treatment and then start to consider other options. Both my local vet and the emergency vet mentioned poison, but wrack my brain as I might, I cannot see where she could have been exposed to any. I don't use any bug ridding poisons, and have had the same can of fly spray for about 10 years. Apart from the fact that it just about kills ME, I know that some dogs will pick up dead flies, so use it only on the very very rare occasion. I just can't see how it could be that. She never picks up anything to eat on our walks and none of the footpaths around here have been subjected to weed poisons. Still a waiting process.
  22. K, she is about 12. Bit hard to tell really. When I rescued her from the pound (she wasn't supposed to stay LOL) she had the most dreadful teeth, the teeth of an old dog, but she obviously wasn't as old as her teeth could indicate. She has been with me since June 2010, 4 years .... seems longer because she is a huge personality.
  23. These little animals cause us so much heart ache. Stussy's condition sure sounds a tricky one. I hope the improve continues. Mooch City is having its own little drama today too. Where in Brisbane do you go for emergencies? So long since I've been gone and many years before I became a Mad Dog Woman.
  24. Thank you people. Myrtie is only 3kg - last time she was weighed she was 3.4kg so these little dogs can lose such a high percentage of their weight very quickly. I keep looking at the clock because the vet said to call her at 4pm if she hadn't called me first.
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