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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. OH Lordy ---- Dad and the kids. Just like kids everywhere: wotcha doin' Dad?
  2. Farewell, Skyvale Ime Nelsson. You were much loved and lived to a grand age; it looks as though you spent some of that time getting into a lot of mischief. Your passing will leave a huge hole in the lives of your humans. Deepest condolences, ari.q. :flower:
  3. I have something similar, SM. People home all day in a few houses where there are dogs and I have to wonder too. I am audiologically challenged :D and still hear all these dogs. If my dogs start barking and don't stop after a minute or so (they have to have some chats with the dogs around the place :laugh: ), I'll stop them. I do not understand how people can let their dogs bark incessantly if they are home. Fortunately, one family has sold up and moved, so I am not longer stressing about two little Maltese crosses who are shut out of the house all day and every day.
  4. You could put it right up against your fence, SM. LOL.
  5. I have absolutely no idea whether/how/if this works, but thought I'd post it here. Just popped into my emails and maybe someone is interested in looking into it. http://www.groupon.com.au/deals/national-deal/gg-groupon-goods-522-8/719298460?p=2&nlp=&CID=AU_CRM_1_0_0_320&a=715827934&utm_source=channel_goods&utm_medium=email&sid=5656c501-f53f-41fa-b914-34ba20870cff&division=national-deal&uh=1b85f630-2497-4b3e-9b03-741d974ffa59&date=20141611&sender=rm&s=body&c=deal_img&d=deal-page&utm_campaign=gg-groupon-goods-522-8-719298460
  6. Well, that's next month's allowance all spent LOL. Just pretend spending, thank goodness. I could have bought a dozen things and that's just in the first few pages.
  7. Joy oh Joy. I don't envy you K. 2 litres of oil over a carpet. :eek: I can't even begin to imagine what that looks like. You might need to start late crate training.
  8. Here is the FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Golden-Oldies/1410374712576426?fref=nf
  9. LOL, BC Crazy, that's what I asked on the FB page as well. The dog in the buggy is called Winston and I'M pretty sure all the others are golden oldies as well.
  10. Isn't this totally fabulous? I saw it on an FB rescue page.
  11. The aloe Vera I bought (from health food shop) is Lifestream Biogenic. Danny is 5.5kgs and I am giving him about 5mls per day. He is also on Carafate which at first I was mixing with water to make a syringable slurry. I now mix 1/2 tablet with 2.5mls of aloe vera twice a day. I did check with my vet first that this was okay. I haven't noticed any difference yet , but it is early days. Vet took more blood for tests on Danny on Friday when he boarded there for the day as I had to go to Qld for a funeral. I will be making an appointment tomorrow for updates. I hope everyone here starts to get results from all the meds their dogs are on. It is such an emotional roller coaster and so distressing when there doesn't seem to be anything more to do to make them feel better.
  12. Deepest sympathies, Staycalm. They may be little in stature, but they leave a huge hole. Goodbye little Alfie. You struck it lucky when Rescued with Love found you and then Staycalm adopted you.
  13. Because I had to fly up to Queensland (funeral) and back yesterday, I left Danny at the vets so he could be watched and given his medications. Due to suggestions here and on FB, I left a list of questions and "maybes" for my vet, particularly about his liver as I recalled the tests from some weeks ago proved somewhat inconclusive. One of the things I asked, JulesP, was whether it might be worthwhile redoing the tests. I didn't get home until 10pm last night and he was back home with the others and happy as a pig in mud so I think he must have enjoyed the attention.
  14. Sure thing. When you see the pictures on television and you think, "People are heading towardsthat!"
  15. I'm living vicariously though you, HazyWal. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: All these threads about the Mornington Peninsular. Be careful those of you who live there - there'll be mass migration from all parts before long. :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Fun times ahead for your all, Rascal. Hugo is just a bit scrumptious. Just a bit??? No way! Totally and absolutely :laugh: :laugh:
  17. Thanks JulesP. I think I might have put to much emphasis on the staring into space . He doesn't quite do that, it was just my way of saying sometimes I think he is off in his own mind somewhere. For instance, he will stand on the top of the back steps and have a random barking session - although the other dogs do that too - and as the neighbour doogs chat back, it does encourage him. But I will ask my vet about it, because I know there were some confusing liver tests results. I might ask them whether we should do some more tests.
  18. I know he has had his lived checked, but I don't recall anything being said about bile. What is HE, JulesP?
  19. Agree on both these points, sandgrubber. That poor man - 82 year old flesh just does not heal from those sorts of injuries. He is probably already on all sorts of medication that could possibly inhibit healing. I still have the scars from being bitten badly on the wrist several years ago. The scar from one particularly deep bite still gets all rough and the skin peels. So my deepest sympathies to that man. The fine $$$ should go to him.
  20. I know Persephone. The other evening while I cleaned up in the kitchen I actually had to barricade him out. His need to stand as close to me as possible and is becoming a health hazzard for me :D . At all other times, I try to give him as much attention as possible. I know people can be very quick to say "dementia", but simply from my own experience with lots of old dogs, I don't know that it is all that common. Most of the behavioural changes we see I think can be attributed to just old age. However, I sometime wonder about Danny. But then when I see him starting into space, I think, well, I do that, I walk into a room and find I've forgotten what I was going to do. So I think that Danny is just really feeling his years. Mind you, you wouldn't think that when we go to bed and he start leaping around trying to hump Jeune - LOL. I wish I knew how to load videos from my phone as I have a couple of goodies.
  21. Well after a while of thinking we were making small progress, we have had the huge vomits this morning. :cry: Danny was very very tired and so I gave him his first medication while he was still half asleep. A little while later he appeared in the kitchen and I gave him his second. Tried to give him a pill in lite cream cheese, refused and then threw up. I went into the bedroom to make the bed and found he'd been violently ill bringing up just about everything he'd eaten yesterday including pieces of undigested roo jerky. He loves roo jerky and I thought it would be okay being lean. Chewing on a piece can keep him occupied and happy for ages. The vomit episode was obviously after I'd been up because it was all over my side of the bed. He hasn't been sick like this for a couple of weeks. Back to the vet.
  22. Oh, Kirislin, how very distressing for you and Feather. Hopefully you can find some answers and be able to treat this. Seeing our loved ones suffer the ravages of age is just very confronting and so worrying. Feather's total episode is very different from the experience I've had with any of mine, but parts of it sound similar. Two of them take fits from time to time (Danny and Banter) during which they are totally conscious, don't drool, just become totally wobbly,shake a lot, can't stand up and aware that something is happening like Feather was. I just hold them very tightly until it is over. They rarely last long.
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