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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Serena pops up in my FB News Feed, so her book has been getting a huge coverage. I still get that grab in the tum when I think of Rocco and the amazing bond he and Ralph had. Beautiful stories seem to be tinged with sorrow, though. Simon seems to be even more laid back that Ralph, if that's possible :)
  2. Anyone prepared to bet that, after a few months, "Gran" will ship him back to the Gold Coast?
  3. I wish we'd known about your stint in hospital, K. We would have rallied the "waiting room" troops. May your recovery be swift and your prognosis excellent. That doesn't mean I want to hear about you practicing the long jump, though. . Your conversations with Penny will continue for a very long time and I hope they give you comfort.
  4. It is amazing how much we agree on, Persephone and I, considering our lives couldn't be much different LOL. As soon as you wrote that her tail was wagging when you looked across at her, amick, I thought the same as Persephone. I follow a horse rescue on FB and they, as you would imagine, get a lot of horses with dreadful lameness and leg problems. They have wonderful results from Rose Hip, but I will go back to their FB site to see what it is they are actually giving the horses. I agree that we need photographs of this wonderful old dame. ETA: It is called Rosehip Vital and it is produced for dogs as well (humans too :) ).
  5. I have been wondering at Gussy's change over the past few months. She has obviously been watching youtube . She walks up and down the bed, sits on my pillow, sits on the bedside cabinet, etc etc. To my knowledge, there aren't any baseball bats in the house, but I will be checking. LOL.
  6. Hard to find the words to say how special all those photographs are. A testament to love and a huge talent.
  7. I haven't been following this particularly closely (days are too confusing and depressing as it is lol) but decided to take a look at the last few posts. In the latest news item link provided by Tdieriks in one part it says the the owners surrender their dog to council and a fews lines down it article says the dog was seized. I would say the truth has now become so totally distorted in claim and counter claim that it would need the judgement of Solomon and last I looked there aren't too many of those sorts of people around, let alone on Councils. And as for the owners, well, I imagine the concept of truth has long ago deserted them if it was ever within them. Media attention at all cost.
  8. That is a great photo, Merle_Miss. Luckily the boy dog of mine who doesn't lift his leg is a toy breed with short stocky legs. I must try to get a photo, because he doesn't squat: he just rocks forward a bit, his tail goes right up and over his back and he wees. He is a very tidy wee-er LOL. How do I know? Because he doesn't like to go downstairs in all the rain we have been having for a few weeks and he leaves nice tidy little puddles on the deck, not splashes all over the place like my other dog does as he is learning new and bad habits. I have a girl dog (Maltese Shih Tzu) who stands up on her front legs to wee. So, the positions are many and varied :laugh: :laugh: Oh, I've also had female dogs who've lifted their legs. One used to inch her way up trees backwards trying to wee on top of other wees that were done by dogs taller than she was.
  9. Westiemum, Bunter (about 13) had to have his tummy shaved at one stage and it took ages to grow back, but once started, the usual gorgeous coat arrived. And the groomers did a pretty awful job of clipping him a couple of grooms ago and it took ages for him to stop looking like a neglected, moulting fur coat. Whereas Tamar who is a few years younger and was clipped at the same time, has needed another clip. Isn't Vit E supposed to help skin and hair? Good luck with getting the wonderful Sumo back to glorious full coat.
  10. I couldn't read it all; I have had such a gutfull of horrible. Day after day after day. Killing, maiming, abusing. How on earth does the human race continue. It is so horrible. And most of our leaders are little better than thugs either.
  11. I can't tell you in terms of actual time, but I have found that age plays a role. I imagine your Sumo would grow quite quickly. I have had only toy breeds and found that the younger ones grow out fairly quickly, whereas the older dogs can take quite a while. Good luck with your showing. Sumo is one gorgeous big dog
  12. Can only think that it is easier for them to sit on their arses in fantasy land on facebook than cope with the reality of the real world. That would mean actually getting off the computer, moving & fixing fences & dealing with the real issue Both owners & dog are lost causes really. Sad. You've said it all, really, Christina.
  13. Awww - pretty gorgeous. How are they getting on?
  14. Couldn't agree more. These people were behind the door when brains were given out.
  15. I first saw this on FB and my comment there was along that lines that yet again a dog pays the price for having stupid owners. And from the accounts here of the owner's appearance on TV, "stupid owners" seems to be the real problem here.
  16. Individuals may be living longer, but they are not necessarily living better or meaningful lives and able to look after their dogs and/or cats. It is like quoting deaths in road accidents as proof that people are driving more carefully and responsibly. You only need to take a look at the numbers of people totally or partially incapacitated to know that that conclusion is rubbish. That is off topic but use of stats to push an agenda makes me cross :D :D
  17. I didn't realise there were so many really old people on DOL. :D :D When my little tribe (now four dogs and one cat) cross The 'Bridge I'll be in my seventies. I can't imagine not having a dog to alert me to visitors. I plan on getting a couple of large oldies to plod around the neighbourhood with me and, of course, snuggling up to me at night or any time I plonk onto the couch.
  18. LOL, Brandiandwe. I think that all the time especially with Grumpette's gorgeous gorgeous creatures. Luckily for me, or should I say dogs, I've always been very aware of my limitations in terms of energy levels. I was a volunteer dog walker for many years at Burwood pound and fell in love with Rotties then. I used to love being able to walk a dog while resting my hand on his/her head. One of my other big loves is the Wolfhound type of dog as well. Ha ha ha - you've met me. Can you just see me plodding around the neighbourhood with a dog almost as tall as I am. :laugh: :laugh:
  19. We are all so alike under those incredibly different exteriors.
  20. SASH (Small Animal Specialist Hospital) at North Ryde in Sydney has a large fake grass area where the hospitalised dogs are taken to toilet and the stench is just incredible. It must be such a breeding ground of disease and, although I have been there many times over the years and cannot speak highly enough of the vets and other staff, it beggars belief that an animal hospital would have such a stinking area just outside their entrance. I am very anti fake grass because yet another unnecessary product made of petroleum that will never degrade and just add to pollution.
  21. Gorgeous little horses. The bub might give Bella a run for her money in terms of coat colour. Dad is just lovely.
  22. Yes, that crossed my mind too. Apparently his wife has taken him back since this "incident". I wonder what his children will feel when they grow up to discover (and they will because of social media) that their father beat a tiny little dog almost to death just because he was angry? I hope DOCS is keeping an eye on him.
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