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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Ah, it is so hard VizslaMomma Hugs to you and farewell, Tibor.
  2. I think he was wondering what he would look like in a burqa.
  3. My thoughts too, Robbi. Hobbes is a much loved and cared for doggy. So, Hobbes, it is now up to you to re-write the records. :thumbsup:
  4. Clean the filters and then dab them with Lavender Essential Oil. Use only the real mccoy, not cheapies. A little bottle might cost anything up to $20 but it will last a long time ...... and the smell is divine. As for that, you can use whatever perfume gives you pleasure, but the only one I like is Lavender. :) The scent of lavender wafting through the house makes me feel good.
  5. Brilliant !! I love November which is appropriate because that is my birthday month LOL.
  6. Oh god!! You had me going. I opened with such trepidation....... bad girl, Tapua.
  7. Just check the salt content of these. I also found they are insanely expensive per kg so I use mini goodos for training treats instead now. Not that this is the healthiest choice on the shelf but they are small and you can tear them up into even smaller bits and my dog doesn't choke on them as often as harder stuff. For low fat - I use roo ribbons which I can tear up. Actually my dog goes a bit nuts for these. I confess I didn't think of the salt content You are right about the expense, Mrs RB, but I'm desperate Don't want to hijack Dezzy's thread, but tell me about roo ribbons, please. I get roo jerky, but the last lot I bought is still raw in the middle and not properly dried through. Last time I gave it to Danny, he had a wonderful time with it, but the following day he was violently ill and much of it was still undigested.
  8. How frustrating and upsetting, dezzyno.1. If Jessie has to go on a low fat diet there would appear to be a huge variety now available through vet clinics. In the past six weeks or so, I think I have tried them all for Danny (see my thread in General) and the ones that seem to get the thumbs up for him are Natural Balance delicate care kibble and Royal Canin canned Gastro Intestinal Low Fat. That is not to say he will eat them every time I put them down. I also had a bit of a trawl through the supermarket shelves a couple of days ago and found Natires's Gift Gourmet has a very low fat content. Gave two chicken style ones a try and he really like them. Good luck.
  9. I'm glad you have found someone who is taking you seriously and doing tests. Your first vet sounds as though it is time for him to retire or find another profession. Good luck. Nothing more worrying.
  10. It looks just wonderful doesn't it, particularly as Ronin and Tigger seem to have it to themselves
  11. No way were my dogs getting a look at those photos. Little bags would have been packed very quickly. Hard to believe, Jules. Two years ago !! :birthday: MIAH I thought the photo of Toby and Miah sitting up at the table was so precious .... and then I saw the others. Truly lovely. Double and triple trouble, but double and triple fun and love.
  12. Too true :cry: Dave73's thread is another awful example of how crappy people can be.
  13. On the shopping list, trifecta I actually do have a couple of little baby bedding protectors which I put where Tamar sleeps and have the others on my shopping list. The last few nights have been dry dry dry :thumbsup:
  14. Luckily, all Danny's meds are now in liquid form and syringed. Whether it is going back to meds 3 times daily or what, I can't say, but the last couple of days have seen Danny eating quite well. I don't even try to feed him first thing in the morning because I think it takes a while for him to start feeling okay and wake up properly. The last few meals he has had, he has started of his own accord which is a big break through. That is, I haven't had to get him started by putting some food In his mouth first. I also bought a few different sorts of cans from the vet and found that he really liked Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal. I found that he seemed to like to have it rolled up into little balls - goodness knows why that makes it more appealing; yukk I can still smell it on my hands :laugh: :laugh: small price to pay. I think I will do it with two small spoons in the future, though.
  15. Moi? never ;) you missed the magic word......"foster" :) No, I didn't LOL. :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Good to hear - she looks a great little dog. We don't have many of these stories anymore
  17. Sometimes it is best to just maintain the status quo, Yonjuro. Both dogs have so much to look forward to. Something tells me that HazyWal is being an enabler LOL.
  18. That is such a sad, sad, story, Mackiemad. Big hugs to you and RIP Barry.
  19. Both of these, and perhaps walk out with your phone to your ear saying, "Is that the police.........."; and camera in other hand Too true, sadly.
  20. Thanks trifecta. I had forgotten this, but I actually had it on my shopping list for a while. I will look into this again. Thank you again
  21. The concept that little children have that if they can't see you, you can't see them always makes me laugh. So sweet and uncomplicated.
  22. He was just showing you how well blue suits him.
  23. Thanks Yonjuro. Neither Danny nor Tamar drips (yet thank goodness ). So far their incontinence has only manifested when they are sleeping and they do sleep heavily, particularly Danny. The cranberry juice sounds interesting. I'll ask DOLer Steve about that. Danny seems to be experiencing weakness in his back legs, so I think there might be issues there.
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