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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Yes. When I saw a dog in a car on the top, unroofed parking area of our local mall on a boiling hot day ... it was lucky that there was a police beat inside the centre. There were 2 officers on duty & I told them about the dog & its location. They were fantastic... they only paused to grab their caps & were out the door like a shot to deal with it. I should have added that in some cases, I don't think anyone should wait. There was a time that I saw a dog in a car, the window was down a bit and it wasn't very hot - although most people know how quickly a car can heat up - so I wrote a note and put it under the windscreen wipers and waited in my car. I was going to give the owner 10 minutes before calling 000. He came out shortly afterwards, saw the note and drove off. Yes, I was on my own, no one else around and, yes, I was too scared to approach him personally.
  2. You bet, Yonjuro. I am finding it very hard to be polite about them Danny's procedure at SASH cost nearly $4,000. I'd already been there just a few months before when Myrtie died of Pulmonary Hypertension and than was about $6,000. So they have had a huge percentage of my pension this year . I don't begrudge a cent in an effort to try to save my dogs or keep them well, but I really think SASH's charges are outrageous. One of the vet nurses (at my local vet) told me that a lot of people won't go back to them. But in some cases, what other option is there?
  3. No, not subsidised by PBS. The chemist did give me a receipt, just in case, but I haven't been to Medicare yet. She does have her doubts, though. Um, I don't really think so. I spoke to my local vet about this this morning as I had to take Danny back and he was pretty aghast. He said they put a 10% mark up on compounded meds. So if I'd obtained my compounded meds from him that would have cost $68.20. A visit to the vet doesn't always mean getting some sort of drug. I don't really understand this statement. Compounded medicines are done by specialist set ups. They aren't physically done at the vets or at the chemist I went to. Yes, Inform Chemist. I really like the two women chemists there. They take an interest in you personally and always have time to discuss whatever it is you may want to know or just be curious about.
  4. What I find hard to comprehend (but must try because people do it all the time) is how, when people come back to their cars they don't realise how hot it is. I agree with CavNrott, in that these people will most likely be hostile and it is best to call police or centre management.
  5. Two of the medicines for Danny have to be compounded. The first lots were provided by SASH and they charged over $200 for each. The vet at SASH gave me a repeat and I've had to have one repeated. Cost? $62.00. Yes, we always expect to pay more at specialists particularly when they are providing 24/7 services, but to charge $200 for a med that cost me $62 to have compounded at my local pharmacy is tantamount to robbery.
  6. Thank you Mita Arthur is truly a dog in a million....... or more. Won't it be wonderful when we learn to speak Dog and we can ask him what was going on in his head?
  7. Yep, I feel like giving in to the tearies. I hope we get to see pix of Arthur being let out of the crate and meeting his buddies when they all get home.
  8. LOL - I prefer the one with Trouble in it. :laugh:
  9. Is that you, Aleksandra157? Jesse is beautiful and also had a very beautiful mum. :flower:
  10. LOL, I thought that as well. What a fabulous video to have. CC, love those pix you posted.
  11. Not really, Stressmagnet. You have taken all this on board. We can't know what we don't know we don't know. There is so much more to dog ownership than a lot of people realise. Dreadful experience all round, Labadore and I do hope there aren't any lasting repercussions for anyone concerned. Unfortunately, it seems to be getting more common in my area. Recent arrivals into my street send their strong cattledog mix off with their two daughters who don't look old enough to be walking on their own let alone with a dog. And no one will be at all surprised when I say that Council isn't at all interested :( to be told that there are more and more children walking dogs over whom they have little or no control.
  12. In the shopping trolley. I think that was the very first photo of him I saw, and I was totally captive from that moment on.
  13. I've chosen Photo 1 because I don't like the way she looks to be walking on her hind legs in the second one. I'd like to swap the heads around though LOL. If you hadn't been asking for us to pick one, I would have loved them both :D :D
  14. Lovely lovely photos. Neko's fame is well deserved :thumbsup: CrazyCrestie, sunset strolls on the beach will only be believed when the usual evidenced is supplied LOL.
  15. I know, Riley James. If I wanted an early night, or had something that needed done, I knew that under no circumstances was I to look at the Ralph n Rocco thread on DOL. He didn't have long between diagnosis and succumbing. :cry:
  16. So sad. Serena and her dogs are very very special. They illuminate our lives in such unexpected and glorious ways.
  17. Yonjuro, you are a classic. What a wonderful thread. And your caption for the teefies is hilarious. I'll never forget the time some years ago, a DOLer was staying overnight leaving her doggie with me before going overseas and she came into the kitchen to tell me my dogs were fighting. I could actually hear them and knew they were playing.
  18. No advice, because I would be asking myself if moving. Just wanted to say that I hope you have a wonderful time and it all works out and is totally the dream come true. So many of us dream, so few actually take the plunge. Exciting.
  19. There is also Chihuahua Rescue who, despite their name, have different breeds.
  20. I should have said "genius" - Serenra has more than talent.
  21. A huge personality has crossed the Bridge. The tears flow for a little dog who gave millions of people all over the world so much pleasure and delight through the amazing photographic talent of his mum, Serenah. Vale little Ralph. Off you go to join Rocco and examine his teeth once again. :cry:
  22. Beautiful photography, Canetoad. Thinking of you and your Jesse and Jonah.
  23. I'd say that was def thumbs down, then. Good to get first hand experiences.
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