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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Jeune has just had her last tablet of the series. I haven't heard her coughing this morning, so maybe she hasn't had a drink yet. I learnt when I had Danny at the vets a month or so ago, that older dogs can get softening of the oesophagus (and presumably the trachea as suggeted by Furkidsforever) and we did tests on Danny over a couple of weeks and he was fine. Unfortunately, he is now coughing like Jeune only he coughs generally without it being brought on noticeably by any one thing and he is not throwing up as he was at the time of his previous consultation. With Jeune it is only when drinking. Bunter was also coughing and he has been on linctus for the same period as Jeune had been on tablets and he seems to be fine now. So back to the vet with both Danny and Jeune.
  2. I saw this and was about to respond that we have ruled out Kennel Cough :laugh: :laugh: She hasn't thrown up this evening, but even a little sip has her rasping.
  3. Lovely lovely photos, Westiemum. Your Mac is one fabulous little man ..... with a fabulous mum as well.
  4. I've never heard of thickened water. But will ask the vet.
  5. No, no other changes Westiemum. The vet gave her a very thorough examination, no lumps or bumps or anything that concerned him or was not normal. And they all wear harnesses when we go out walking and their collars are fabric and loose. Not sure what the next steps will be but will find out tomorrow.
  6. I have been to the vet who put Jeune on Prednisone for four days and then I am to report back. Tomorrow is the fourth day and, to date, she has not improved and, I think, is getting worse. She has had a hacking, dry cough, for a little while now and often brings up clear slimy liquid. She does this only while and after drinking, not generally or with food. I will be phoning the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime, just wondering about any other experiences.
  7. Deepest sympathies for you and your girl. You and she have fought hard. I hope the next fees months are full of good times making good memories.
  8. The owner was a vet nurse and the dog was at the vets for a few days before you could collect her. This vet nurse and the veterinary clinic need to be named and shamed.
  9. That is the most beautiful model seen on the catwalk ANYWHERE. !! You go Mac. LG is so talented.
  10. Whilst I know nothing about showing dogs and the judges they have to go in front of, it is sobering to consider how far the ripples of a horrendous and tragic event so far away can spread. Totally unrelated lives can be affected.
  11. what is GTE? They have been around forever and are always helping rescue groups They were on FB a couple of days ago on the anniversary talking about Cyan (the little one never found.) So sad to always be wondering. Would drive me crazy, I think.
  12. It is hard to believe, but such a delight to have been on this journey with you and your little Daisy Ninja and your other wonderful family members.
  13. Excellent advice from cavNrott. I'd be adding one more thing: find another general vet.
  14. Oh he is gorgeous and all snug in his jumper. Thank goodness he is now safe. Must have been terrifying.
  15. Poor little dog is stressed and confused to the max having come from a rambunctious sounding home totally unsuited to her. Thank goodness you are on hand, LG, and that the little dog has an owner who is willing to do everything to help her and not give up. Your list of strategies is a good one. I also agree with Mrs RB about taking the dog to training. I'd be letting her get used to her environment, letting the owner become more attunded to the dog's personality and what sets her off, etc etc. There is an organisation here (actually started and run by one amazing woman) called Rescue Resource. She sources and is donated just about anything and everything rescue groups and pounds could need. Is there any equivalent in Brisbane, I wonder, who would be able to help your neighbour with some supplies? Regarding the barking even when the husband returns from the backyard, I'd be putting a lead on the little dog and when the barking starts, rein her in telling her, at the same time, to stop and that all is well. She should not be comforted at all in this process. Good luck to you all.
  16. You and your gang have scored a right little personality plus there. They are all gorgeous.
  17. LOL, lovely photos and so good that both Mac and you are sleeping better. Can't wait for the next fashion parade.
  18. Hmm, a beautiful dog indeed. And some of those jumping tricks are setting him up for damaged and painful legs in years to come.
  19. I use freezer bags, cheap as chips, thin but strong. Plastic bags that bread comes in, plastic covers that magazines are posted in, etc etc.
  20. Me too :laugh: Oh that sounds like you are all having so much fun ... and what could be better? I regularly tell my dogs as I go out the door that I won't be long and then tell myself off for telling them little porkies.
  21. OMG!!! How absolutely Brilliant. One of those photographs I've never forgotten. I don't recall the one with his cuddle toys though. When was that. God, I've forgotten so much and so many details. You also had a little Greyhound girl called Honey with the most amazing eyes. THANK YOU
  22. Deepest condolences, Stari. Your Drake must qualify for Dog with the Best Smile. RIP beautiful man.
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