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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhh. Poor little puppy. Would you put your human baby outside on his/her own just making sure that he was warm enough and fed? Don't think so. Your poor puppy is all alone in the world. Belongs inside with you.
  2. This all I could find in the CAA (which pertains only to NSW. It doesn't say anything about someone having to be 16 only that if a person in charge of a dog who contravenes the rules is 16 or over that person is guily of an offence. 13 Responsibilities while dog in public place (1) A dog that is in a public place must be under the effective control of some competent person by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog and that is being held by (or secured to) the person. (2) If this section is contravened: (a) the owner of the dog, or (b) if the owner is not present at the time of the offence and another person who is of or above the age of 16 years is in charge of the dog at that time—that other person, is guilty of an offence.
  3. I wasn't scared because I know that despite her horrible lonely life, she is very good natured. I was just very very angry ..... with they way the stupid family treats her and that I am powerless to do anything. (I have spoken to Council.)
  4. Thanks, VM. Tried googling Hornsby Council but obviously not well enough. They are a pretty weak Council really and I'm not surprised they are wishy washy on this issue. I thought it was generally 16, too, Things.
  5. How old do children have to be before they can walk dogs without an adult present? Does it differ from Council to Council? I'm sure if differs from State to State as most things seems to. Accident waitng to happen happened this afternoon. Same old story: people who shouldn't be allowed within a hundred miles of a dog have a beautiful Labrador puppy which spends almost its entire life in the front courtyard, high brick walls nothing to see, no access to the family etc etc etc. It is occasionally taken for a walk by one or all of mother, son of about 13 or daughter about 10. I was just in front of the next house stopped on the footpath while my dogs sniffed when suddenly the dog (who would be about 7 months old) was amongst us bounding around with the little girl trying to catch her and, of course, my dogs going right off in panic. The dog had obviously seen mine across the road and pulled out of the girl's hand and bounded over the road with the girl in pursuit. Luckily, I live in a quiet area but there are some people who think of the street as their private race track and all along the sides are parked cars. The family who owns the dog has five cars between them Had there been a car coming, I hate to think what might have happened because no way would the girl or dog have been seen before it was too late. I'm expecting a call from an irate neighbour any minute because I told the girl in no uncertain terms to take the dog home, she was too young to be walking her and to tell her mother it was illegal. LOL.
  6. No coffee is good enough to risk your dogs ..... and/or encounter irresponsible others. :)
  7. There are any numbers of threads on this forum about bad experiences at dog parks. By all means give it a go, but remember to keep the safety of your dog and others uppermost in your mind. I am not just talking about physical safety; I also mean psychological well being. The moment your dog seems to be stressing or stressing others, call it off and leave without making a fuss, though. Even going to the park when one else is there might be helpful in that there will be a million smells for your dog to investigate and hopefully enjoy.
  8. Stunning pix of a beautiful girl relishing a new experience.
  9. Can it be said too many times..... I don't think so. Your doggies are beautiful - a testament to your love.
  10. Does she have a beautiful temperament and personality to match the looks? These photos would tend to attest to that
  11. Ah she is a little darling. Glad she had a shower .... yucky dead fish smell
  12. There does seem to be an increase of oldies in the pound lately, breaks my heart I wonder if this was ever the case, but we know of it more because there are so many people keeping track of dogs in the pounds and posting about them? It is heart breaking to think that people believe a pound is their only option when they can't (or won't) look after an old dog.
  13. Oh, kirty. How you are hurting. It was so sudden and unexpected. My deepest sympathies.
  14. Now that is one fabulous bed...... dogs are a bit scrumptious too
  15. Yes, indeed. Your very sad loss will benefit someone. Good on you for thinking about others in your time of sorrow.
  16. Deepest condolences, pesh. Chisel was indeed a very handsome dog with personality galore.
  17. You're right. I had to look twice. LOL. Deshonko def has a rival now. Probably best to start Christmas orders ASAP.
  18. I was wrong ... the new dog park is in the ACT. Article in "In the News" forum.
  19. You've hit the nail on the head, poochiemama. We are all very different and all have very different levels of ability, creativity, pain (physical and mental) thresholds. A couple of places you might be interested in are Edgar's Mission in Victoria and Brightside Farm Sanctuary in Tasmania. These are places that do extraordinary things for animals of all kinds .... truly awe inspiring.
  20. I never intentionally watch anything on television about animal cruelty. It is bad enough that horrifying images pop up on my news feed. In fact, a couple of nights ago, after being unwittingly exposed to some pretty awful examples, I had nightmares One of the things that makes me angry is that although a warning might be issued at the beginning of the actual program, there is no warning before advertisements for the show are aired. I also have absolutely no interest in travelling ANYWHERE in the orient or South America. I am not going to spend my money in countries where cruelty to animals, birds, fish - all living things - is a casual part of everyday life. How people volunteer at pounds which have weekly kill lists is beyond me and yet some people manage to do it for weeks, months, years and I am in total awe that their dedication is such that they can continue to do it. My first experience with a pound was a very small pound, Burwood Pound in Sydney which was a low kill as you could possible get in that only dogs who were very aggressive or horribly injured/sick were euthanised. However, I still remember the first time a dog I'd walked, played with, cuddled and valued was euthanised. I was a total blubbering wreck. I still remember her name, her breed and her article in the local paper. And that was 13-14 years ago. There are other things a person can do without having to be exposed to things they know they can't handle. :)
  21. LOL, I thought the coat fitted a bit better this month. What a glorious dog she is, Terri S. You must be very happy.
  22. Gosh, that is a lot of dog. Gorgeous pair.
  23. Must be a different place then, Yonjuro. I don't really recall much, except I thought they said it was in WA and there had been consultation with the public as to where the park should be and there was a separate place for smaller dogs.
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