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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. My little fatso is home and his appetite is undiminished !! All seems normal and his limping is pretty well gone. What an emotional roller coaster these little creatures put us on. Thanks for your good thoughts everyone. Very much appreciated. :thanks:
  2. Oh, well you would have been experiencing the same storm, I guess. Stay safe and keep your doglets inside. I'm off now to bring little Bruised Bunter home.
  3. Well that's hardly a new practice. There are rescues who don't desex either before the dog gets a home. I guess that isn't as bad as not vaccinating though. That doesn't sound good. They have a contract to run Charmhaven don't they? I'm not really in touch with the rescue world these days.
  4. I was. I don't remember, but I know I had a very ticklish throat and was having difficult talking without coughing so I think was doing a bit of screaming out his name. I do feel mean about not sharing with Tamar, but I still have a bit left so crusts after dinner tonight and lots of cuddles. Picking up my little Buntmeister shortly. Oh dear, he will have been so worried that I don't love him any more. :cry: I have a couple of videos on my iPhone of him and Tamar playing. He squeaks and squeels and grunts - so very funny. I wish I knew how to put them up here.
  5. Hadn't thought of that one. You could be right LOL. Feeling a bit sick frankly. No word yet about Bunter; when I rang an hour or so ago, my vet was in surgery. But I hope he is just sleeping away the fright. He is a very stoic dog and, when I think about it, I don't think I have ever known him to show pain, even when he gets accidentally stood on by his hefty mum. He just gives a look. . . . how could you.
  6. It's gone off the wine that is. The pizza was pretty good though. Danny is enjoying licking clean the little tub that the Creme Caramel came in though. I just looked around at the three dogs here at the moment, Danny, Jeune and Tamar and it was such a weired feeling. I've lived here for nearly 10 years and in that time, many dogs have come and gone: rescues, fosters, elderies for whatever time they have left, boarders, overnighters waiting for transport. When I moved here, I had five dogs, two of whom have long since gone to god, but Danny, Jeune and Tamar were the other three. And so all these years later, we are still together, never to forget Gussy Cat who is on my bed.
  7. Where are you, Hankdog? It was a freaky storm apart from the black sky, there was little warning, it was suddenly there and just as quickly it was over.
  8. Agree - wish there could be more. Maybe I'll even give Budweiser a try. LOL.
  9. Where I live is next door to the top of the Lane Cove Reserve, so we are surrounded by trees and some of them are very large and very old, so quite a safety issue really. I cannot believe how lucky I was that the volunteer gardeners were right there. On the other hand if they hadn't been there I wouldn't have stopped. Who knows?? Just the vagaries of fate. Bad things happen. K, I didn't see it happen, but I think the branch must have hit the driveway where I was standing first and so had a lot of its power reduced, because had it hit with full force it would have killed Bunter I am sure. On the other hand it might have been considerably eaten out - all I can remember is that it was pretty big. :( Tamar is looking at me as though I am the worst mother in the world.
  10. Set off to walk the dogs leaving Jeune on the couch and Danny munching liver treats, so had only Bunter and Tamar in tow. Sky is black and by the time I'd gone about a hundred yards was wondering whether we'd be caught in a storm. Four volunteer gardeners were coming out of a property where they regularly help the owner with her garden. Trees are bending, leaves are falling and as the gardeners reached their cars across the street some branches fell just in front of them - pretty damned scarey. I was commenting on that and thought I'd better turn around and head home. Looked down and Bunter was on his side, a branch over him and out cold. Needless to say, I started shrieking, picked him up and the two women came to my aid. One of them grabbed Tamar's lead as she was freaking out because even if I step on a twig and break it, she leaps about 10 feet in their air. The women bundled the dogs and me into one of their cars and we set off to the vets. Bunter's tongue is blue and all I could think of was that he'd broken his back and was dying. Luckily the vet is only about 10 minutes away, but by this time a storm has broken and visibility is only a few yards so it did take longer that usual. Poor driver!! I think she might have been in a worse state than I. After a few minutes, Bunter gained consciousness and started to go pink again and by the time we reached the vets he was fully conscious. He is bruised and limping and I have left him there for observation and pain relief. The women were wonderful and waited for me at the vets so they could drive me home. Unfortunately, they were already late for their next job so couldn't join me for a cuppa .. or something a lot stronger. Poor Tamar is still a wreck (I have to wash her nether regions as her fear manifested itself in a bit of poop) and, stupidly, in a bit of a clean up the other day, I threw away the last of the valium I had for Myrtie who was terrified of storms. So, I think I'll ring in a Pizza and pig out on comforting carbohydrates.
  11. What a great article. Over the years, I have heard a few programs (on our beseiged ABC Radio National ) about farmers who have Maremmas. It is a few years now, but one man's recounting of the dramatic drop in the loss of livestock since "employing" Maremma was nothing short of amazing. Wish I could remember. It makes me wonder, really, why more and more farms don't have them. You need to look at who lobbies hardest, I guess.
  12. A bit OT, but that website is terrible. The first thing you see in huge letters is 2013!!
  13. All photos are fabulous, but the one which really grabbed me was #3 - the one of the two dingoes in the spinifex.
  14. Yes, I'm a squeezer too. I agree, there is a time and place . . . . . but I did envy them their total absorption and lack of inhibitions. :laugh:
  15. :laugh: :laugh: I thought of this thread as I walked through entrance to Castle Towers. Why? Young man and women sitting happily on a bench and she was squeezing his black heads
  16. Contact a few groups and ask to see their paperwork, that is their adoption forms, their request to become a fosterer forms.
  17. My first little boy dog had that problem but as his penis retracted the sheath would curl in with it, so I would just tug gently on his hairs to keep it from going totally in. LOL. Didn't happen regularly luckily. Poor little chap. My vet at the time had a couple of awful stories (as usual :( ) about people who didn't know what to do and left it until the dogs were in agony.
  18. Well it is really nice of Jesse to help with the gardening and there is no denying but Jonah has presence.
  19. That's hilarious. My first two pups were Maltese with very very fine coats, so at age 6 months I had to have them completely shaved because although I was brushing them, I wasn't actually untangling any knots :o I used to call them rats in white body stockings. :eek:
  20. This is such a stressful situation for you all to be in ..... except it would appear for Jazz :) who is still enjoying life. I hope this continues for as long as possible and you are able to enjoy the time you have with her as well.
  21. Well done, police. It must be excruciating to work on these sorts of horrific and tragic cases. I'll bet anything that they knew from the very beginning the people were guilty; they would have just had to keep plugging away until they had enough to take them to court. I imagine the pathologists were under a lot of pressure as well. This area of science is not as clear as TV programs would make it. Lots of room for differing opinions and "impossible to tell how" injuries. Poor little baby boy.
  22. OMG - that last pic. Jonah is trying to make Jesse the same colour he is. :rofl:
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