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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. I'm staggered that you are also surprised. Stanley has his own FB so he has to be smart.
  2. My immediate thought. They don't stand a chance with an owner with nothing between the ears. Just imagine the damage that "behaviourist" is doing every day.
  3. Cute, but most reputable rescuers would have given her a clean up at least before having her desexed. :)
  4. Oh, she is a knockout. Hopefully someone down there has a spot on the couch and bed.
  5. Off topic too. A family with an Akita lives near me so I see him every could of days. He is a big big dog. I'll check next time I see them ifp they know his weight. So long as they don't feed the dog to make their claims true A bit off topic again: I once worked for a man who was overweight. One day he announced he't been on a diet and had lost 9kg. A couple of days later this was up to 15kgs and just a day later, WOW!! he'd lost 25kg. Absolutely no difference in his clothes or looks.
  6. Insanity. The more I read of these sorts of events, the more I believe it is about power. Some pathetic little official has the power of life and death over an innocent creature, but because they are so weak and ineffectual in their own lives, they are going to play their power card wherever it may be for all it is worth and damn the consequences.
  7. That's fantastic, K9A. I have often thought those screens would be a marvellous opportunity for rescue groups to feature their dogs. I'm sure shopping centres or whatever body/company controls their use would be happy to help out.
  8. Just too horrible. There was a petition going around not long after this. I hope we eventually find out what has really happened. Probably the policeman has been slapped on the wrist and told to keep a low profile for a while.
  9. Thank you for the very positive update. I hope every continues to go so well. You must be so relieved.
  10. Deepest condolences, Leopuppy. Leo was a dog in a million and one who will be missed forever.
  11. Amazing what strength and the right tools can do. My neighbour came around and chopped up the branches in a few minutes. It would have taken me all day. He needed the chainsaw (god they are terrifying things ) on one of the branches.
  12. Good news about the medication. Cortisone is magic and finding the right dosage is important. Your commitment and knowledge of yourself and Digby are lessons we can all learn. Thank you.
  13. Beautiful. Love your dance routine, Benny. Next stop: Australia's got talent ?? Where is that dog park, Brandiandwe? Looks a Greyt place to take the dogs.
  14. Could be right, LG. I've just been around to see the people whose tree it is and some of it is also in their side neighbour's place . They have been trying for years to get council permission to have it removed and council says no. Drongos... Council that is. Perhaps another request to council with my photographs.
  15. We will have to get DOLer tee shirts to identify ourselves. I wanna see a luminous duck
  16. Good to know I have back up :laugh: .
  17. Great "enabling" photographs, luvsdogs. That park is definitely on my list of places to take my little family. Hard to believe that is more or less the centre of a 4m plus city.
  18. Ominous sky, but look at that grass!! I want it in my garden.
  19. VET! Immediately. You don't mess around with eyes. Might be nothing, might be enough to end up with your dog losing it.
  20. I used to think that when I was a doddery old biddy and all my littlies have gone to god, I'd totter around the neighbourhood with a couple of elderly rotties in tow, but I think it will be Greyhounds. On the other hand, I might pop off before all the littlies. Plenty of rescue groups wouldn't adopt to me now, I am so ancient LOL, so god knows what the chances would be in some years' time. However, I did see a story on FB a week or so ago about a 94 years old man adopting a Grey because he was so lonely without his doggy mate who'd died. Benny is a total sweetheart - so easy going, a really delightful companion. Already very attached to Brandiandwe :)
  21. Fatty and Slim at Parramatta Park.
  22. I keep checking that all the dogs are inside. I have a huge turpentine and so does the side neighbour. Never thought anything would come in from the back neighbour.
  23. Can't help you with lens problems, hardly know what a lens is but hope you recover quickly. Look after yourself. Fallin can be a shock to the body and delayed symptoms can result.
  24. Totally off topic LOL, but I was talking about you yesterday, Kamuzz, telling Brandiandwe about when you fostered King Wally and I took Honey to the airport. I've forgotten all the details now, but will never forget the photo of King Wally reclining on the couch and Honey's beautiful eyes. I don't know the detangling "recipe" you are asking about, but some time ago the groomer down the road from me gave me a bottle of The Wiggles Dorothy's Dancing Detangler. Obviously with a name like that it is for children but works well on dogs too. :)
  25. I will be investigating Parramatta Lake as well. Cafe there too.
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