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Loving my Oldies

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Everything posted by Loving my Oldies

  1. Nope. But if someone else does, that is their prerogative. Both Bellas are very beautiful.
  2. And beach, these days. Seeing the photos of Maddie and Stan enjoying themselves at the beach is just great, HazyWal. Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful girl.
  3. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/2014-12-11/5952774
  4. Gosh, these photos are just the best illustrations of dogs having fun together.
  5. Good luck with your girl, Stitch. Westiemum - who was your internal medicine specialist? Danny seems to be best when he has his medicines (Ranitidine, Cisapride and Carafate) three times a day. He still picks at his food and throws up fairly regularly, but not huge food filled vomits.
  6. How tragic and devastating, Scootaloo. Deepest sympathies. :rainbowbridge:
  7. Beautiful and touching posts, Seren. Lace will always be in your heart and now Harry will be there too. Very generally speaking, most dogs like having another dog around even if they don't do much together. Just to know that another of their kind is nearby is sometimes enough, but it sounds as though Holly did need a doggy companion and you have struck gold in Harry.
  8. Dear dave73 All DOLers will share your heartbreak. Jazz has been given a life full of love and happiness. Hugs and best wishes to you and your wife and Zeus.
  9. Most strays are owned by someone who just doesn't know how to find them.
  10. Memory just popped into my head. Does anyone remember (is it still going??) Dogs Life! Magazine. I was addicted when it first came out, but after a couple of years it was just a repeat with different packaging and twice as expensive. However, I have never forgotten one heart wrenching letter. A woman wrote about how in a moment of having difficulty coping with everything that was happening in her life, she surrendered her dog, a staffy if I recall properly, to the pound. Shortly afterwards, she really regretted what she'd done, went back to the pound, but the dogs had been already euthanised. She admitted that she had to live with that for the rest of her life. That said, I do know that a lot of people will walk away without a backward glance or a nano second of regret.
  11. You'll often see on FB pages which feature dogs in pounds ..... XYZ is a surrender so is urgent. ACT sounds so much more enlightened than many other places.
  12. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Because it was a load of self serving, judgemental codswallop.
  13. Send it to Kirislin for a make over. :laugh:
  14. Little Gifts, from what we have seen of this outrageous organisation over the years, I would doubt that any proper process was followed. This little dog never stood a chance from the second his owner walked through the front door.
  15. As I am the opposite to a hoarder, I've cleaned out Danny's medicines which are in tablet form and I can't get him to take. I generally take unused medications back to vet or to chemist for safe destruction, but thought I'd offer them here first. Losex 10mg - 7 tablets Viscotears Eye gel - used once Metacam 1mg chewable tablets for dogs - 4 tablets Periactin 4mg - 80 tablets Aminyllin - 16 tablets I'm in Hornsby. Probably not worth sending via post, but if anyone in the area wants them or wants them for rescue, I am more than happy to drop them off or have them collected.
  16. What better place ..... in loving arms. Happy happy Gotcha Day, Basil and Stellnme :thumbsup:
  17. K, no way could you be a dag. You have exquisite dogs, you make beautiful beautiful collars and leads, you take the most amazing photographs. .... but you are still going to be reported to the RSPCP. :laugh: Looking forward to the updated collar photo of tag. How amazing that a fellow DOLer has one. Perrin
  18. But that is what they have been doing since Day 1. You'd have to be enamoured of death and killing to work there.
  19. Horrible. Caught very quickly as it doesn't look engorged. Keep us posted.
  20. That's interesting. I wonder if it has a smell. Plastic does give off nasties that we aren't even aware of .
  21. My wire crate (purchased some years ago from Vebo Pet Trading) is 43D x 50H x 600W. It would fit both yours and a couple of spares, Donatella. I have a soft crate too, but that was to get Gussy used to sleeping on the bed again surrounded by dogs. It's virtually impossible to see in it, but it worked for that purpose. For dogs to be separated and yet within the family, I'd go for wire. Heavy though, even the small ones.
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